While reading about the US Presidential race, I read about a guy called
Wayne Dumond, whose release from prison
after a serious set of crimes, was assisted by a Republican governor, and who went on to rape and murder again, thus blighting said Republican candidates campaign ….. As I researched into this case I came across a Canadian site “
(Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty), which features requests for
“Pen Pals” by Californian residents of death row.
Many On Death Row Will Never Make The Long Walk ... |
What I found interesting was that the content of the requests was entirely unedited, and therefore indicated what the inmates thought about a number of subjects. The crime denial or contradictions in character were staggering, and I have selected
(purely at random), a few examples from which I have edited only the email addresses.
What was especially interesting is that the way the death row inmates portrayed themselves, you would think that they were all innocents, and poets .. they all produce
doggerel, and think it shows them as caring lovable human beings ….. Just five minutes research, shows you the crimes of some of the most disgusting men to have ever walked this earth. They should all be dead, but in fact most of them will never get killed.
Here are the examples I had chosen with the
original CCDP page link
Cleophus Prince Jr – I should explain that he is an African American who was convicted of the murder of 6 women (all white), in the San Diego area.
- "Stop!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "Stop!" "Stop!" Now that I have your attention, you might as well continue reading and be pleasantly surprised ! My name is Cleophus Prince "Jr" and I'm an intelligent open minded, compassionate, and caring soul who is looking for someone to brighten a fella's day with a letter or whatever. Being that life here is as exciting as watching paint dry, I'm really hoping that by the time you finish reading this your interest has been piqued enough to want to respond. If you do I'm sure you'll have the time of your life ! (wanna bet?) Let me tell you a little about myself, I'm 32 years old, 5'10, 185 lbs. I enjoy working out, reading, poetry, music, watching TV, and meeting new people. What am I looking for? Someone I can share my thoughts, feelings, and experience with, in other words a friend. If this is something you're willing to give a try contact me.
There is a full account of his crimes
on this link, but in brief, from1990 to his capture in 1991, he committed six killings, as well as numerous burglaries and a rape. Unusually for serial killers, Cleophus killed women of another race (
serial killers usually prefer to operate in environments that they understand). He was linked to several of the deaths by DNA evidence, and amounts of jewellery found in his possession that belonged to his victims. He also gave his girlfriend a rare opal ring for Christmas that had belonged to his second victim. The attacks were marked for the frenzied violence involved, and some of the victims were stabbed up to fifty times.
Charles Ng – I should explain that he was convicted of multiple homicides with his friend, including two babies. He is a fantasist and lifetime criminal, starting his first crimes at about 16 despite a wealthy family background.
- My name is Charles Chi-tat Ng. I am an Asian male of average build. I was born December 24th 1960 and raised in Hong Kong in a traditional Chinese family, but have spent the majority of my adult life in North America. I graduated from high school in England. I have never been married and have no children. I have travelled to many countries and have been exposed to many cultures. My remaining immediate family members reside outside the United States and I am currently the only Chinese prisoner on California's Death Row at San Quentin Prison. My case, from inception to verdict, has been both a travesty and outrage of mistreatments and miscarriage of justice. Because of these and other reasons, I constantly feel misplaced, sad and lonely - like a dolphin caught inside a tuna net. I am writing because I am interested in seeking sincere friendship through correspondence and visiting with someone I can build an enduring and meaningful companionship with - someone with whom I can share good times, bad times, life, thoughts, feelings, experiences and passions from this dark hole of humanity. Out in the free world I enjoyed such things as reading, learning new subjects, wilderness exploring, martial arts, movies, travelling, cooking, and outdoor adventures such as mountain hiking / climbing, scuba diving and serving as an infantryman in the United States Marine Corps. Throughout my life I have refrained from unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking and recreational drug uses. During my incarceration I enjoy such things as origami, spirituality, self-study, exercises, writing, reading and drawing. I am a self-taught artist who loves animals and strive to express artistically with an improvisational approach in whatever medium available to me. I always feel a special kinship in my struggle for survival as those faced by the endangered animals I depict in my artwork. To me, art is a universal emotional expression of all cultures, and wildlife art a spiritual reference for all things wild and free; and a way for me to immortalize my love and intimacy to those who are dear and special to me. Personality wise, I am quiet, shy, open-minded, down to Earth, loyal, thoughtful, dependent and sentimental, but can be wayward, overly trusting and pessimistic at times. Life is fleeting and my fate is at best uncertain. Therefore I desire to hear from new friends and reconnect with people who had touched my life and heart in the past, but with whom I have lost touch due to circumstances beyond my control. I would be most grateful to be able to share the precious time I have left in this world with honest, open-minded and good-hearted people who understand and empathize with injustices, sufferings, my struggle, my visions and yearnings, and who may be able and willing to lend helping hands along the way. I am in constant contact with David Gee who lives in England and has done a lot of research on my case and may be able to answer any questions. In order to try and raise money for my day to day items and additional art materials I would be prepared to sell a small number of prints of any of my featured drawings. Thank you for your attention and I look forward to hearing from you.
There is a full account of
his crimes on numerous web sites
and here is another one. In brief he was in trouble in Hong Kong, sent to the UK but he was expelled from school and returned to Hong Kong. Sent to the US, he dropped out and lied in order to join the US marines, where he ended up in Leavenworth prison for stealing automatic weapons – he escaped, and met up with
Leonard Lake his confederate for future crimes. After recapture by the FBI he served 3 years in military prison but upon release was not deported, and teamed up with Lake.
The murders and tortures committed by the two totalled at least eleven men, three women and two babies. Authorities believe the number of victims murdered by the two to be much higher, with many of the dead still unidentified. Police estimated that around 21
‘missing’ women were shown as victims being sexually assaulted, raped and sodomised on video tapes, their ages ranging from twelve to their early twenties.
