Tuesday 30 December 2008

Political Correctness An Insidious Danger

The final Blog of year can be a tricky thing ..... is it optimism, or pessimism, or a mix that is the appropriate tone ... do you look forward or backward?

No PC Views
No PC Views

I have thought a little about this and decided to talk about the subject that concerns me most at the moment .... surprisingly its not the rise of Islam and increasing Dhimmitude of the UK, because if we are too stupid as a society to stop this happening, then maybe we deserve to let our Western civilisation slip away.

Sunday 28 December 2008

Gaza - The Land Of Tears

The Israeli response to the rocket attacks that Hamas has carried out, on a more or less daily basis since Israel withdrew from Gaza, has provoked much world reaction.

Hamas Rockets Range

As you might expect the Arabs have been out on the streets, "Death to Israel" is no doubt the chant from Damascus to Cairo ... not a word condemning Hamas's part in all of this, but then there never is, is there?

Saturday 27 December 2008

The 'Holy Land' burns once again

Sadly, there are reports that Israel has made good on its threats to Hamas and attacked the Gaza strip ..... the 'Holy Land' in flames again. There will one day be an Armageddon there, mark my words...... oh hang on, the 'end of times' gig is already booked for there, and coming sooner than the next millennium or rapture by the look of it.

If Iran ever gets its nuclear weapons, aided by the Russians, Chinese (and no doubt the French), there will likely be a small(ish) but still very nasty nuclear war, leaving some areas of the Middle East largely uninhabitable and with no possible winners. Certainly whats left (if anything) of Israel, the Palestinians, Jordanians and Syrians will have little to be happy about.... Iran will have been laid to nuclear waste.

Hopefully common sense will break out, and there won't be a nuclear war there or anywhere in the world (although India and Pakistan are rattling nuclear sabres at each other again), but there are no signs of this "common sense outbreak" at the moment.

One thing is for sure, there will be at least one nuclear war one day, the slow but inevitable spread of such weapons means that someone will be mad enough to use them, and the chances are that it will be some lunatic who believes that "God or Allah", is waiting to greet the one who uses a nuclear weapon in his name ..... Iran and others in that region have a large number of such thinkers, so .......

If you want to see the effects of one smallish nuclear weapon, and its fallout, go here and select your target of choice e.g Jerusalem. Click on map to place explosion site in region. Only a dozen or so smaller war heads on or near Israel, will end both it and many of the surrounding countries forever.

Of course there are always some people who believe that they can survive a nuclear war, or that at least they can isolate themselves from the consequences of such a conflict ..... the silliness of that idea can be illustrated nicely like this ....

Friday 26 December 2008

Happy Christmas?

I didn't blog on Christmas Day as I was too busy cooking (for one.... sigh), but I have looked at the news this morning, and sadly the world still spins...... 

Guns And Santa Costume
Guns And Santa Costume

and the inhumanity of mankind still shines out .....

Tuesday 23 December 2008

When "Animal Rights" subvert "Human Rights"

Once again an "Animal Rights" type organisation has been found guilty of criminal and terrorist like behaviour ............ they are cowards and scum, who hide behind balaclava's, telephones, and the dead of night, to terrorise people who are not supporters of their extreme views.

How else can you reasonably describe groups who send used female sanitary towels, or used condoms, razor blades, and syringe needles (claimed to be from people who are infected with AIDS), to people and businesses in the post? And what do the used condoms tell you about the type of excitement these 'thrill seekers' get from threatening people?

This blog has pointed out before, that these people are criminals and nothing less, but are all too easily allowed to campaign with supposedly 'legal and law abiding' groups such as the Greens.

There are no excuses in a democracy for attacking people who don't subscribe to your views, but listening to the spokeswoman for Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC), aka the Animal Liberation Front (According to the police "SHAC and the ALF are one and the same thing, there is no club, no rules of membership." ), on Radio Four, was like listening to a Nazi Lawyer at Nuremberg.

Debbie Vincent, who according to this web site, has a criminal conviction of her own for her behaviours in support of SHAC, (and had been sentenced to a 120-hour community punishment order), squirmed and prevaricated, and could not bring herself to condemn the activities of these scum, whilst just about saying something like 'It's not us, but I can understand why people might take these actions".

I hope they get very, very, long sentences, but expect that our justice system will let them out far too soon. They are profiled here in the crime pages, not as martyrs, not political, just the crime pages, which is where they deserve to be, because thats all they are.

Here are the latest faces of animal lunacy..... of people who have been convicted of blackmail, paedophile smears, criminal damage, bomb hoaxes, and the reason why they hurt their fellow human beings? ............ A rats rights.
Clockwise from left:
Gregg Avery (main pic), Nathasha Avery, Heather Nicholson,
Gerrah Selby, Dan Amos, Gavin Medd-Hall, Daniel Wadham

Saturday 20 December 2008

Grumpy Old Man - Hands Out Lesson

This story made me laugh, I know I shouldn't have, because it involves violence which resulted in five people being taken to hospital, two of whom were seriously injured ...


Grumpy Old Black Man
Grumpy Old Black Man

... but I couldn't help having some sympathy for the old codger with a bad temper.

PC Reporting By BBC Slants Truth

This story on the BBC Website, about 'youths' having rioted in the southern Swedish city of Malmo, at first glance looks perfectly normal ....

Malmo Rioter
Malmo Rioter

..... and the headline and text hint that the "riots" are in some way similar in nature to the recent events in Greece.

Sunday 14 December 2008

Admittance of the Truth

Gordon Brown, after years of trying to deny any connection between terrorist activities in the UK, or against UK troops around the world, and Pakistani immigrants has been forced to admit that three-quarters of the most serious terror plots being investigated by UK authorities, have links to Pakistan.

No Shit Sherlock! Welcome to the world as the rest of us know it.

This blog has long reported the connection between the Taliban in both Pakistan and Afghanistan, to towns in the UK that have large Pakistani or Bangladeshi populations, so for Brown to suddenly acknowledge the connection is something of a breakthrough.

