Friday 26 July 2024

The Last Of The Trojans

Most of us born and raised in the Western traditions will have heard of the war between the Greeks and the Trojans .....

Achilles v Hector - Trojan War
Achilles v Hector - Trojan War

It was written about by many Greek authors, most notably Homer in the Iliad (with its companion piece with the Odyssey), an epic poem (like Beowulf in the later Anglo-Saxon tradition) to be recited at Bronze and later Iron age Greek warlords and Kings courts.

P*ss (taking) Artist

A Danish conceptual artist, whose work focuses on 'power and inequality' was commissioned to recreate two of his earlier pieces that used scores of banknotes to represent average incomes, from 2007 and 2011 ....

Would You Want To Pay For This?
Would You Want To Pay For This?

 .... to be displayed in the Kunsten Museum of Modern Art

Quelle Surprise Biden Withdraws

 I guess on one hand, Biden's withdrawal from the Presidential race is a surprise ....

Biden Refers To Vice President Trump
Biden Refers To Vice President Trump

.... but on the other hand it wasn't. 

Friday 19 July 2024

Pongs Attract?

I expect that you will remember when adverts for pheromone based scents were often seen in the back of certain male orientated magazines in the 1980's and 90's .....

Advert For Pheromone Based Scent
Advert For Pheromone Based Scent

.... the adverts were principally aimed at men, and vaguely promised that women would be attracted to any man who exuded the scent with the secret additive .... potent aphrodisiacs, like androstenone and androsten.

Roaring Row

The seaside town of Cullen in Scotland is pretty enough .....

Cullen In Scotland
Cullen In Scotland

Is a small seaside and picturesque port village in Scotland. Nothing much happens there is news worthy and its main income is from tourists in the summer.

Living And Dying By The Gun

Many observers think that US politics have been irreparably fractured for around 9 or 10 years .....

Two Old Men Fighting For Power
The US Politicians Are Bitterly Opposed

 ... in fact ever since the arrival of one Donald Trump on the political scene.

Friday 12 July 2024

Illicit Gains

Once again, when the honesty of a member of the public was tested by the receipt of mistaken funds being placed into their bank accounts ..... 

Japanese Yen
Japanese Yen

..... they were found to have failed the test.

Dead Money

There are some stories that catch my eye, that basically are almost beyond belief ....

Haughney, Mr Doyle, and Coakley - Unusual Fraud
Haughney, Mr Doyle, and Coakley

 ..... for instance a tale from Eire, that I had to read twice before it sank in.

UK Election 2024

 I suppose I should make some comment on the UK election ....

UK Election 2024
UK Election 2024

It was won by a Labour landslide and a modern record number of MP's

Friday 5 July 2024

Wealth Distribution

 The Group of Seven (G7) ......

The G7 Group In Germany 2022
The G7 Group In Germany 2022

..... gathered in 2022 in Germany during the Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

Mother Love

Divorces can be stressful things, often ending in violence and sadly in some instances the murder of one of the couple (usually the woman) ....


But there is even more stress when there are children involved. Who gets the custody, and visiting rights, are often the trigger for even more extreme reactions than rows over maintenance (alimony) money does.

Phone Addictions

On the 9th of June 2024, I noticed that the BBC ran what were superficially unconnected stories .....

Teens Are Often Victims Of Sextplotation Factories Like This In Zambia
Teens Are Often Victims Of Scammer
Factories Like This One In Zambia.

.... in that they were by different journalists, but they all focused in one way or another on the prevalence of Cyber Scams from West Africa, and increasingly South East Asia.