
Friday 10 July 2020

Gothams Joker

 Gotham City, USA, is the home of one of its great fictional hero's ..... the Batman

The Joker Is the Most Portrayed Of Batman's Villains .... Even By Other Villains.

.... as well as its great villains such as The Penguin, Cat Woman and of course The Joker

So when a homeless thug named Damien Hammond drifted into the neighbourhood of the village of Gotham in Nottinghamshire (the real Gotham), he couldn't resist the chance to play with the name.

Damien Hammond's Transformation In To The Joker .... Not So Funny.

He dressed as 'The Joker' from the Batman movies, and put on suitable make-up, whilst then embarking on a three month crime spree in the locality. He wasn't adverse to using threats of violence in local shops, as well as wielding and pointing a makeshift gun (a gun shaped cigarette lighter) at traffic and shouting "I will kill today". When he was arrested he even had his mugshot taken with the full joker make-up on, and in costume (Purple jacket and green shirt).

He was charged with, and admitted, criminal damage, obstructing a police officer, possessing cannabis, and disorderly conduct towards shop staff. He originally got a suspended sentence in April 2018, but after breaching the attached conditions, he was sentenced to jail for 22 weeks and made subject to a three-year behaviour order banning him from areas of central Nottingham. When the magistrate told him he was going to jail he shouted: "Send me to prison, I don't care."

Police said afterwards that "Hammond has been a persistent offender in the city centre, and his behaviour has not only caused distress to shop workers and members of the public, but has also escalated to him being disorderly and obstructive toward police officers. Despite being offered support from partner agencies and previously being given a second chance by the court, his offending continued."

He couldn't keep to the magistrates order, and ended up in the canal when a policeman tried to detain him for breaking a ban on entering the city on June 17 2019. It turned into the 95th criminal offence for Damien Hammond, who is still a homeless man and who still dresses as the character from the Batman films whilst performing street tricks, in between numerous petty criminal offences. That led to an £80 fine for Hammond, who already owes £1,191 to the courts.

In July 2019, he was at it again, he put on a costume copied from the Batman films. Then he headed for the city's Old Market Square at 8.20pm on Sunday. Within minutes, he was arrested and spent the night in a dry police cell ... it was raining, and his tent had been stolen, and he needed a dry bed for the night ... as he doesn't pay fines, his night in the cells was treated as 'punishment' despite him having engineered it.

Reality and fantasy worlds sometimes collide in the oddest of places and persons.

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