The truth is that Pakistans badlands and cities are now the launchpads of most of the Islamic terrorist attacks around the world (excluding Iraq), including the Mumbai Outrage. Maybe, just maybe the PC left are beginning to have to admit that all is not well in the pakistan connection to the UK.

Perhaps this signals a recognition that endless islamic immigration is a danger to us all.

A Greek Tragedy II

Greece has been beset by street protests and troubles for the last week, the nature of which are reminiscent of the Paris troubles of 1968.

Greek Unrest 2008
Greek Unrest

The cause of this unrest is ostensibly the death of a teen boy, shot by police after a disturbance but the trouble quickly spread and now seems aimed at the ills of Greek political society.

Thursday 11 December 2008

A Greek Tragedy

This story illustrates the downturn in the economic fortunes of Greece since the country had its heyday, as a funds recipient country in the EU (before enlargement took UK money to other destinations). There has in fact been a small rise in the absolute numbers of UK visitors to Greece, but this is offset by the fact that as the cost of living has reached parity with, and in some cases surpassed, that of the UK, the type of visitors to Greece seems to have changed.
Quads On Santorini
Quads On Santorini

Gone are many of the singleton 'Grecophiles', walking the hills of Attica looking for Myths and Legends, and in their place are the booze cruisers and 18-30 type crowds.

Wednesday 10 December 2008

Getting a Hit from AIDS drugs in South Africa

Remember all that fuss about South Africa not giving Anti-retro Viral drugs to HIV sufferers, citing costs and a belief that AIDS came from another source.

Dr Beetroot South Africa
Dr Beetroot In South Africa

The then health minister Manto Tshabalala-Msimang (aka "Dr Beetroot"), suggested traditional treatments like garlic, lemons and beetroot's, instead of championing anti-retroviral drugs. "We should build up immune systems" was her defence against attacks.

Monday 8 December 2008

The One Eyed Veil proposed for shameless women

This story has done the rounds recently .......

Two Eyes Too Sexy For Her Burqa?

Too Sexy for her Burqa?
A Saudi Cleric, Sheikh Muhammad al-Habadan , who is apparently influential (so Allah help the women of his congregation), has said that too many women make up their eyes to inflame men's passions, and that even wearing the normal Saudi woman's attire of, full tent with eye slit (Burqa and Niqab), is lewd and unseemly.

Saturday 6 December 2008

The "Karaoke King" dies

A strange little story, in which a man who refused to hand over the microphone in a Karaoke bar in Sandakan, Malaysia, and sang, and sang, and sang and sang, until finally the other patrons of the bar, killed him!

I have some sympathy for the killers in this instance, as I remember once that a man in a pub in Chorlton-Cum-Hardy I was in, put a huge amount of money into the Juke Box and played "Olivers Army" by Elvis Costello over and over again, but before he could be killed, the landlord evicted him and switched the jukebox on and off so that it reset.

So if these guys are looking for a jury member, just drop me a line!

Cholera stalks Africa

I mentioned in an earlier blog that getting Mugabe out of power would a bit more than problematic, despite votes against him at home and condemnations abroad ..... well here we are some months later and Mugabe is still in power, despite losing an election, reneging on a forced power sharing scheme, and every other cop out that SADC could devise.

Now comes the news that the country has collapsed to the state that the scourge of Cholera now stalks southern Africa, with well over 600 deaths (probably double that or more) in Zimbabwe and outbreaks in other countries, as refugees take the illness with them across the borders. Previously it has only been the ruins that comprise the DR Congo, that have threatened to sink to this level of misery after independence.

How low can a country in Africa sink before other Africa leaders admit that its failed?

They still refuse to depose Mugabe, and even when figures suggest that nearly fifty percent of the population are in exile or heading for refugee camps, they will not condemn the criminal incompetence that has destroyed a whole rich country inside twenty five years.

I will not mince my words here, Black Africans politicians are little more than criminals and semi educated scum ..... they are all thieves and tyrants, and Sub Saharan Africa is a basket case, despite the odd 'good news' story.

Maybe we should just abandon the whole continent and leave them to fall back into the tribalism and barbarism that they appear to want.

There is not one, not one single one of these countries, that I would be happy to live in, and I include South Africa in that, as they are only one dictator away from the joining 'African Model'. I have friends in SA who suggest that corruption is increasingly a problem in SA, even at the top with both Mbeki and Zuma under suspicion of taking bribes.

Friday 5 December 2008

A Tale of Two Politicians

There has been something of a political scandal going on in the UK, where an opposition MP Damian Green was arrested under anti terrorism legislation, on the apparently non - terrorist charge of 'suspicion of conspiring to commit misconduct in public office' (aka being leaked home office immigration secrets), his offices and homes searched.

This was compounded by the the 'sanctity' of MP's in the Palace of Westminster being abused when the Serjeant-at-Arms, who works for the 'speaker of the house' (who is a government MP appointee), allowed the police in to Parliament with no warrants.

The protection against arrest in Parliament had been one of the MP's arguments with Charles I before the English Civil War, so this was a serious matter, and when former Labour MP Tony Benn said that 'Once the police can interfere with Parliament, we are into the police state', you know it was a serious breach of privileges. As usual all the Government Ministers claimed to have had no knowledge of events.

Then we come to Peter Hain, a man I freely admit to considering nothing more than a political chancer, who flips and flops his opinions to get office (He was famously anti nuclear and then not so when given a ministerial job) ..... he had been under something of a cloud over £103,000 in campaign donations, which were declared 'late'. He has now been investigated and prosecutors said on Friday there was 'insufficient evidence to charge him with anything'.

He has been on TV and Radio and told BBC Radio 5 Live: "I stepped down from the government to clear my name and now I'm pleased I have done so". Now forgive me, but 'insufficient evidence to charge' someone, is not the same as 'clearing' them, and its this sloppy interpretation of events that is a hall mark of this governments spin.

Justice for Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman

I have a streaming cold which is driving me insane, but one little bit of good news, was the sentence of OJ Simpson to fifteen years for kidnap and armed robbery .... sadly he will probably be out in six, (if he doesn't appeal), but at least its some time in prison for a murderer who got away with it in public, because a black majority jury wouldn't convict a 'black hero'.

