Friday 3 May 2024

Milk Money

Pilfering pussy-cats are not unknown, in fact the web is literally littered with stories and images of real life 'cat burglars' ....

Cat Burglars All Over The Web
Cat Burglars All Over The Web

.... but usually its odd things like socks ...... or occasionally other items from washing lines or neighbour's gardens. 

It is usually harmless (well, admittedly annoying for the victims) and impossible to stop, so when in 2013, Rachel Drouet's cat Theo developed this thieving habit in their home town of Ipswich England, she just shrugged it off. 
He usually came home with Christmas decorations and children's toys, or his favourites, underwear. She or her boyfriend would return any identifiable item that the Siamese cross brought back from his roaming, but had joked to friends that it would be better if he brought home cash instead of 'tat'
But even so, she was genuinely surprised when one March day in 2019, her pet brought home a plastic bag with £25.70 in it. Luckily the money was accompanied by a note to the milkman and had the payees address. She returned it with apologies. 
Milk Money Is An Attraction To Cats
Milk Money Is An Attraction To Cat Burglars
In fact Theo had featured as one of the two 'Kleptomaniac Kats' (the other was a cat called Denis [the menace?]), in another BBC 'news' story back in 2013 (it really must be news quiet in Ipswich, Suffolk!!)
The only reason I kept this story, was that I was struck by how trusting the person paying the milkman was, with the cash left in a plastic bag outside (I vaguely recall my mother paying the milk man that way in the early 1960's ... but I thought that those days were long gone) ... Ipswich must be a very honest place .... well apart from the cat burglars!


  1. You missed the chance to name it Klepto Kat. Haha.

    1. I sure did HaHa ....sometimes my inner sub editor fails to spot the headline. Thanks for the comment.


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