Friday 31 May 2024

The Big And The Little Of It

Dinosaurs ruled the world from 252 to 66 million years ago .... during the Mesozoic Era aka the “Age of Dinosaurs.”

Age Of The Dinosaurs
Age Of The Dinosaurs

This era is divided into three time periods, the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous.During this vast time period, the sizes of Dinosaurs waxed and waned, but often very large versions were around at the same time as small versions of the same species.

The Theropods - Heaviest And Lightest 5
The Theropods - Heaviest And Lightest 5

Take the Theropods. These were a diverse group of dinosaurs who walked on two legs .... perhaps the most commonly known of this group (Due to the Jurassic Park movie franchise), were the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and the Velociraptors. 

The Biggest And Smallest Velociraptor's
The Biggest And Smallest Velociraptor's

But there were many others in the group, whose sizes ranged from very big to very small ..... and who were mostly meat eaters.

Dinosaur Or Cassowary Foot?
Dinosaur Or Cassowary Foot?

We sometimes forget that we are very small compared to the larger of these predators, but also that we still see this group every day .... the Theropods were the direct antecedent of the modern birds (just look at pigeon or cassowary feet).

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