
Friday 24 July 2020

Spamming Bastards

This year many Bloggers have been subjected to a sustained campaign of spamming by one website ...

I Have Had To Introduce Comment Moderation To Intercept Most Of This Spam .....

.... this spamming comes in the the form of comments with the copy "Wow! this is Amazing! Do you know your hidden name meaning ? Scratch here to find your hidden name meaning".

A simple search has shown that this spamming is widespread.

Spam Search Uncovered Evidence Of The Widespread Spam Campaign ....

Using the text of the comments, I instantly found many blogger sites where this text has apparently been entered in the comments section.

Bloggers Hit Far And Wide ........

and sure enough, the posts are all being hit by the  spammer.

Now, it has to be said that you can report comments as 'spam' to Google, but that doesn't seem to result in this particular spammer site being stopped for too long.

The Spammers Just Change Names And Try Again .....

They simply wait for a day or so, then open another Blogger account and resume the comments again with a different text. This cycle has been going on for much of the year (certainly until July 2020 when this post was written and scheduled).

But given that its not hard to track down the website running this campaign, and also given that Google is amongst the biggest and richest companies on the planet, with lawyers commensurate with that status, we are forced to ask the question as to why this spamming company hasn't been closed down?

The Offending Site Has An Image To Match .... The Guy Fawkes Mask

Clicking a comment takes a user to the offending website ..... app slel dot com (for obvious reasons I don't intend to give them a link, or a bot searchable name, but you can work it out) .... so if I can find them, so can the Google lawyers. So why are they still being allowed to plague the blogger world?

This pandemic subsided briefly, only to be replaced by adverts for a porn sex site .... I have confirmed that its also the same company pushing the porn adverts, and its new campaign has been going on for over a few weeks so far, so Google must be well aware of its fresh activities by now.

Google once was a company with a face and a heart, remember "Don't do Evil," but now it seems the mighty pay per click dollar drives many of its actions. Google seem to have forgotten their roots .... the 4th of September, 1998 is surely not that long ago?

1 comment:

  1. Just for fairness I should report that a few weeks after this post, the spam campaign from this company stopped. However I have now retained comment preview to not have to go through it again,


All comments are welcomed, or even just thanks if you enjoyed the post. But please make any comment relevant to the post it appears under. Off topic comments will be blocked or removed.

Moderation is on for older posts to stop spamming and comments that are off topic or inappropriate from being posted .... comments are reviewed within 48 hours. I don't block normal comments that are on topic and not inappropriate. Vexatious comments that may cause upset to other commentators, or that are attempting to espouse a particular wider political view, are reviewed before acceptance. But a certain amount of debate around a post topic is accepted, as long as it remains generally on topic and is not an attempt to become sounding board for some other cause.

Final decision on all comments is held by the blog author and is final.

Comments are always monitored for bad or abusive language, and or illegal statements i.e. overtly racist or sexist content. Spam is not tolerated and is removed.

Commentaires ne sont surveillés que pour le mauvais ou abusif langue ou déclarations illégales ie contenu ouvertement raciste ou sexiste. Spam ne est pas toléré et est éliminé.


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