Short of killing her live on TV, the evidence couldn't have been more damning, except apparently if you shout "Racism" over and over again to a poor black jury. The fact that he was ordered to pay $33.5m (£19m) in damages after a civil suit by Mr Goldman's father, shows what a normal jury found to be the true case.

Best line of the Story, Judge Glass also denied defence motions for bail pending appeal, saying 'both defendants posed a risk of fleeing'...... ha ha ha, and they say Americans don't do irony!

Sunday 30 November 2008

Heather Jansch

Wow, what can I say but .... Magnificent!

The pictures say it all ...................... drift wood and bronze sculptures of exquisite design and skill executed by Heather Jansch, a UK Sculptress (who strangely has no Wiki page).

Heather Jansch Wood and Bronze Horse Sculptures

Heather Jansch Wood and Bronze Horse Sculptures

Heather Jansch Wood and Bronze Horse Sculptures

Heather Jansch Wood and Bronze Horse Sculptures

Heather Jansch Wood and Bronze Horse Sculptures

Compare and contrast with the "award" nominated works of Tracey Emin's ..... the art establishment should consider what will have value in 300 yrs, one of these beautiful works, or a 'dirty bed, used condoms and knickers'.

I think the answer is pretty bloody obvious to anyone except a Turner prize judge.

Saturday 29 November 2008

Justice For All?

I was much struck by one aspect of the biker murder trial, that is the sentencing ....
Bikers Challenge The Police
Bikers Challenge The Police

.... all the participants (whether the gunman or not) were given 'Life' (well what passes for a Life sentence in the UK i.e. you will be released at some time) sentences. One look at their supporters, gives you a clue that apart from a 'leather fetish', threatening behaviour is another big factor in their lives! 

Mumbai Outrage

I wasn't going to comment on the murder of innocents in Bombay as there are hardly any words that need to be said ..... the usual suspects are currently being sought by the Indian Authorities.

However I did post a comment on the Pakistaniat site where a sympathetic article to the victims had been posted. I pointed out that it was believed to be Islamic militants again, and when were they going to acknowledge ..... well here's the comment.

NoPcthoughts said ....

"I think people the whole world over echo your thoughts.

You forgot to mention London, Madrid and Bali (to name but a few) from your litany of woe …… But when oh when, is this religious fuelled madness going to end?

Why can Islam not reform and become tolerant of everyman believing or not believing as their conscience dictates? If not that, then I recall that the Quran says that each mans religion is between him and your god?

Islam has the scope to become a true religion of ‘tolerance and peace’ (as it often proclaims) but to outsiders, the ‘peace’ seems to be only of submission or death.

Attacking ‘kaffirs” or ‘heretics’ or atheists, or secularists etc, is a sin, should never be seen as a passport to some ‘paradise’ … I am afraid that until this sort of ‘kill’ theology is removed from all forms of the faith, these sort of mindless terror attacks inside and outside Pakistan will continue to occur

This prompted a reply to me .....

Babar says:

Nopcthoughts: Lack of knowledge on your part does not bring the responsibility of reform on islam singularly ( though I think its an absurd idea to reform an ancient religious idea).

Obviously the violence committed by muslims only is of interest to the western mind at the time of history.

Otherwise you could ask the same question to Hindus in india who have killed many many times more innocent muslims ( going by the record of mainstream newspapers). But I am not worried.

Once this phase of history is over, you will forget about the muslim violence or the need of islamic reform.

To which I replied ...

"Babar - We deal with the world as it is, not as it might be, and its impossible to face the current world, without at least acknowledging that the majority, of the many acts of terrorism in the world, are carried out by adherents to, or in the name of religion … and that at least one of those religions seems to particularly feature in these acts.

To justify and say that, its in retaliation to attacks by another religions followers, would simply open the floodgates to others around the globe also carrying out the same violent acts.

It’s the failure to acknowledge this fact, and deal with the consequences that stem from this, that lead to the kinds of attacks that we are currently seeing around the world ….. as for the ‘absurdity of trying to reform an ancient religious idea’ … The Christians ‘Reformation’ took place in Europe around 1,514 yrs after its founding (followed by other less dramatic events over the following centuries), and I note that Islam is around 1,429 yrs old now …

So maybe those Turkish Imans, who want to revise many Islamic texts to ‘reform’ or ‘modernise’ aspects of Islam, are the forerunners of change?

In any event, I suspect that this is not a subject that will just ‘go away’ after ’this time of history’, because there are many whose only aims are to ensure that it doesn’t by using violence."

Babar then followed me to this site, where he posted this reply, but in another subject, so I removed it .... however it was posted on Pakistaniat and here it is .....

Babar says:

Nopcthoughts: I did not justify the acts of killing because someone else is also doing it. You are just putting words in my mouth. In fact, I do not justify them at all. Killing of innocent civilians is completely abhorable.

Leaving aside the arguments if the terrorism is morally better or worse than state killings, the current phenomenon of terrorism by non-state actors is very dangerous in itself. I very strongly believe that Pakistan has to uproot it completely as it takes away the states monopoly of controlling its dealings with other nations and it has no place in a democratic functioning of state.

However, what I did say is that you can not blame Muslims only, for the acts of terrorism. Muslims are no better or worse than other groups and what makes me unhappy is when people single out muslims as if they are some other branch of animal kingdom and preach them about peaceful living. You obviously have no understanding of indian situation.

You think this way because you have been interested in this phenomenon only after 9/11 and only from the perspective of the west.

  • Do you know that in year 2002 more than 3000 Muslims were killed in three days at the hands of terrorists in indian state of Gujrat?
  • Do you know how many muslims were killed in riots after Babri Masjid?
  • Do you know just a year ago a dozens of Pakistanis returning from india were killed in terrorist attacks by hindus?
  • Do you know about what happened in the mosques of Malegaoon about a year ago? Did you condemn any of those personally?
Then why do you expect muslims to condemn each act of terrorism on demand?

