
Friday 31 July 2020

Strange Synchronicities

Sometimes we get the strange coincidences which make you wonder if your path was guided in some weird way or if somethings are fated ....

Coincidences Abound
Coincidences Abound ....

..... for instance

Natural Justice?

As I have mentioned in the past, I spent a large number of years holidaying in Turkey in the 1980's and early 1990's ....

Foca In Turkey Is An Idyllic Resort On The Aegean
Foca In Turkey Is An Idyllic Resort On The Aegean .....

...... usually a couple of times each year. So I was very familiar with that country, when it was still looking to the West, and Europe as its social development model (not something its doing anymore).

Affirmative Injustice

In the wake of the recent racial protests by the #BLM group .... with its ill defined demands ....

Kick It Out - Taking Its Chance To Create A New Inequality?
Taking Its Chance To Create A New Inequality?

Sanjay Bhandari, the chairman of the Kick It Out anti racism campaign, in what seems like the much discredited 'affirmative action' that plagued the US for a decade or so, is calling for BAME job quotas at the top of sport and football in particular ....

Twilight Of An Empire?

The pubs reopening in July has been accompanied by price rises across the board ....

Pubs Reopened To Ecstatic Crowds, Ignoring Social Distancing in Soho London
Pubs Reopen To Ecstatic Crowds, Ignoring Social Distancing in Soho London

.... justified by the additional costs of health safe-guarding, and the limited customer numbers. We all assume that the price hikes are not unjustified, and will disappear when the special conditions end ...

Friday 24 July 2020

Taking The Pee

The historic 78-year-old North Bend Theatre, a cinema house in North Bend in the north-western US state of Washington, received a package through the post that was unmarked in November 2019 .....

The Historic 78-year-old North Bend Theatre ..... Subject To Terror Alert,

However after the theatre manager opened it, he found he found a box containing a liquid labelled with the words "highly contagious human substance."

Great Beer Disasters Past And Present

Beer, or rather the lack of it via licensed premises, aka The Public House ....

A Beer Sentiment Shared By Many On Social Media ......

was mine, and many of my acquaintances, biggest bugbear about the coronavirus lockdown, and for us was something of a personal disaster ... So even the pubs reopening in a socially distanced manner is only a partial fix.

Spamming Bastards

This year many Bloggers have been subjected to a sustained campaign of spamming by one website ...

I Have Had To Introduce Comment Moderation To Intercept Most Of This Spam .....

.... this spamming comes in the the form of comments with the copy "Wow! this is Amazing! Do you know your hidden name meaning ? Scratch here to find your hidden name meaning".

Druggie Death Rates

It seems from 2018 figures in the table below ...

Drug Deaths Scotland Now The Highest Reported In World

... that the further north you travel in Europe, the worse the drug problem.

Friday 17 July 2020

Born To Be Stupid

This story about the shop keeper being robbed, asking the robbers to come back later when he has more money to steal

The Six Tits Got Caught ......

..... and they did, is not a joke.

More Welsh Madness

South Wales just gives and gives to this blog .... so its South Wales Man again .....

Pauline's Perils Were Often On Rail Tracks ....
Pauline's Perils Were Often On Rail Tracks ....

.... starting with Paul Hart, a middle aged man who lived in Pembrokeshire, South Wales, and who you may consider was not a particularly clever example of the human race.

The Strange Cases Of The Self Proclaimed Prophets

Religious leaders and self proclaimed (or those proclaimed by their followers) 'chosen ones' are always interesting ...

Muhammad Ahmad bin Abd Allah - The Mahdi
Muhammad Ahmad bin Abd Allah - One In A Line Of Proclaimed Mahdi's

.... even if they usually are one shot wonders, and soon forgotten by history.

Toilet Paper Runs

With the sudden panic buying of toilet paper, when the Covid-19 virus was suddenly big news ...

Stockpiling Bog Rolls Was A Feature Of This Crisis ....

..... many of us were actually considering how they would cope if there were no supplies.

Friday 10 July 2020

Gothams Joker

 Gotham City, USA, is the home of one of its great fictional hero's ..... the Batman

The Joker Is the Most Portrayed Of Batman's Villains .... Even By Other Villains.

.... as well as its great villains such as The Penguin, Cat Woman and of course The Joker

Smiling Security

In India, the airport security have been asked to look sterner ....

Smiling Security - Reassuring Or Worrying?
Smiling Security - Reassuring Or Worrying?

..... because their habit of smiling and joking could be perceived by foreign travellers as lax security.

The End Of Homo Sapiens?

According to the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) the age of Homo Sapiens could be under threat ...

Aqua Homo May Rule The Future.

... and the age of the hybrid Aqua Homo (aka the deep ones) may soon arise.

Even Beyond Death

Zara Abid was a fashion model ....

Zara Abid - Offended Religious Social Media Posters
Zara Abid - Offended Religious Social Media Posters ....

... like me you probably will not have heard of her if you are not from the Indian sub-continent.

Saturday 4 July 2020

The New Normal Sucks

I have to add a quick post to mark the reopening of pubs in England today, after 13 weeks closure ....

Pubs With Restrictions Are Not Going To Be Fun .....

..... though not in Scotland or Wales yet.

Friday 3 July 2020

Its All In The Name

There are many reasons why someone may be barred from trying for political office but not from campaigning via social media ....

Anus on Facebook Bad - Anu OK

.... they may be under-aged, or the wrong nationality, or an ex criminal. But rarely is it because they have the wrong name.

Student Stupidity

In an extreme bout of snowflake Political Correctness in 2015 ...

Disabled Yoga Helps Keep Muscles Limber .... But Not In The University of Ottawa Centre for Students with Disabilities.

... a student body at the University of Ottawa prevented disabled students from attending yoga classes.

Crocodile Tears And Leopards Spots

In the New Society that we are cultivating in Britain, some of the women are as dangerous to be near as the worst of the men ...

The Albany Pub In Fitrovia London
The Albany Pub In Fitrovia London - Scene Of Violence.

Such is apparently the case with a young woman from Munster Square, Camden, Northwest London ... who is apparently a very dangerous woman to be near.

Not Top Table

After the hullabaloo of a US President visiting India, there was the usual talk about a meeting of equals, and of India emerging as the next 'Superpower' ....

Trump And Modi Enjoyed The Big Stage
Trump And Modi Enjoyed The Big Stage .....

Such talk has occasionally popped up for at least the last 20 years, but the country is seemingly no nearer that status now, than then.


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A middle aged orange male ... So 'un' PC it's not true....