
Friday 31 July 2020

Natural Justice?

As I have mentioned in the past, I spent a large number of years holidaying in Turkey in the 1980's and early 1990's ....

Foca In Turkey Is An Idyllic Resort On The Aegean
Foca In Turkey Is An Idyllic Resort On The Aegean .....

...... usually a couple of times each year. So I was very familiar with that country, when it was still looking to the West, and Europe as its social development model (not something its doing anymore).

So I had also been to resorts like Foca, and other areas that weren't really frequented by British tourists at the time, as well as Kurdish areas of Turkey (that's another story), and during those trips I have witnessed Turkish men firing off guns and rifles, at celebratory events such as weddings and birthdays, although admittedly never indoors.

So the fact that 16 years ago in a small tourist town such as Foca, a Turkish car salesman, would suddenly start shooting at another three men in a small café, killing one, wounding the other two, and also killing a British tourists child sleeping in its pram, doesn't come as a big surprise to me. 
Nor does the fact that despite being jailed for life (a sentence of 58 years with a maximum of 36), at a court in Izmir in 2004, he was let out early in 2017, after serving just 13 years. Of course this is hardly a life sentence, but that seems to be the going rate for ending someone else's life these days.

Justice Has Been Served On Daimi Akyuz
Justice Has Been Served On Daimi Akyuz ....

So, unlike one of the now divorced parents of the British child killed (the opinion of the family of the deceased man on  his early release are not recorded), who would rather he had stayed in prison forever, I am not ambivalent in my opinions about the news that just 6 days after his release, according to reports in the Turkish media, he was gunned down at his own wedding in Izmir. He had apparently stepped outside for a cigarette, and someone came along and shot him. Whether the killing was related to his killing of the child (Whose mother and family are still in Turkey), or to the men he killed or wounded in the same incident, is not known ... but one can hope so.

Of course the early release was because prisons in Turkey are now "overflowing" since the attempted coup in 2016, and a number of actual criminal inmates who had served more than 10 years, were offered early release. According to Turkish media at the time, police were interviewing five suspects in relation to his shooting.

To be honest Daimi Akyuz should not have been out of prison in the first place, so the fact that he was killed, seems like a rare case natural justice for the nasty little foca to me.

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