Six women in the tapes were thankfully found alive, but many more remain missing today, their bodies most likely to have been incinerated. It gives you an idea of the horrors this pair were responsible for, when you hear that they were captured for shoplifting after Ng and Lake stopped at a lumber yard to get a replacement for a bench vice that they
“broke”, while using it to torture their victims.
William (Bill) Proctor – Convicted murderer and rapist
- I am 36 years old, 5'10, 180 lbs, have brown hair, green eyes. I am currently residing on California's death row and have been, since 1983 at the age of 21 years old. I love being a Christian, I also enjoy artistic and intellectual pursuits, I have plenty of conversation and opinions I'd like to share about life, love, moral value, truth, happiness, peace and freedom, etc. etc.
There is a
State appeal court document which gives the following on Mr Proctor.
Proctor murdered Bonnie Stendal, a 55-year old school teacher who lived in Burney, a small community in Shasta County, California. On a night in April 1982, Proctor entered Mrs. Stendal's home and beat her, causing numerous cuts and bruises on her face. Proctor stabbed Mrs. Stendal in the neck several times and inflicted seven stab wounds in the area of the right breast. Proctor raped Mrs. Stendal and committed further sexual assaults with a foreign object.
After beating, torturing, and raping Mrs. Stendal, Proctor strangled her to death and dumped her body on the side of the road near Lake Britton, 12 miles from Burney. The body was found late the next afternoon, clad only in a nightgown, with the hands tied behind the back.
David Allen Raley – Convicted of rape, murder and attempted murder in 1985.
- Hello! I hope that this letter will find you doing real good, and also in real good health and spirits too. As for me, I am doing the best I can under the circumstances, being on Death Row...In hopes that you might be able to help me, and I truly ! hope so too...What I would like to be able to do...is to get some pen pals. The reason my attorney told me about you all, is cause I have been having thoughts in dropping my appeals. Cause of the same routine every day, the loneliness is getting to me etc. and sure you can understand that. And my attorney figured getting some pen pals would help. With the loneliness, and help me hang on longer, and not drop my appeals. So again anything, and any help you all can give me, will be very appreciated. Take care, and God bless and watch over you all always...Smile! Again, take care, and hope to hear from you all real soon too.
The local newspaper
gives a report on Mr Raley, and there was a moving interview with the survivor that has since gone, and I can't find on the wayback machine site. The 46-year-old Raley was sentenced to die for the 1985 kidnap and murder of a Peninsula high school student and the attempted murder of her friend at a deserted Hillsborough mansion. Raley, a security guard turned a tour of the mansion into a day of terror for the two girls, Laurie McKenna and Janine Grinsell, who died from repeated stab wounds.
Robert Rhoades - who is convicted in 1998 of kidnapping, molesting and killing an 8-year-old Yuba City boy in 1996. The 3rd-grader's body, clad only in a green sweat shirt, and a bloodstained Batman T-shirt, was found in dense brush along the banks of the Feather River the day after his disappearance. Oh and he was also convicted of the rape and murder of Julie Connell in 1984.
- Hello. My name is Robert Rhoades. I am a 47 yr. old caucasian male currently on California's death row for one year now. I was born and raised in a small farming community in northern California. So, I am a country boy thru and thru. I enjoy fishing, camping, country music, the mountains and good movies that make me cry. I was raised in a good Christian home and like many others in these trying times I fell by the wayside. I am slowly making my way back. So if you are a good hearted country girl, or just a good person looking for a good and true pen-friend, please write me right away, I will answer immediately and look forward to meeting many new friends. PS I will send photos upon request. Sincerely yours,
It appears that cries for mercy don’t make him cry, just movies. Robert Rhoades raped and murdered Julie Connell in 1984. She was 18. Rhoades is already on California's death row for raping and killing 8-year-old Michael Lyons in 1996. "
It's a happy day for us," Connell's mother, Kathy Connell, said outside court. Henry Lee reports
here for the San Francisco Chronicle.
Convicted Double Murderer William Clark, circa 1997. |
William Clark – Convicted of a robbery where a woman Kathy Lee was murdered. He claims total innocence on the Canadian
(and other web sites)
- The first thing you can do is pray because I'll need it! You would be shocked at how many innocent people have been executed throughout American history. Secondly, you can help by becoming an "ACTIVIST" to help lobby for my unconditional release. Third, you can help by sending donations to help me pay for a competent, caring, experienced appellate attorney. For information on the case see my webpage at http://ccadp.org/williamclark.htm Finally, you can help by being a friend, by writing me to help add a sense of enjoyment and normalcy to an otherwise demeaning, dehumanizing, frustrating situation. All letters will be answered immediately and I encourage attorneys and activists to write!
He has supporters on their
websites, who believe he is the victim of a giant conspiracy by the police, court officials, and judiciary. Oddly it wasn’t apparently obvious to the two or three juries who have seen the evidence. He claims it was two black men not a single black man (or that he doesn’t fit descriptions etc).
Superficially it looks like he may have a case
(if what he says is true), but in fact what he never mentions is that is that he was convicted of planning the robbery
(hence his elaborate alibi’s), so the fact that he wasn’t seen at the crime isn’t necessarily significant.
According to
court records Clark became the 1st person to be condemned in Orange County for 2 murders at which he was not present. William Clinton Clark was sentenced to die for masterminding a botched robbery that resulted in one death, then ordering the execution of a witness in the case.
Judge John J. Ryan said that even though Clark did not commit either murder, he was responsible for both. "
I think the evidence in this case, while largely circumstantial, was absolutely overwhelming" Ryan said.
