
Friday 24 July 2020

Taking The Pee

The historic 78-year-old North Bend Theatre, a cinema house in North Bend in the north-western US state of Washington, received a package through the post that was unmarked in November 2019 .....

The Historic 78-year-old North Bend Theatre ..... Subject To Terror Alert,

However after the theatre manager opened it, he found he found a box containing a liquid labelled with the words "highly contagious human substance."

..... so in these terrorist driven times the cinema had to be evacuated. This action was in marked contrast to an incident at the Konzerthaus Opera House in Vienna, Austria, where faced with an unknown but potentially hostile package, they merely called the police (but didn't evacuate the building), and the opera played on. However armed officers and a bomb squad did attend the building.

Hazmat Techncians Attended The Theatre .....

The manager of the North Bend cinema was taken to hospital as a precaution despite not showing any signs of illness as officials weren’t sure what was in the box, and streets around the cinema were closed off.

Tests by bio-hazard (hazmat) unit technicians transported the package and doctors from Harborview Medical Center in Seattle later examined the contents to determine what the liquid was and found the package to be urine, and it was disposed of .... not simply down the toilet as one might assume, but in 'a bio-container'.

The package was apparently intended for a medical clinic about 50 miles (80km) away in Tacoma, but why it would be labelled as a highly contagious human substance, was not disclosed or made clear.

The theatre later posted a statement that said: "All is well. There was no danger. We will be open as usual" for a screening of Frozen II ... a very strange event, but I guess a sign of the times we live in. Coronavirus will subside eventually, but international terrorism is with us for decades, and fear of it possibly forever.

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