Friday 3 May 2024

One Foot In The Grave

A man in his 60's who was attending an open graveside service accidentally did a backwards somersault directly into the open grave hole.

Falling Into Open Graves Is Actually Quite Common
Falling Into Open Graves
Is Actually Quite Common.

He lay stricken for half an hour ... a witness in Treorchy Cemetery in South Wales said that 'Everyone was shocked, but because the emergency services came, we all left' ... adding that a few people did stay at the graveside. The man was treated by medics for light bruising after the fire services pulled him out.

Cemetery Worker Rescued After Falling Into Grave
Cemetery Worker Rescued After Falling Into Grave

In October 2023 Rescuers saved a Holy Cross Cemetery worker, who became trapped in a grave in South Brunswick, New Jersey after falling in.Cemetery officials said a funeral service had just finished when the 47-year-old worker fell through a wood board about six feet down into an open grave.

Margaret Walsh a 77 year old who fell into open grave at funeral, in Tralee, Co Kerry, sued the undertakers, the gravediggers and the local council which owns the graveyard in Balgriffin, north Dublin. Mrs Walsh was attending a funeral on September the 3rd, 2011, of a first cousin when she fell into the grave and allegedly hurt her back, arm, hip and neck.

In February 2015, South Africa, a Church minister, and Deon Stander a local funeral undertaker, plus several pall bearers, all fell into a grave while carrying a coffin for burial on a farm outside Bethlehem in the Free State, Beeld, Reports said a plank placed over the grave collapsed. Stander fell into the grave with the coffin on top of him, while the church minister and "four or five" pall bearers fell onto the coffin.

In Adelaide, Australia, October 2023, a 74-year-old woman tumbled into an open grave and impaled herself on a rail through her thigh, after suffering the fall at Maitland Cemetery, on the Yorke Peninsula Northwest of Adelaide. 

Cemeteries are very dangerous places ..... in fact akin to industrial sites.

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