Before imposing the death sentence, Ryan allowed the defendant to speak for more than an hour then took the unusual step of responding directly to his remarks. Clark, 44, of Los Angeles, insisted that he had "
never hurt anybody" and lashed out at the prosecutor, police and witnesses in the case, all of whom he said lied to obtain a conviction ….. more on the link.
Finally; because nearly every one of these
"sob sisters" is actually a vile animal, who has done the most dreadful things when you look up the cases … there may be the odd injustice, but frankly most of them should have hung years before for the many crimes they committed up until the time they were finally judged to have crossed a very high bar.
This next entry is an excellent example of the bad artwork, poor prose, and doggerel poetry, that seems to infect all the killers on death row.
Lonely? - I Am In The San Quentin Area. |
Billy Ray Riggs who describes himself on his web site as
“First nation - Cherokee Indian/Black/German”. He appears to have become something of a
cause célèbre to the
“treat em nice” brigade. He had a number of web sites that display his writings.
- WHAT I AM SEEKING IS "CORRESPONDENCE & VISITS" FOR THE SAKE OF FRIENDSHIP. Someone who's sincere, compassionate, and able to empathize with my adverse situation, in terms of, moral support etc. Historical literature, poetry, art-work, classical music, are just some of the subjects of my interest, and my willingness to learn more. I am not afraid to share or express my sensitivity and emotions. Will write to any female. If you are not able to assist me in my request for someone to correspond with, maybe you know of someone else, an organization, agency or group, who may be acquescent towards my unfortunate circumstance. Please ! Feel free to forward this information to them on my behalf or send me their address. Sincerely, Pops.
He describes himself as a major street drug dealer in his prose ….. but he was just a dirty little crack dealer. He murdered a woman
Jamie Michele Bowie in cold blood in 1990. Billy Ray Riggs (of Inglewood) represented himself in one of his trials, in which he was convicted and sentenced in 1994 to die for the slaying of Jamie Bowie. Jamie Bowie, 24, of Van Nuys, disappeared on Easter weekend in 1990 and her body was found a month later in an Indio citrus grove.
He was also wanted for questioning in July 31, 1972 in connection with the murder of his own brother Rickie Don Riggs aged 24. “
Detectives said they were seeking Billy Ray Riggs, 26, in connection with slaying of his brother Rickie Don, 24 after an argument at their mother's House”. Billy Ray ain’t too short of company – he gets visits from the forgivers and the naive, who see a middle aged black man, who smiles and writes a bit.
'Of Course I Am A Bit Older Than My CCADP Pen-pal Picture' |
There is definitely a form of
Stockholm syndrome with some of the mothers of victims.
- The bastards don't get hung, and hang around for years with the endless rounds of appeals.
- The mothers don't get closure or vengeance, and eventually the stress seems to cause them to get religion ... they start writing to the murderers looking for answers (Why my daughter / son? Why are you like this? etc), and after a while they seem to 'identify' with the killer. Sometimes they describe them as "Friends".
I heard a Jewish woman on radio who forgave the Palestinian family of the man who killed her son and became a family friend, which is very similar to these Christian women prison visitors, such as those from the
Catherine Blount Foundation. The problem is that these groups can apparently find any excuse
(mental illness is a common one, or abuse suffered as a child), for nearly every person on death row ..... but they forget that
all men have free will, they don't have to rape or kill. There is no excuse for murder except
'accidents (aka Manslaughter),' and even that is over used.
There were a lot of men listed as being on death row on the Canadian site, and virtually every one of them has described themselves as being guilty of a '
miscarriage of justice', or '
innocent', or '
totally reformed' or just plain '
misunderstood and lovable', and yet most of them were found guilty by a jury, and have been through numerous appeals and still found guilty.
The evidence is usually compelling, and juries of normal people passed the death sentences. The crimes in most cases are so vile that I have not reported the full details, and yet somehow there are mass campaigns to save their lives, and even in some cases pardon them or give them a parole.
I believe in “
Whole of Life Sentences”, only because there are always the odd cases where someone is wholly innocent of murder ….. but I could happily live with hanging in most of the cases above.
As I mentioned, the cases listed above were a completely random sample, and not one of them looks remotely like a miscarriage of justice, and I suspect that every one of the others is the same when you look at it.
- Billy Ray Riggs (the 'popular' killer), is guilty of at least one, and possibly more murders, and the other men listed are equally as bad, and most are considerably worse.
- William Clark, is deluded, because in his mind the plan shouldn’t have failed, and he just can’t get over the fact that the police and courts beat his “criminal mastermind” plan to order killings.
Funny how they all want mercy and compassion from us, after committing horrendous crimes against others, but they all offered none to any of their victims, or anyone else in their whole lives.
Update: Add these
two monsters to the list.
Update 2023: Because the
http://www.ccadp.org links to the original letters were now dead, as were many others, I have replaced them with still viable information links and reflected on lost links in the text copy. That's the trouble with the the Internet, sites go down and pages are lost but the wayback machine page has a captured
the original CCADP page.
There is of course a counter argument against death sentences, and in favour of whole of life sentences. Because of wrongful convictions and this story gives examples .... however the whole of life campaigners often then campaign to give lower sentences despite that promise. There are some crimes for which death is the only justice ... these are all in that category.
This post is from the site No PC Views.
if you are viewing it elsewhere, then it has been scraped or stolen.
You may wish to view the post in its original context by visiting No PC Views (http://no-pc.blogspot.co.uk/)
I live 17 miles from the town of Burney where Proctor raped and murdered Bonnie Stendal...I was in the ninth grade at the time and can remember the fear that raged in the area,,,he should have been executed the day they caught him...these men on death row looking for friendship is a load of steaming crap!!
