Friday 19 July 2024

Pongs Attract?

I expect that you will remember when adverts for pheromone based scents were often seen in the back of certain male orientated magazines in the 1980's and 90's .....

Advert For Pheromone Based Scent
Advert For Pheromone Based Scent

.... the adverts were principally aimed at men, and vaguely promised that women would be attracted to any man who exuded the scent with the secret additive .... potent aphrodisiacs, like androstenone and androsten. So I should imagine that a large number of young (and older) males bought these scents in the hope that they would attract a mate as soon as she sniffed the pheromones .... only to be disappointed by the singular failure of the scent and its ability to attract women.

Humans like many other species probably do in fact exude pheromones and for example they are present in mens sweaty T-Shirts (which some ovulating women are attracted to), and are what makes teenage boys rooms smell so bad. But here's the kicker .... to-date, no human pheromones have actually been identified or isolated. Its accepted that they probably exist but as we actually lack the organ that other mammals have to detect pheromones, but despite extensive research none have been found.

Of course another thing to consider is that pheromones is that they are universal in their impact on a species i.e. all members of a species will react in a similar manner to a specific pheromone .... so you could be attracting both men and women ..... the idea that humans might be guided chemicals may help in our individual choice of a mate (to encourage genetic resilience) have nothing to do with pheromones. 

Now the companies that still market these pheromone based scents will defend them saying that their own 'double-blind' experiments prove that they work but none have produced peer reviewed evidence that human pheromones have been found.

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