
Friday 3 July 2020

Crocodile Tears And Leopards Spots

In the New Society that we are cultivating in Britain, some of the women are as dangerous to be near as the worst of the men ...

The Albany Pub In Fitrovia London
The Albany Pub In Fitrovia London - Scene Of Violence.

Such is apparently the case with a young woman from Munster Square, Camden, Northwest London ... who is apparently a very dangerous woman to be near.

In this case, she is particularly a danger to others after she has imbibed alcohol, or even if you are simply in the same bar as her. At age 22 Molly Russell has already racked up two convictions for violent and unprovoked assaults on male strangers, as well as being involved in other incidents which didn't get to court. Her latest act of unprovoked violence came on a night out at the upmarket Albany pub in Fitzrovia London.

She and her friends had already attracted attention from other patrons and staff with their ‘rowdy and aggressive’ behaviour throughout the evening. So when the bar finished serving at last orders, the staff would have been hoping that the chavvy group would simply leave.

Picture Of A Thuggish Little Madam?
Picture Of A Thuggish Little Madam?

However Ms Russell was not going to go without trouble. She began smashing glasses after staff informed customers that the bar was closing. Another customer, and not in her party, Brendon Taylor tried to calm her down. She responded by throwing her remaining drink over him and and then smashing the now empty glass into his eye, leaving him ‘drenched in his own blood’.

The glass shattered on impact with his face, causing lacerations to the socket around his left eye and which have left him scarred, probably for life. Mr Taylor, was blinded by the blood, but heard a male voice shout 'run' and Ms Taylor and her cowardly friends left the pub at speed. Earlier this year, she also threw a wine glass at a man, after he teased her for having a ‘red wine moustache’ and red stained teeth, and allegedly (by her) called her a ‘slag’ in another London bar.

Her history of violence didn't start this year ... in fact in 2016, when she was aged 19 the court heard that she had made newspaper headlines after 'donkey-kicking' a police officer in another violent incident. In this one, the police were called to a hotel in Bayswater London, where Ms Taylor had erupted into her usual violence, when she threw a credit card machine at the receptionist. This came  after she had unsuccessfully demanded compensation because her hand had allegedly been caught in the lift.

Ms Russell then approached the reception desk grabbed the victim’s hair and pulled her to the floor. In this instance, after escaping her handcuffs ‘like Houdini’, she then assaulted PC James Koston and PC Christian Piedersen, when she made Tyson  look like an amateur,’ while punching and kicking the two police officers. She got a six month community order. She was also given a 15 day community order, while under curfew for four weeks, and ordered to pay costs and a victim surcharge of £85 each.

So lets play a game .... what sentence did this thuggish little madam get this time around? ..... maybe two  years for assault with a weapon? No, I am only joshing ..... this is Britain in the 21st century.

Attacking people with weapons, threatening and assaulting hotel receptionists, 'donkey-kicking' police officers, and generally being an utter twat, is fairly acceptable for a modern young miss. So after she had cried a few crocodile tears in the dock (no doubt in self pity), and her defence had claimed that she had 'learnt her lesson', she once again avoided any custodial sentence, and she was sentenced to just '20 months’ imprisonment, suspended for two years, with a requirement to complete rehabilitation and 118 hours unpaid work. Not even any compensation order.

The victim of her latest public order outrage, has had to quit his job, as Ms Russell and her thuggy friends lived near his place of employment "I did not want to stay living and working in area as I did not want to risk seeing them. Since leaving my full time job I have not been able to get another in the same role". He has also lost his confidence ‘Going out in public with severe scars on my face makes me very uncomfortable. ‘I was a confident and social person before the attack but since I have been left feeling very vulnerable and conscious of my appearance.'

Judge Michael Gledhill QC, in sentencing, said: ‘When are you ever going to learn? ‘You are a thoroughly immature and self-centred woman who puts yourself first always. I accept you weren’t under the influence this time, that makes it even worse in a sense because it shows that even sober you are a thoroughly unpleasant and violent young woman. Having considered your mitigation I’m just minded to suspend the sentence. The ball is in your court – it’s about time you grew up.’

Sadly he's wrong. The ball is actually in the public's court ..... she has no reason to change, she hasn't on the other occasions either. Hopefully she will take this last chance to change her behaviour ... but leopards don't change their spots, and thugs usually don't learn from slaps on the wrist.

So I feel fairly confident that as the latest let off was in October 2019, we will probably see this woman back in court for another act of mindless and unprovoked violence at sometime in the future .... If that happens, then the question would be, how many times will she be allowed to damage innocent peoples lives, before someone locks her up for a well deserved spell in prison?

In the meantime, she's the latest poster girl for Broken Britain.

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