ReplyDeleteI am sorry to hear that you were affected by one of these monsters. I only publicised these cases because I want the 'do gooders' to come to face with the real evil committed by these men they support.
ReplyDeleteFrankly there is a 'stockholm' syndrome with many of the middle aged women who get tied up with these men.
I wrote a letter to Prince Jr, because I know him personally from San Diego. Unfortunately it was my first letter and will be my last, after receiving his letter of response and him hinting around to putting money on his books and mailing him care packages.
ReplyDeleteI'm interested in writing to Tiequon Cox, a Rolling 60s Crip on death row for the murders of an entire family in a case of mistaken idenity.
ReplyDeleteI want to know after more than 20 years what life has been life for him and wheather he regrets his crime.
I know that he tried to escape with 3 other gang members in 2001.
After Billy Ray Riggs abducted and murdered Ms. Bowie, the State of California then paid for him to represent himself in court....he was given a lawyer(to give him advice), a private investigator and a legal runner...all paid for by the State... Oh and then during the penalty phase, the State of California paid for his entire family to be flown out to testify why he should be kept. Thank God the jury had enough sense to see thru the free vacation these people were given and still give the murderer the death sentence. But really...we wonder why the State of California is broke??? UGH!
ReplyDeleteRiggs is the one who has sparked the most comment .... he's the one the 'liberals' have tried to champion, against all the evidence that he was just a another low life and murderer.
DeleteI am not surprised that there are still comments posted on this story ..... far too many people don't get 'justice'.
ReplyDeleteFor the record I personally believe in 'whole of life' jail sentences, only to allow for the odd miscarriages of justice to be corrected.
If anyone wants more information about Tiequon Cox, mentioned in the comments.
ReplyDeleteHis crime Los Angeles Gang Suspect Seized In Slaying Of Family Of Sport Star.
He stabbed another inmate Stanley "Tookie" Williams (another of the 'I'm changed, let me go' brigade), and also was in a jail break ... He don't look so 'innocent' to me!
I am not surprised either that there are still comments posted on your story....
ReplyDeleteYour summary on William Clark assumes his guilt citing a Canadian Website entry. Death Row inmates do not have access to the internet. They rely on anyone on the outside to be their voice. This site lacks the court transcribes and a view of evidence which highlight flaws in his trial, it leaves out crucial matters, that the investigating detective decided on a mastermind theory with no reliable or hard evidence to back his claim, no link to the murder or to the murderer (they had the triggerman who implicated a group which did not include William, his brother or a girlfriend) or why the detectives allegation was still followed up by the Prosecution and not questioned by the Defense Lawyer working for the court. Why evidence in favor of William being innocent was abandoned, why extraneous circumstances which could have led to the murderer of the second victim was not followed up, nor this person questioned...alluded to for further serious investigation.
Inmates, who claim innocence, may well be. They hope people will get in contact as they have no way to make contact themselves. Routes to make contact are limited. There are few introductions. For those amongst them who are innocent, and this is possible, see Death Row Exonerations, the quest to prove their innocence after having already been failed by their particular judicial experience is harder than you can imagine, with no money, no support, no connections, no outside line, nothing. An outsider has the odd ‘pen pal’ advert they might spot. Whatever is written on such sites may be edited versions of previous reports (which could be misleading – in the case of miscarriages of justice these cannot be a fair report) or has been extracted from personal sources. Rarely is it extracts from the case itself, most likely it is musings or requests for help and this is all they are afforded.
The Appeals Application Process is a deliberately lengthy and costly exercise which not all can attain, first you need to attract a lawyer, and they cost. That is why inmates seeking appeals, lucky to find a contact, use that opportunity, it is their only opportunity. Inmates can wait years for an appeal. When you read of inmates who have had numerous Appeals, these are the exceptions not the majority, and you should be specific about whether these were rushed or in depth, as many involve simply allowing the inmate to answer to their name before being sent back out without actually reviewing the case. It’s a complicated, expensive process in honor of the taxpayer. Those in the Justice System know exactly who they are answerable to.
On raising this issue I would suggest you also now consider researching the actual case files of those who claim innocence (infact I would urge you) to see if they back up your denunciation of these men and women. How you feel about a Canadian website attempting to keep these people in our awareness is a matter entirely for yourself and you are welcome to your opinion. It is because I am not based in America, have no legal background or financial means to support one who has, that I don’t personally bring such cases back to court (not an easy process when one does have the means). I am usually low key in respect of the victims’ families. I also see no need to raise false hope or further suffering of any kind. Sadly, ‘Justice’ and some who enforce it, are not all without flaw, otherwise I would welcome it. But I know wherever ‘Justice’ is meted out there is too much room for professional bullying alongside human error and an emphasis on targeted expense. So I do not share your exuberance for it. The reality is that in the case of those who are innocent, the actual perpetrator walks freely amongst us whilst these scapegoats are condemned. Guilty until proven innocent, and to prove innocence, is even harder once you are locked within The ‘Justice’ System.
I answered this generally a few comments down, but specifically here's a response:
DeleteOf course I don't have trial transcripts, but the lawyers and judges do. The news reporters also cover all these trials, and in all the cases listed I read several news reports on the trials, and in some cases court summaries on PDF's.
William Clark is a delusional self styled criminal mastermind, who was duly convicted, and has lost all his many appeals. For your theory to hold water then all the judges, all the lawyers and all those juries have to be both stupid and racists .... not very likely. As Judge John J. Ryan said 'even though Clark did not commit either murder, he was responsible for both. "I think the evidence in this case, while largely circumstantial, was absolutely overwhelming"'
Here's a few links;
LA times all article
LA times 1
LA times 2
LA times 3
LA times 4
OC register
I really hate when people like you refer to people who have sympathy for these dirtbags as "liberals".