Going to the Muslim side of violence you must not know how the kashmiri mujahideen had made life hell for kashmiri hindu pandits in 1990’s. But of course that was before 9/11 when the world (western) was a peaceful place.

India has many many more violent problems apart from hindu muslim issue.

My only contention is that one should perhaps try to find solutions for the problem one is facing rather than painting a very large group of people as evil.

I think it would be impossible to discuss the nature and impact of christian reformation here.

But according to my understanding, the peace and harmony in west is because of marginalization of religion from political life and as a source of social organization rather than some “reform” in the religion itself.

Religion, no matter how much reformed, has always great potential of bringing bad to the society when used as a basis for organization of society

One should look for modernization of muslim societies rather than the religion.

........ so although I deleted his comment from the post he attached it to, I have stuck to my principles of freedom of speech and conscience and posted Babar's comments (correcting only the odd spelling mistake as I am guessing that English is not Babar's first language), here.

So my last response, "Tempus Fugit" as the saying goes .... I have other posts to write.

NoPcthoughts says ...

Babar, You got so engrossed in your own arguments, that its you who are now putting 'words into my mouth' - If you check you will see that I was careful to include all religious beliefs in the ideology that feeds terrorism "the majority, of the many acts of terrorism in the world, are carried out by adherents to, or in the name of religion" and I only added that one particular religion was most often involved … and that at least one of those religions seems to particularly feature in these acts."

I never said that you had justified the attacks, I was merely opining that
"To justify and say that, its in retaliation to attacks by another religions followers, would simply open the floodgates to others"

You then list a whole list of alleged Hindu atrocities on Muslims, why? if not to use them as exactly some sort of justification for this latest outrage? If there is no possible justification then there is no need to read out lists of 'atrocities'.

Recently, Hindu's attacked thousands of Christians and burnt churches ..... and the same has happened in Pakistan fairly recently but the 'Christian West'" did not cut off aid to either Pakistan or India despite these attacks ...... what does that say to you?

Finally, we probably essentially agree over many of the causes, and I totally agree with your last comment

"....according to my understanding, the peace and harmony in west is because of marginalization of religion from political life and as a source of social organization rather than some “reform” in the religion itself.

Religion, no matter how much reformed, has always great potential of bringing bad to the society when used as a basis for organization of society One should look for modernization of muslim societies rather than the religion."

So we are not that far apart, but as I have noted, its this blindness as to the underlying cause that seperates many muslims from the rest of the world. Islamists would tell you that Islam can't be marginalized from the state as they are one and the same.

You only have to look at the other arguments going on in the comments on Pakistaniat, to see a closet defence of the attacks being formed, as well as our discussion being replicated between other sets of posters.

Sadly, but maybe unsurprisingly, there are some news reports suggesting that some of these murderers could be from the UK (Bradford, Leeds or London) ...... nothing new there then, if its proved to be true.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

The Wonder of Woolies

It was sad news today to hear that in the UK, Woolworth's will likely close, with a loss of 30,000 ordinary jobs

Woolworths Last Day
Woolworths Last Day

 .... it may not be a surprise, as they have struggled with mounting debts (and to find a 'High Street' role) for some months, but nonetheless a sad day. 

Sunday 23 November 2008

Labour politicians fear "BNP" votes

Hazel Blears the the communities secretary and representative for the "working class" constituency of Salford (Greater Manchester) has expressed concern that the British National Party (BNP) is making inroads into "white working-class voters " in inner cities.

Salford is another of those "Socialist paradises", that litter most the very same 'inner cities' where the BNP has gained a measure of support, and in fact in early 2005, Riga appealed to the European Union to advise people against travelling to Salford, after a Latvian man was stabbed in the head in Lower Broughton. However, city councillors have insisted that Salford is a safe place to visit.

In August 2005, a survey by Channel 4 television, rated the city as the 9th worst place to live in the UK (based on criteria of crime, education, environment, lifestyle and employment) ..... so Ms Blears may be displaying a measure of self interest with these claims, as her constituency seems a prime candidate for vote desertion to the BNP.

She has made similar claims before (usually just before an election .... so watch this space!), but as usual she fails to explain why all the areas where the BNP makes gains are 'lifetime Labour wards', or why the Labour Party has lost the support of so much of the "White working class vote", who formerly were the bedrock of the Labour parties support?

Its all very strange, because if she really understood the "white working class voter" as she would likely claim, then she could spot the reasons why labour is losing them ..... religion, culture, race and mass immigration!

Purely and simply the white unemployable class voter, is being threatened by the rise of the unemployable Muslim immigrant, and they don't like it.

  • They can't get council housing because labour policy is to grant these houses to asylum seekers and immigrants on the basis of greater need.
  • They no longer get the level of council services supporting their lifestyles, that their mothers got (they are usually single mother households), because these go elsewhere now.
  • They find that other services such as health and education are stretched thin by the high Muslim immigrant usage.
  • They are told that they can't 'insult' Islam, but no one defends their culture from the radical Muslims. e.g. School Nativity plays cancelled as it 'may offend a Muslim'
  • There are also increasingly violent clashes between 'locals' and 'immigrants', often over cultural and language issues.
And in all this, the labour party is perceived as taking the immigrant side.

That, Ms Blears is why you and your party are in danger of losing the white working class voter.

This blog has touched on the rise of the BNP before, but it seems to take our mainstream politicians by surprise. It can easily be tackled (as long as the PC left are ignored) by some simple measures on these lines.
  • Halt all non EU immigration (including the 'arranged marriage scam' .... there are enough Asians in the UK to not have to send to Pakistan or Bangladesh for 'partners',
  • Stop the priority allocation of social housing to immigrants, and
  • Accept that white culture is as valid as all the others in the 'multicultural model' that you are ramming down our throats,

and you might win that vote back.

As for the other 'mainstream parties', well Ms Blears will no doubt remember the cries of "Racists" that accompanied every attempt by the other parties to discuss the immigration policies of the UK, she may even have been a cheerleader of the left wing 'Boo Boys' who succeeded in completely stifling the discussions? My how we laughed!

