
Thursday 1 May 2008

Turkey in the News again

For some reason the Turks have been making news in the last week.

First they have amended law 301, which made it a crime to "Insult Turkishness" and under which, they have imprisoned or prosecuted over 2,000 people in the last couple of years ..... guess what this great 'liberal democratic European Swedish style nation' have done?

Why, they have amended it to make it a criminal offence to "Insult the Turkish Nation" ..... gosh what a much needed reform!

How those Turkish Islamists must laugh when the EU fall for these semantics.

And then just to prove what a piss take they are having, they have enacted regulations that close all non Muslim style farmers, butchers, and abattoirs i.e. anyone dealing with Pork products.

Now when you consider how few non Muslims live in Turkey, and how relatively few people may claim not to be Muslim (even amongst Secularists), then attacking such a minor industry shows that there is indeed an Islamist agenda going on.

How can a nation that insists that Muslim butchers, Muslim food etc, should be freely available across Europe "Because they have human rights", then practise covert efforts to restrict non Muslims across Turkey?

Only when they are not Europeans at all, except for an accident of history, that left them with a couple of hundred square miles on the European mainland.

I have visited Turkey many times, and they are about as European as the Iranians, and possibly less so, as Iranians are often less religious.

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