DeleteI consider myself a "liberal" and hope these murderers suffer every day for the lives they've ruined.
Why do people like you want to divide people into two specific categories?
..... And when you say "people like you," your not labelling me? Thanks for the comment.
DeleteI personally knew Billie Ray Riggs when he was at the height of his 'drugs career' and he was not a 'dirty little crack dealer', he was a kingpin in his own right and people like him should NOT be locked up and certainly not put to death! He is a massively respected guy on the street and loads of folk look up to him. If he has done something wrong, then that one thing was to rebel against this totalitarian like regime that President Bush has put into place, lets just hope that President Osama...woops, I mean President Obama does better by people on the street like pops ( billie's nickname on the street)and lets hope his curly hair will once again grace the streets with his presence
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous 20 Feb. 2010:
ReplyDeleteThe inmates are the ones who contact these websites by mail and tell them what to post on the website.
A jury found there was sufficient evidence to convict your boytoy and the trial judge agreed with the verdict. So, it is dishonest of you to claim that there was no reliable or hard evidence, whatever that means.
Clark sounds like every other sociopath on death row and you like every murderer groupie. It’s not convincing. The appeals process is too lengthy - especially in California, because the prosecutors and defense bar have a scorched earth policy. Those who claim that they don’t get good representation are lying. And no, they don’t have to “attract” an atty. Appeal is automatic. All they have to do is wait for the California Supreme Court to appoint one. The private atttys doing death penalty cases and the ones who represent the indigent are the same. After they are done in state court they get court appted federal appellate attys. Also, these big buck law firms take cases pro bono.
And yes they all have numerous appeals. I was going to explain the process but it is too long and complicated.
"It is because I am not based in America, have no legal background...."
That is clearly evident. Seriously, find another hobby.
PC Thoughts: My favorite pen pal ad was the death row inmate who said "I'm willing to relocate for the right lady!"
As you might expect this subject does raise peoples hackles but I think that its naive of some of the defenders of these people to pretend that the lengthy trial and numerous appeal processes that are inherent in the US (and UK / Canadian) legal systems, regularly fail to get to the truth and end up with lots of 'innocent' men incarcerated.
ReplyDeleteWilliam Clark is as guilty as its possible for 12 good men and women can find someone on several occasions .... that's all anyone can say on top of the the words of Judge John J. Ryan who said that 'even though Clark did not commit either murder, he was responsible for both. "I think the evidence in this case, while largely circumstantial, was absolutely overwhelming"'
As for Billie Ray Riggs being a 'Kingpin' drug dealer and not a 'dirty little crack dealer', who cares? If he was a kingpin drug dealer then all the better that he's locked up (ignoring the fact that he's guilty of at least one murder, and possibly two) ..... being respected 'on the street' just shows how sad the streets the poster lives on are, if that's the only person who warrants respect.
When I said 'far too many people don't get 'justice'.' I meant the victims families didn't get to see justice for their loved ones.
Finally "I'm willing to relocate for the right lady!" .... yep, shows he still has a sick sense of hummour.
I'll never forget the day Bonnie Stendal didn't come to work, the days following and the horible truths that were discovered. God rest her soul. I'd never write to Proctor, I don't think he deserves any kind or polite words. There are peole who DESERVE some attention and encouragement. Also, I pray for the day to come when Proctor's accomplice(s) are found out and brought to light !
ReplyDeleteBillie Ray Riggs may have been a "Kingpin", but that doesn't excuse armed robbery and murder. How is killing an innocent unknown person "rebelling" against president Bush? I hated Bush as much as anyone else, but I didn't kill anyone. You need help.
ReplyDeleteBilly Ray Riggs was nothing more than an old street thug that sold drugs...kingpin?? Hah,get serious,thats the most ridiculous thing I've heard all year. Woman beater liar, wanna be womanizer, yes, all of the above..and most of all a MURDERER. WHO in there right mind respects him still? You're trippin and livin in another time. He is where he deserves to be. He knew VW's though, and how to steal them obviously. Who marries there OWN son's girlfriend and has a kid with her. Moral-less fool.
ReplyDeleteBilly Riggs aka Dawg or Dog, what he enjoyed being called back in the day,the name was is and always will be befitting for him. You lonely ladies need to think twice b/4 writing to this old fool. Watch the old footage of him defending himself (joke)he even tried to blame the murder of WIFE !!! I have personally spoken to some of the women that were involved with him and they all have said that he's an animal and an abuser. Poor Hilda, she was afraid to even speak around this so called man. The person that commented above about him needing to be out on the streets is definitely on something. Billy Riggs is trash and many of us here in Southern Cali never want to see the likes of him again. The dude is a legend in his own mind..we just want to know when is his day coming. Other than writing this and checking to make sure that this jerk is still on deathrow, he'd never get the time of day. Come on California, get rid of the trash. Mating with his own sons woman??? Not only is he trash but borderline incestious I say. Disgusting.
ReplyDelete@ Anonymous 11 Sept. 2010:
ReplyDeleteBonnie Stendal was my aunt, and it is ridiculous to think that we are still waiting for justice to prevail 28 YEARS after her murder. That her killer can sit on death row and also be listed on a pen pal site is a complete travesty of justice. I was with my cousin & family when we were notified of her murder, and you are correct in stating that in the following days more and more "horrible truths" were discovered. bill proctor is an animal who has no regard for any life; anyone who writes to him - or any of his follow inmates - is an IDIOT with either morbid curiousity or very low self-esteem. This event - and the heinous way in which it was carried out - destroyed my mother and my grandmother, and changed all of our lives in some way. My knowledge of the facts of this case will never fade, and I live with that every day.