There has always been a tacit agreement in British politics, that anti immigrant votes could be safely siphoned to the Tory party, and that the loony left could be partially housed in the Labour party, but the "New Labour" experiment of Brown and Blair, broke that consensus.

Now the Tories are no longer the natural home of the right wing (as Cameron moves to the centre ground), and that has left a dangerous vacuum, that the BNP is exploiting.

That's why the white working class vote, that formerly would defect to the Tories (under Mrs Thatcher), now has bypassed them and gone to the BNP.

In any event you may well live to reap what you have sown, with the white working class turning to the BNP in labour areas.

Saturday 22 November 2008

Woolas Pulled Over Our Eyes

Lets talk of Pirates and Piss Takers ........

Firstly, there has been a spate of 'piracy' attacks in the Gulf of Aden and off the East African coast, carried out by Somali Muslim pirates.

Pirates East Africa


Apparently this is not a crime anymore, judging from the lack of dead pirates littering the seabed, despite a 'Multi National task force' being in the area ...... the PC police have ensured that the pirates human rights are paramount (not the sailors or owners of the ships).

What's made this more interesting, is that apparently the pirates are only free to attack 'non Muslim ships' according to a spokesman for the al-Shabab Somali Islamist group, Abdelghafar Musa, who is reported as saying that 'hijacking a Muslim-owned ship was a major crime' and they would 'pursue those responsible'.

And in other areas.

We as the UK Taxpayer are having the wool pulled over our eyes with the revelation that Non EU immigration may actually go up, not down, under the Labour Governments new 'points based' immigration system ..... this despite the admittance that our current policies on immigration and asylum had "caused untold human misery and division within our communities," by the immigration minister Phil Woolas.

And finally, as this blog discussed recently, we are hearing UK regional accents in Iraq and Afghanistan and yesterday a Birmingham Pakistani terrorist who was wanted for suspicious death of an uncle (aka suspected of 'murder') was reported as being killed by the US yesterday ..... good riddance to a murdering scum bag.

Violent Nationalism Blights Turkey says BBC

The Turks are just hell bent on displaying to the Europeans, that they are most certainly not a European country or civilisation.

Brutal Turkish Police
Brutal Turkish Police

Secular, 'European' thinking Turks, are increasingly being attacked and killed by both nationalists and Islamists for being "Unpatriotic" as this report details.

US Decline over the next two decades?

The US National Intelligence Council (NIC) predicts China, India and Russia will increasingly challenge US influence and dominance over the next two decades. However this report is issued only four years after the same group predicted that the US dominance would go on for at least three decades.

They also state that the dollar may no longer be the world's major currency, and food and water shortages will fuel conflicts around the globe ..... No Shit Sherlock!

They could have just been reading this blog for the same report!

Now the really interesting thing about this, is the way in which the same report to a then powerful President Bush, said that the US would remain the sole world superpower, whereas this latest report, presumably aimed at President elect Obama, says that the US has to work with other regional powers to retain its leading role.

Different strokes for different folks ..... because I am in fact pointing out that the two reports are aimed at the sensibilities of the two respective men, and are probably all based upon the same intelligence.

I seem to remember at the end of the 1970's, there were many predictions, much the same as this latest NIC report, except in them days it was the Yen and Japan to rival or surpass the US. In fact there were even those saying that by the year 2000, South Korea and the other tiger economies of the Southeast Asian area were going to catch up with Japan, and even surpass the US ..... sounds funny now.

Similarly, the predictions of the US demise are much exaggerated .... its noticeable that those economic powers at the end of the 19th century (US, Britain, France, and Germany) are still in the top 6 world economies with the others (Japan and China) both just taking up their historic places. China for example was worth 25% of world trade in 1800 AD, and now its around the same amount.

There are many reasons why over 100 yrs later, the same countries still top the wealth and power tables, but one is that it takes a certain set of cultural values to run efficient economies, which these countries all display to one degree or other, and that those other countries mentioned as 'new super powers' (from Korea, through Brazil, and into India) don't.

It would not surprise me, if in the year 2100 AD, the list was hardly changed at all .....

Wednesday 19 November 2008

Prostitutes Face Quizzing Before Sex

Yes, that's right!

This increasingly wacky Government of the UK, has long run out of 'big ideas' (around the fifth year), and now casts around for something to legislate on, in the bizarre belief that 'more' laws are needed every year to keep us happy.

This leaves them open to hijack by the far left, feminists, and the PC driven on their back benches, who come up with "Social policy" ideas that we 'really want', but we don't know it or are just too stupid to ask for.

In the past this little cabal of legislators prompted such wonders of social policy as

Jaqui Spliff, who may be the worst 'home secretary' in British political history, has sponsored a new bill to make it a criminal offence (Rape charges) to 'knowingly' have sex with a woman who was trafficked into the UK to become a prostitute. Specifically they are open wording it, to anyone having sex with any woman who is "controlled for another person's gain".

Another piece of feminist nonsense from the PC left .... are 'punters' now going to ask "Excuse me Luv, but how much is it for a quickie .... Oh and by the way are you controlled by international slave traffickers, drug dealers, a pimp, or any sort of warlord, or are you self employed?"

Daft & unworkable.

  • How would you ever prove that a user of prostitutes was aware of the circumstances?
  • How many prostitutes would ever testify in court?

It may even be dangerous legislation, and I would be interested to know if, where prostitution has been severely curtailed by laws, the number of rapes etc has gone up?

Its obviously a risky possible side effect, of making sex workers and their clients go underground.

New Labour Style Prostitutes

This Govt has bigger worries such as granting 300,000 false visa's every year ... could that be where many foreign sex workers get in to the UK, through the open front door?

Sunday 16 November 2008

World Domino Record Shattered

This is simply spectacular ...... Just watch this and smile .... the world still has some good parts.

Saturday 15 November 2008

Longevity in the UK

This BBC blog has pictures of the spread of age longevity in the UK over the years .....

You can see an animated version of this from these links
Females 1992 to 2008 by local health authority

I noticed that one black spot was my locality ..... but its where many people 'retire to' from elsewhere, so the mortality rates stay high round here!

