
Saturday 4 July 2020

The New Normal Sucks

I have to add a quick post to mark the reopening of pubs in England today, after 13 weeks closure ....

Pubs With Restrictions Are Not Going To Be Fun .....

..... though not in Scotland or Wales yet.

I can still recall and relive the thrill of the first time I went into a pub at the tender age of 16 . Yeah like most UK teens I broke the law and started drinking before I was legally entitled to (18 in UK), and from the moment I got that first beer and sat down, I was smitten with my first, and as it has turned out, my only loyal love. I love pubs, and they love me 💘

But despite my love of pubs, and I think my little love struck prose above shows that I mean that statement, I have decided not to attempt to go in this weekend. So the pubs will reopen .... but not for me!

There are a few reasons for this sad statement: Some are particular to my local increasing beer prices by 47 per cent (Yes really, price gouging on the worst type), and I don't think they should be rewarded for this shameful profiteering. But that wouldn't normally stop me going elsewhere, but I suspect that:
  • Opening pubs on a Weekend means that the Pubs will be packed, as a public desperate for some entertainment again, flock to pubs (see beaches when reopened).
  • Some pubs are requiring that you book a seat (rather like New Years Eve) or are limiting numbers.
  • I suspect that with all the social distancing rules, it will make it virtually impossible to get a beer without about half an hours wait.
  • The pubs may be closed again if there is a coronavirus cases spike again next week.

So I may be getting old, but I fear there will be an unpalatable feel to the pubs, and with all the restrictions you'll be lucky to get a beer in some pubs ..... It just doesn't sound like fun to me.

So I may well wait until the fuss has died down, and maybe go during the day time for a swift pint (probably not at my former local either), to check it out. 


  1. In London it was a bit souless in many pubs. Some closed at 9:30pm. Saturday night 9:30 and pub closed. What have we been reduced to?

    1. Well I cant speak myself as I obviously didn't go out. Judging from new reports you should have gone to Soho square. I expect that the 'New Normal' as the snowflake media like to indoctrinate us with, will settle down soon enough. Its not for me, but then I'm hardly a representative of the average drinker, so that should put nobody off.

      It may be strange, but it has to be better than no pubs at all.

      Cheers for the comment.

  2. A lot of my friends haven't been to the pub at all. The reasons vary but it's got to be damaging pubs that so many former regulars have picked up other habits.

    Social distancing rules could be in place for months and with not much left when it ends, if it ever does.

    1. There's the fear, that there will be no cure and no government will have the nerve to just let the virus run its course .... years of destruction of the economy and our way of life. Face masks on public transport and shops is not 'normal' no matter what people tell me.

      Like a mugger and robbers paradise!!

      Thanks for the comment. Actually very timely as I am actually building up to a pub trip for the first time next week sometime - daytime when its quiet.

  3. Scotland opened up its bars, but the last orders is 8:30pm. Early bed times are the puritan way it seems.

    1. Oddly I was told this by a friend up north yesterday. Is it me or is 8:30pm a bit like a nanny state deadline. But then the SNP are a hard-line socialist party ... they love the firm smack of socialism and state control, up over Hadrian's Wall. They have to, or they would vote for something different for a bloody change.

  4. You could have gone out with Boris or Starmer apparently.

    1. Yes ... hindsight makes strange bedfellows of all of us it seems. Thanks for the witty comment.


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