For those who want to educate themselves on the torture that was inflicted on my aunt before she was murdered, here is a link to the transcript of People v proctor (1992):
Also, as a family, we too believe that there was at least one accomplice in her murder. However, in order to strengthen their case, the state of CA allows certain "witnesses" (i.e., alleged accomplices) to turn state's evidence in exchange for a reduced sentence...or in this case, no accomplice charges were or ever will be filed.
Thank you for honoring the memory of my Aunt Bonnie. And please keep speaking out against these criminals!
Was his brother involved in your opinion ?
DeleteI realise that this blog subject causes some sad memories, but I think it highlights the fact that most of us feel that the legal system is now slanted against the victims and their family. By detailing some of the horror of the crime these men committed I don't give the PC brigade who champion these animals 'right to life' and chance to hide behind the fact that we normally don't hear about the tortures they committed.
ReplyDeleteFor the relatives of Bonnie Stendal ... I am sorry that the animal Proctor is still on this earth.
I sure am glad this page is here, I came across that CCAD website or whatever it is and it struck me as the craziest most bizzare thing I have ever seen, those guys did terrible, terrible things to the victims and their families, yet their write-ups read like dating scene profiles or something, like nothing happened, like they did nothing, that is pretty scary.
ReplyDeleteThe apologists for rapists and murderers who frequently appear on radio and TV saying 'no one should go to prison' without hope of release, should simply be made to read out the court transcripts for their crimes, the terror and tortured committed before the victim died .... then ask for their release date.
ReplyDeleteI guarantee they would only do this once and never be heard of again .... If Lord Longford had been made to read out what happened to the children that Myra Hindley and Ian Brady killed, he would never have showed his face again ....
I totally agree with you.
Deletehiya to all im from the uk (england)and we do not have death row i our countey i very much agree that if you kill a person in cold blood then it should an eye for an eye and they should die 2, my feelings go out to the famlies of the victoms but i am intrsted to no how the criminals feel when they are on death row and about what they have done, i have read many ov ppls apply for a pen pal but havent wrote 2 any1 most of them say they are innosent i cannot belive all of them are innosent as jury must have strong evidance to convict someone to a death sentance however what if one of them was innosent ?? i would like to no more about death row and the people on it. in no way do i condole what any of them have done and they deserve what they get some of the storys are horrific what i have read god bless them and there familys i cannot imagine how they must feel there world will have been torn apart ,,,, nadine uk
ReplyDeleteNadine UK .... these aren't men who you should want to write to. They are very dangerous and manipulative individuals who would mess with your head.
ReplyDeletePlease think carefully before ever writing to any prisoners, but especially these murderers, pedophiles, torturers, and rapists.
Does anyone know how many of these animals are still alive 6 years later? I will guess all of them, unless natural causes have done the world a favour.
ReplyDeleteWow, considering that this post was years ago, these are horror stories. I guess that if you updated, there would be even more horror in the tales of these animals.
ReplyDeleteIn response to the last two posts for an update:
ReplyDeleteWayne Dumond: He was found dead in his cell at the Crossroads Correctional Centre in Cameron, Missouri, on September 1, 2005. DuMond had been suffering from cancer of the vocal cords.
Cleophus Prince Jr: Still on Death Row after being convicted in 1993. He still tries to get ladies to correspond on the web.
Charles Chi-Tat Ng is currently on death row at San Quentin State Prison. Since being convicted in 1999, Ng has taken up a correspondence course in art at the University of the Fraser Valley.
William (Bill) Proctor is currently on death row, 31 years after being convicted (as far as I can tell, last report 2008 in the Burney Mountain Echo).
David Allen Raley had an appeal pending in 2011 in the Supreme Court of California, and awaited for U.S. District Judge Jeremy D. Fogel's decision on whether California's new and untested execution chamber is ready to resume lethal injections. He seems to be still alive since being convicted in 1985.
Robert Rhoades has avoided the death penalty by accepting life prison sentences for torturing and murdering a hitch-hiking young married couple two decades ago .... he is already on life for killing a 14-year-old girl in Illinois.
William Clinton Clark is still on death row, protesting his innocence after he was convicted of murder for his involvement in the planning of at least two slayings .... his then girlfriend, Antoinette Yancey, was sentenced to life without parole for her role in the murder of Ardell Love Williams, 19, who was lured to a location with a promise of a job in 1994 and shot to death before she could testify against Clark.
Billy Ray Riggs: Is still on Death row since his conviction in 1990. His wife was Hilda Riggs, who claims to be a victim of spousal battering, has also spent two decades in prison for staying in the car while her husband murdered the stranded female motorist.
This is Bonnie Stnedal's niece with an update: billy proctor is STILL alive and well on Death Row...now THIRTY-TWO YEARS (almost 33 years) after his crime, and THIRTY-ONE YEARS after sentencing. Disgusting. He filed yet another writ of habeaus corpus in 2012 that is currently under consideration. This will NEVER end.
DeleteI am very sorry to hear this .... My condolences to all your family for the pain our legal system has inflicted on you .... its almost as though the innocent are punished.
DeleteIts almost beyond comprehension that a 'death sentence is turned into a life sentence simply by 'judicial process'. Lawyers can sometimes make a mockery of the idea of 'justice', by misusing the 'legal' process.
Latest Update: August 2016
ReplyDeleteCleophus Prince Jr, aka "The Clairemont Killer" is still on death row aged 49.
Charles Chi-Tat Ng is still on death row aged 46.
William 'bill' Proctor is still on death row aged 45.