Iraqi Christians' fear of exile

I continue to Blog about this subject, for the simple reason that our politicians refuse to do so.

How can we repeatedly be told that we have nothing to fear from Islam, and yet week after week these stories come to the worlds attention? Culpable lying is the only possible answer.

I will merely add the link for this story ... Iraqi Christians' fear of exile

Saturday 8 November 2008

Pakistans Slow Collapse

Last year a CIA analyst predicted that Pakistan would fall to the Taliban within a few years (2015). 


The Pakistan Taliban - Tehreek-e-taliban

All the evidence is that Pakistan is very slowly losing the war with the militants, and that the army is being beaten into sitting in bunkers outside cities, but with little control in the countryside.

When childhood ends

Arwa aged nine would be classed as a child in most civilised countries, but in Yemen that term doesn't apply. In this Muslim country, eight or nine year old girls can be 'bought' for marriage by older men, even though the marriage law is technically fifteen.

There are small signs, that even in these backward lands, which so many western apologists for Islams excesses ignore, there are glacial changes taking place. Arwa managed to fight off the sexual advances of her 'husband', and got a court to grant her a 'divorce'. This example is being followed by one or two other young girls, but far too many are just taken and 'raped' with the cover of a 'marriage' certificate.

The excuse for this kind of behaviour is the example of the Prophet Muhammad, who 'married' six-year-old Aisha, but waited for consummation till she was a little older (She was eight). "Because this happened to the Prophet, we cannot tell people that it is prohibited to marry at an early age," says Sheikh Hamoud Hashim al-Tharihi, general secretary of the 'Vice and Virtue Committee', and a member of the Islah Party in Yemen. He also says it "would harm society by spreading vice" to stop these marriages.

Presumably he means that gang rapes and stoning's would increase if the 'semi legalised' marriage and rape of pre-teen girls was stopped.

These stories come out every week, and yet in the West our politicians bring in ever more Sharia tolerant legislation.

The US electorate has spoken

Well the US electorate has spoken, and "democracy" has been duly exercised for another 4 yrs, with the result that Barack Obama is the 44th President of the USA, after a mere 4 years as a Senator.

So what does it mean? Hard to say because the US system means that Obama has never been in Government, never run anything, and only his 'voting record' to show what his Presidency might mean.

In the UK model, Obama would very likely have been a Minister before getting to the top job, although not necessarily as Tony Blair showed. But even then, they would have had a "Shadow Cabinet" job in which to show their mettle. This difference between a "Republican" or "Monarchical" democratic model reflects across the globe.

These are mostly based upon the "Westminster" or French "republican" models, and their imposition is where the two countries held sway or influence. So mainland and central Europe largely reflect French influence, as does its ex colonies (especially in Africa), with a Presidential system, whereas Northern Europe, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand as well as ex colonies such as India , and many African states, still have the monarchical systems.

The US was aided by the French during the rebellion and after briefly flirting with the idea of a king (they offered the crown to George Washington who had 'royal' connections), they ended up as a republican system.

A woman at work was discussing the US results with her friend and said "Yeah its all well and good but the Americans keep voting for the wrong people!" .... her friend asked her what she meant, "well she said there was a serial sex addict and adulterer, and an (ex) alcoholic for the last 16yrs, and now him...a gob shite" she said pointing at Obama's picture.

I laughed at this summary of US politics, but given what we know, she may prove to be right.

Sunday 2 November 2008

President Obama or President McCain?

By Wednesday we should know (hanging chads permitting).

The whole world watches this election (maybe in the future it will be China), and the result has consequences for every person on the planet.

  • For Europe, its a misguided belief that 'change is good' and 'Black' being the biggest change is therefore better. The idea that at all Democrats are Pro-European socialists is what drives the interests of many. I suspect it makes no practical differences as US politicians are all to the right of EU politics.
  • For China and Russia, its important on the military and economic fronts, as they are rivals in these spheres.
  • For the new economies such as India, Brazil and China, its important because, as they have just discovered, when the US sneezes, they get a cold (they are still economic midgets compared the US, Japan and EU).
  • For Africa, its a chance to beg for more money and demand 'reparations' for every ill that they inflict upon themselves.
  • For the Middle East, the Arabs wait in vain for the 'Anti Israeli' President who will disarm Israel, and allow 'Arab armies' (surely an oxymoron?), to drive Israel into the sea. The Iranians hope for a weak President so they can complete their nuclear bomb program.
  • For South America, its fortress USA or open arms USA .... possibly (oddly the republicans such as Spanish speaking Bush, have shown more interest in allowing Hispanics in via Green cards).

So for one reason or another, we all have a stake in Tuesdays ballot and therefore I like the rest will follow the process closely.

At present it looks like President Obama, but maybe just maybe there will be a last minute twist and we will be just a 'stroke' away from President Palin!

The End of the World is Nigh

This Blog happily records any report or event, which shows that by 2050 the AntiChrist and his servants will be stalking the earth (ala Damien and The Omen!!) .... Versus Christus! as some might say.

Who can honestly claim that overpopulation, planet degradation, famine, conquest, religious wars, and plagues, are a thing of the past? The four horsemen are saddling up!

Actually, what I mean is that all the signs are, that by 2050 AD, the planet Earth will be in irreversible physical decline .... As I will be dead by then, I don't care much.

I won't re hash all the reasons why, but suffice it to say that those of you busily having children now, may well live long enough to have to explain what an elephant was, or why there are no animals left in Africa. If it gets really bad you may even have to explain what it was like to be able to breath without face masks.

This latest report, just reinforces all the evidence that we passed the tipping point at some time in the 1970's, and that all this "Green' science now, is way too late, and that we will need the equivalent of three planet Earths to service our species.

The map shows hectares' worth of land consumed in goods and services.

Christians in Iraq flee further attacks

Following on the story about Turkey stopping Christians opening churches up to worship .... there was a story about Christians fleeing Muslim attacks in Iraq and is similar to Christians fleeing Hindus in India.

