Friday 26 July 2024

Quelle Surprise Biden Withdraws

 I guess on one hand, Biden's withdrawal from the Presidential race is a surprise ....

Biden Refers To Vice President Trump
Biden Refers To Vice President Trump

.... but on the other hand it wasn't. 

Even though polls showed Biden only narrowly behind Trump in the polls, that great betrayer of mens aspirations and dreams, time, had apparently caught up with him. His presidential runs had come one election too late, and this next one was allegedly just the wrong side of the divide between his having his full faculties and his starting to lose them.

So, with Biden withdrawing from the race, its not entirely clear who will be the Democrats candidate ... Kamala Harris is the obvious, if not inspiring choice. After all, presidential running mates are picked partly because they pose no danger to outshine the main presidential candidate .... she was Biden's choice, so what does that tell you about her?

However, the emergency method of selecting a presidential candidate before November is not entirely clear, as its up to the Democratic National Convention to confirm their nominee next month, but she may be the only viable candidate, or the only one to even stand. Personally I would have thought it would be better to have at least one other candidate, because as I say, she was Joe Biden's choice as Vice President for a reason, so there should be at least one popular vote on the matter.

But whoever the Democrats land on as their Presidential candidate, they will clearly be much younger than Trump, thus reversing the vision of strength and age that had actually been working in Trumps favour despite the fact that he wasn't much younger than the incumbent President. She will also presumably attract more voters from amongst Black and young voters, both of whom groups had not been enthused by Biden, and this should make states such as Georgia, which had been strongly Trump, more competitive (along with bringing in other swing states).

There is also a slightly embarrassing fact, that is that during Mr Trumps flirtation with every political party in the US, way back in September 2011 he gave a donation of $5,000 to “Attorney General Kamala D Harris” to support her re-election campaign.

Trumps Cheque To Kamala Harris.jpg
Trumps Cheque To Kamala Harris.jpg

This was followed by a further $1,000 cheque from Trump to Harris in February 2013, at the start of her re-election campaign as the state’s attorney general. Oh, and in case your wondering, that signature hasn't been scribbled over to disguise it, that is is fact his signature ....

Trumps Signature
Trumps Signature

In fact his daughter Ivanka, also supported Harris to the sum of $2,000 sent to her re-election committee in June 2014 ..... something that will no doubt be brought up frequently if Harris is selected as the candidate for the Democrats. 

As to whether this change of Democratic Presidential candidate will prove popular with either Democratic voters or the wider public only time will tell ..... Donald Trump has already given his verdict on Ms Harris. "Harris will be easier to beat than Joe Biden would have been," Trump told CNN.

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