David Allen Raley, still on death row since 1988. Lost his legal argument to get off California's death row. Where he was placed after being convicted for the 1985 murder of a Peninsula teenager and the attempted murder of her friend in a deserted Hillsborough mansion. He tried to claim he was autistic nad exempt from death sentence as therefore mentally retarded. Note: This is the latest legal scam to get them off death row.
William Clinton Clark ... 27th June 2016 - The California Supreme Court upheld the death-penalty sentence of Clark. He had organised a fatal robbery in Fountain Valley in 1991 and then persuaded his girlfriend to kill a witness to the crime. He was convicted to death in 1996. He didn’t kill anyone directly himself but arranged for the slaying's.
Billy Ray Riggs: (who had featured on television program "America's Most Wanted"). In 2013 his accomplice (and wife, Hilda), in the 1990 kidnap and murder, appealed her appealed her 25-year-to-life sentence. She has been denied parole in 2010 and has lost her four previous petitions, the last filed in 2003. Aged 18 Ms. Riggs had married Billy Ray Riggs - twice her senior and the grandfather of her child. He allegedly beat her regularly with a baseball bat, strangled her until she lost consciousness, and once shoved a pistol in her mouth and pulled the trigger on an empty chamber. He was reported at that appeal as being still on death row - after he had lost his last(?) appeal in 2008 - and where he very much belongs.
He and the rest of them will likely die on death row as California hasn't executed anyone for over a decade now.
NB: Sorry about typos I didn't preview before posting this update.
DeleteUpdate: For those of you interested, California carried out 709 executions from 1778 to 1972 when it was rescinded, but despite reinstatement in 1978 and other laws confirming the public's desire to use it as punishment, as of 2007 the state of California has executed just 13 people. According to the state prison system the average length of time they spent on death row was 17 ½ years. As of 2015, there were 746 offenders on California's death row ...
ReplyDeleteCleophus Prince Jr: Arrested 1991 and convicted in 1993 but despite the Supreme Court of California denying his last appeal in 2007, he is still here. He and the others will outlive me.
Charles Chi-tat NG: Still here. He has tried to appeal against the "harshness" of the sentence, this despite the fact that there are videos of him and Leonard Lake committing many of their terrible crimes.
William (Bill) Arnold Proctor: As of December 2015 the Burney Mountain Echo reported that he was still alive and on Death Row where he has been since 1983. He exhausted his state appeals in July 1996 but somehow his lawyers have filed numerous habeas petitions in Federal District Courts to make sure that none of his "rights" have been violated.
David Allen Raley: Convicted in 1985 he is still on Death Row, where he has been since since 1988. He has long since exhausted his state appeals.
William Clinton Clark: Originally convicted in 1996, he lost his last appeal in June 2016. He waits the states decision to resume the use of lethal injections.
Billy Ray Riggs: His accomplice Hilda Sims Riggs was released 11/0//2014. He has been imprisoned since 1994, and has long since exhausted his appeals, but there he is getting older and uglier.
Robert Boyd Rhoades: First convicted in 1999, he is still on Death Row. If you want to see how legal weasels keep them alive ... here's his appeal processes.
Note: Its estimated that before Ng and his lawyer are finished it will have cost the Californian state close to twenty million dollars ($20m) to convict and confirm the sentence of just this one man. This ignores the costs of imprisonment for decades. The others listed will have also cost similar amounts of public funds.
I am beginning to think that death row should be rename 'pensioners row' .... because your more likely to die of old age than anything else. California has currently suspended death sentences; Firstly over arguments of the legality of the punishment because it was judged as unconstitutional because it is arbitrary and plagued with delay. This was overturned in November 2015. But secondly; Now there are arguments about the method used after the switch from a three-drug lethal cocktail to a single drug to put condemned killers to death.
Well at least one state - Virginia - is still executing murderers. Even if California isn't. William Morva's defence for a double murder (including executing a sheriff's deputy with a shot to the back of the head), was that he was suffering from a delusional disorder, which was similar to schizophrenia, and that his condition worsened because prison doctors had refused to treat him.
ReplyDeleteSo in other words it was someone else's fault ... amazingly his delusions didn't stop him committing a robbery in 2005, where he was captured and awaiting trial. He then was taken to the hospital for an injury. To escape he then attacked a sheriff's deputy, stole the official's gun and fatally shot an unarmed hospital security guard, Derrick McFarland. During the manhunt Morva executed Sheriff's Deputy Eric Sutphin in the back of the head. He was recaptured near Virginia Tech's Blacksburg campus a day later.
How the defence lawyers keep a straight face is beyond me .... well it failed and he was finally executed after 11 years of appeals.
Thank the Lord for the small mercy of at least one of the animals being executed. It's rather depressing that people can be on death row for up to 35 years.
DeleteI guess a lot of people would say 'Amen to that'. Thanks for the comment.
DeleteMy Semi-Annual Update:
ReplyDeleteAs of September 7, 2018, there were 2,709 death row inmates in the United States. These are just a few of that number.
Cleophus Prince Jr: aka 'The Clairemont Killer' still resides on death row after 34 years +.
Charles Chi-tat NG: CDCR inmate P46001, still waits on death row, at San Quentin State Prison, where he has been since 06/30/1999.
William (Bill) Arnold Proctor: no update available on line.
David Allen Raley: aka 'Peninsula mansion killer' in 2014 he lost his mental retardation claim ... Still waits on death row, at San Quentin State Prison, where he has been for over 30 years.
William Clinton Clark: Still waits on death row, at San Quentin State Prison, where he has been since 01/05/1998.