Now call me dumb, but isn't there a trend here of world wide of attacks on Christians, while the West is told it has to be even more tolerant to those who perpetrate these attacks?

We happily make the rope with which they will hang us all.

Woman Stoned to death under Sharia Law

This story hardly got any headlines, but that's no surprise really in our Dhimmi society where fear of Muslims has reached the so called 'free press' who now censor what news they report on the religion of peace.

Aisho Ibrahim Dhuhulow was stoned to death in Somalia for 'adultery' ..... no news of what the adulterer man was punished with .... nothing probably in the misogynist cultures of Islam.

I have copied the story in full from the BBC website, because it made only 3 paragraphs, which just about sums up what is happening in the world.

" A woman in Somalia has been stoned to death after an Islamic Sharia law court found her guilty of adultery. The woman was buried up to her neck and then pelted to death with stones in front of a large crowd in Kismayo. It was the first such execution in the southern port city since Islamist insurgents captured it from government-allied forces in August.

A local Islamist leader said the woman, Aisho Ibrahim Dhuhulow, had pleaded guilty to committing adultery. "She was asked several times to review her confession but she stressed that she wanted Sharia law and the deserved punishment to apply," said Sheikh Hayakallah.

A group of men performed the execution in one of the city's main squares in front of thousands of people, AFP news agency said.

More on this - it turns out that the 'adulteress' Aisha Ibrahim Duhulow was in fact a 13 yr old girl, who had been raped by three men. When the family tried to report the rape, the girl was accused of adultery and detained, Amnesty International said.

She begged for mercy, before the animals that pass for Muslim manhood killed her by throwing stones at her head.

And just in case you think I search out these horror stories, I don't, they are just on the increase around the Muslim world, from Turkey through Pakistan to Indonesia, where a form of religious madness seems to have been revived, and ancient crimes and intolerance's have reawakened like some medieval nightmare.

For instance on the day I linked to the largely liberal Pakistaniat site, they were running a feature condemning the so called 'honour killing' (Mostly men murdering women relatives, to restore 'honour' to their households), of three women in one village.

The girls, aged between 16 and 18 years, had been buried alive a month ago in a village in the Jafarabad district, for wishing to marry men of their own will, and the crime involved at least one PPP minister and some other local influential people. A number of local 'senators' have defended the murders, by saying on record that the killing of these women was a 'tribal custom'.

For the record, the girls were each shot once in the stomach, and then buried whilst still alive ......

Don't anyone ever try to tell me that Islam has not degenerated into little more than the practice of a murderous cult ... the facts tell the lie that the Imams preach anything except hate and murder, or these weekly murders would have decreased, not increased over the last fifty years.

Turkey attacks Christianity

Turkey, which has often featured in my blog, as it tries to pretend its "European" and shares our values and freedoms, has recently slipped off my radar.

St Paul’s Church in Tarsus St Paul’s Church in Tarsus

However this week they showed again to the world, exactly how far from Sweden and European values they really are, by refusing to allow Catholics to reopen one of the iconic churches of Christianity, the St Paul’s Church in Tarsus, in South Western Turkey.

Sunday 26 October 2008

The Jewel of Medina, Freedom Of Speech

I nearly forgot about this story, but it would be remiss of me not to mention the story of the book that nearly never was .....

The Jewel of Medina
The Jewel of Medina

"The Jewel of Medina" is a novel supposedly based loosely upon the life of the 'child bride' of Muhammad, A'isha. 

Saturday 25 October 2008

Charity Worker killed for being "Christian"

Finally, a short acknowledgement of the murder by Muslims of a 'Christian' (in every sense of the word) woman in Afghanistan. She was an aid worker trying to alleviate poverty for disabled people in a Muslim land (Muslims charities often seem to just build more Saudi sponsored Mosques), and her crime was "being a Christian".

What a sad way to end a largely blameless and selfless life, Gayle Williams, 34, was living in a nasty place, doing work that Muslims often won't do, and yet the Taliban felt was the enemy of Islam, and should die ... She asked to be buried in Kabul even though she is aware that the graves will be despoiled when the UK and US (aka NATO) leaves.

Sooner or later, someone in the Western Governments is going to get it, and realise that we are feeding, clothing and arming the mortal enemies of everything we consider 'civilised' ....

Riches to Rags US Style

In the run up to the US Presidential Elections, we hear nothing but the various visions of the American Dream, how hard work can take a man from "Rags to Riches" in a land of opportunity.

However there is a downside to this dream, an 'American Nightmare' if you will, that the two candidates will never allude to, except maybe in passing references to helping the poor (aka black), Americans rise up and grasp the chances afforded by US society. So it was with some interest to read a story about this downside, and how the ride from Riches to Rags can be spectacularly fast in a society, that has little by way of social safety nets.

The story concerns Bruce Richall an I.T. consultant who was based in the affluent Connecticut suburb of Westport and had the 'American Dream'. He had been a IT contractor (much like this blogger), but had decided that it was too unstable a lifestyle, and who had therefore taken a 'permanent' job with a bank.

However this years bank collapses have suddenly catapulted him into a spiral of poverty which has left him sleeping in his car and eating at soup kitchens. This story illustrates how quickly the dream can sour for even the white middle class exponents of it who are meant to flourish in it.

One part of this story did jar as odd though, I myself have been in I.T. as a contractor, and I am aware that if you are prepared to travel and live out of a suitcase (in B&Bs), there is always I.T. work, even if its not as well paid as it might be in an upturn. So its not clear why this man, who had been a contractor and presumably as aware of this as I, had apparently decided to just sit around until he lost his home.

The comments by BBC US readers, suggest that you can't just move around the US taking employment that's available, and that there are protectionist laws in the various states, and that you need "out of state papers" to work in each state, but I am not entirely clear on this point, if that's true then living in the 'land of the free', ain't all that free!

That oddity aside though, the story shows how quickly things can go to hell in a basket in the US.

However we should be careful not to be too smug in the 'Peoples Republic of Britain', because even in a welfare state such as the UK, I know of a single man who has been made redundant last month, and who can get no help with his housing costs, or any welfare benefits, despite getting no redundancy payments, or having any major savings .... he is getting the run around, and will likely lose his flat (apartment) unless he finds work soon.

I suspect that the common theme of these two stories are the words "Single", "White" and "Male" ..... so no help available.

Africans, the World and Democracy

In another of those little coincidences, the BBC also ran a story on whether Africans and Democracy could ever work ..... now for personal reasons, I pay some interest in African politics (especially South Africa), so I have discussed whether democracy can ever work in Africa. This debate made me think about non African black states, and whether 'democracy' had ever taken anywhere where black peoples were the majority:

  • Haiti, the first black independent nation in the Caribbean, the first post-colonial independent black-led nation in the world, and the only nation whose independence was gained as part of a successful slave rebellion. It has never managed to install a democratic government since 1804, and is almost a template for 'black independence', followed by complete social collapse.
  • Ethiopia, is one of the worlds oldest nations, and has largely remained independent of European or Arab rule. It was ruled by an Emperor until recently, and has had a succession of dictatorships since. It is currently nominally a democratic state, which has been described as a "Hybrid", situated somewhere between a "flawed democracy" and an "authoritarian regime".

Its position at number 106, out of 167 in league table of democratic states, suggests that there are at least 105 more democratic states. In fact, a look at this "Democratic Index" suggests that ....

World Democracy Index Map
World Democracy Index Map

 ...... most of the world has problem getting democracy to stick ... In this illustration the states marked in black the least, and those in light colours the most democratic. So the states to aspire to are Canada, Scandinavia and the Antipodeans .... the rest of us fail to reach the full standards of democracy to one degree or another. 

So whilst its true to say that Black states and democracy are not successful, neither are many other races.

  • South Americans have a mixed and patchy record of democracy.
  • Only Japan and South Korea have managed to install democracy in the Asian area.
  • The Arabs have failed to install any form of democracy (in fact that's true of virtually all Muslim states).
  • Only India has installed democracy in the subcontinent.

Three quarters of the world has never really taken democracy to its soul, and it makes you wonder if its a peculiarly 'White European' construct that can only be maintained in states based upon white majority populations, or in those post colonial constructs such as India, where its the only practicable way of ruling what was formerly several dozen states. In Japan and South Korea it was imposed and maintained by US military might following occupation.

Even Russia has not been able to establish democracy, despite its European roots.  Its current 'czar', is prime minister Putin, who took the presidential powers with him while he serves a term as prime minister, before resuming as president (with full powers) again ..... its likely that he will then amend the constitution to retain his roll as president.

US Presidential 'Race' issues

Last week I picked up on the dormant "race" issue in the US Presidential Elections ..... as far as I know, I may have been the first to publicly note that a high ranking black Republican, who was a 'life long friend' of the white Republican candidate, was nevertheless going to vote for the black Democrat candidate.

His reasons were transparently weak .... 'the Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin didn't have the experience to be a possible President' .... well neither does Mr Obama, who shares a very similar political record with Mrs Palin.

I noticed on Friday that the BBC had picked up on this theme (modesty forbids that I claim a secret reader!), and was running a story on Democrats who would not be voting, or even voting Republican, for 'race' reasons.

As I have previously suggested in a blog on Obama, "the secrecy of the ballot box allows for many a private opinion to be exercised" and we may still see a wave of voters using Mr Powell's apparent decision to choose race over party as the excuse for them to do the same, with unpredictable results.

Sunday 19 October 2008

Et Tu Colin!

George W Bush, the 43rd and Republican President of the United States of America, is discovering that when you are down, you really find who your friends are .....

Today, a man he promoted to high office, Colin Powell, has betrayed him and the Republicans by declaring his support for the Democrat presidential contender Barack Obama. He is somewhat disingenuously claiming that its the appointment of Sarah Palin as VP contender by John McCain, that has led him to switch allegiance like this, because she "simply isn't ready to be president" but presumably Mr Obama is.

Just for the record
  • Sarah Palin entered local state politics in 1992 and entered national politics in 2006.
  • Barack Obama entered local state politics in 1997 and entered national politics in 2004.
That looks very similar to me, and in fact, if anything, Mrs Palin has five years practical experience more than the Ivy Leaguer Mr Obama, who spent his time editing the Harvard Law Review, instead of dirtying his hands in small council politics.

The fact is, that this looks remarkably like some sort of 'racial solidarity' in action, disguised as something else so as not to allow 'whites' to justify doing it openly as well.

However this may well come to be seen as the first split along the racial divide, with a top Republican, who was after all considered a possible black candidate for the Presidency on behalf of the Republicans (rumour has it that his wife dissuaded him, because she believed he would be assassinated), preferring to back a Democrat (who just happens to be Black), against a Republican 'personal friend' (who just happens to be White).

The reason I felt moved to blog about this is that on the radio this Sunday morning, a guest (either Kevin Day or Joe Challands - I think it was him), was just back from the 'States', said that there was a feeling over there, that a lot of whites, including Democrats, would not actually vote for Obama when they were in the booths, because they couldn't bring themselves to vote for a black man. He was implying that they were telling pollsters etc that they would vote for Obama so as not to seem 'Racist', but that they were not actually very keen on him.

Now I have long had a suspicion ('..... the secrecy of the ballot box allows for many a private opinion to be exercised') that this might be a factor on the day, however with only 2 weeks to go before the election, I was wondering if the "Race question" in the US may actually have disappeared, because there was no obvious sign that any doubts bases upon race were being expressed.

Now however, I am convinced that it will in fact be a big, if 'unspoken' factor in this election, and that the public defection of Mr Powell, on demonstrably very weak grounds, may free a lot of white consciences about what they were secretly thinking, because now a black man has broken ranks and apparently chosen race over party loyalties.

PC politics has meant that whites are not allowed to ever publicly mention race as a consideration, but the privacy of a ballot box still allows that Non-PC opinions can be expressed .... in a fortnight we will see if the white US still considers this to still be an issue in politics.

If its a very close result, then it will have been the word that dare not speak its name, that will have come into play.