Billy Ray Riggs: Still waits on death row, at California State Prison, Corcoran where he has been since 11/15/1994. His wife Hilda featured in this story
Robert Boyd Rhoades: Still waits on death row, at San Quentin State Prison, where he has been since 09/15/1999.
Ethnicity of defendants on death row:
White: 1,153 (42.03%)
Black: 1,143 (41.67%)
Latino/Latina: 366 (13.34%)
Asian: 53 (1.93%)
Native American: 27 (0.98%)
Unknown: 1 (0.04%)[1]
Comparatively, the U.S. population is 60% non-Hispanic white, 13.4% black, 18.1% Hispanic or Latino, 5.8% Asian, 1.3% Native American, and 2.7% mixed (per U.S. Census Bureau 2018).
Came across this story the other day. James Robinson Jr. was sentenced to death for the murder of two young men in a Subway sandwich shop in Northridge, California in 1994. It was later televised on the TV show 'LA Forencis' .... he was guilty as hell, not that anyone is bothered much. The two boys he killed were both going to college ... he was a nobody, going to hell.
ReplyDeleteIt is an example of why people stay on death row, and string out appeals until all the witnesses, family, and jurors are dead ... some liberals then try to claim mistrial or faulty procedure etc.
In March 2019 State Governor Gavin Newsom halted death penalty executions in California. He announced a temporary reprieve for all 737 inmates on death row in the state. But as California has not carried out any executions since 2006, its not going to make much practical difference.
ReplyDeleteTwo voter initiatives to end the death penalty in California have both failed to gain a majority in 2012 and in 2016. State Governor Newsom supported both initiatives, but a separate proposition voted on in 2016 won support for its demand to speed up executions in California. So the governor is thwarting the will of electorate ... democracy shouldn't work that way.
My Semi-Annual Update: As of September 27th, 2019 .
ReplyDeleteCleophus Prince Jr: aka 'The Clairemont Killer' still resides on death row after 35 years +.
Charles Chi-tat NG: s of July 2019, official California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) records show Ng, CDCR inmate P46001, still waits on death row, where he has been since 06/30/1999.
William (Bill) Arnold Proctor: no update available on line, but apparently still breathing.
David Allen Raley: aka 'Peninsula mansion killer' in 2014 he lost his mental retardation claim ... Still waits on death row, at San Quentin State Prison, where he has been for over 30 years.
William Clinton Clark: Still waits on death row, at San Quentin State Prison, where he has been since 01/05/1998.
Billy Ray Riggs: Still waits on death row, at California State Prison, Corcoran where he has been since 11/15/1994. His wife Hilda featured in this story
Robert Boyd Rhoades: Still on death row
All 737 California Death Row Inmates
With a bit of luck the Chinese Coronavirus (Covid 19) will kill some of these dirt bags off. They are old enough to be vulnerable and it might be the only way they will get killed because it doesn't look as though the state will ever do it.
ReplyDeleteI doubt if too many people will argue with you. Thanks for the comment.
DeleteRiggs is below human garbage like most on death row who inflicted torture, death and endless suffering upon victims, families and society.
ReplyDeleteIts odd that Riggs is the poster boy for many of the “CCADP” and others who want the death penalty removed ... As I've commented before he's just a another low life and murderer. If his offence had been a federal one, then he'd have been executed under Donald Trumps decision to execute those on federal death row.
DeleteThanks for the comment.
I saw on the news that death row killers simply die of old age in California now. The 'dating game' killer Rodney Alcala, reached the grand old age off 77, before died at a hospital near the prison where he had been. He was convicted of killing seven females (inc a 12 year old) but was suspected of several more. There was no justice for them in him being allowed to reach such an age. If there is a hell then lets hope he's burning on it right now.
ReplyDeleteYeah I saw the story as well. Apparently the California state Governor has declared a moratorium on the death penalty and so I guess a lot more will simply die on death row of old age. I know that this will infuriate a lot of the victims families, but he was voted in to office with these views. Thanks for comment Ray.
DeleteCleophus Prince Jr (H99600) - still alive.
Charles Chi-tat NG (P46001) - still alive.
William Arnold Proctor (C69300) - still alive.
David Allen Raley (D86900) - still alive.
William Clinton Clark (K80703) - still alive ... he's now a self styled death row poet, apparently.
Billy Ray Riggs (J41800)- still alive.
With the passage of time, interest in these people has greatly diminished as newer scumbags have taken the public's attention, so information has dried up as they continue to live but the prison system tracks their still alive.
Its amazing how long they live with free board and lodgings, all provided at taxpayers expense. Its a bit ironic really, as I would like to bet that many of them would have died years ago in the outside world (drugs and alcohol and chaotic lifestyles would have killed them).
DeleteI will say this. There is little point in having a death penalty if no one ever lives long enough to actually suffer the sentence. Maybe the sentence should be life, in solitary confinement? Thanks for the comment.
DeleteAll commentators are reminded to keep comments relevant to the post subject - any comments not on subject, or venting personal political or religious views, will not be published or will be removed.
DeleteOf course the counter argument for the death penalty is that occasionally someone is found not guilty years after conviction.
This example, although rare, is the basis of any argument against the death sentence.
Well the chances of that sort of case turning up are very rare, so is it fair that serial killers, or child killers live out their lives? I am on the fence on that question, although I generally favour the prison option. But not the secure psychiatric hospital option favoured in the UK, which is actually the holiday camp option, and an insult to the victims families.
DeleteThanks for the comment and link.
To the 'anonymous' commenter who indicated that I was probably 'doing you a favour' by not publishing your additional views on this blog, then of course I am happy to oblige you completely, by removing all your comments (and of course my related replies, as you also suggested). The unpublished comments were already deleted forever ... .(that's the way it is).
ReplyDeleteLet me make it clear, this is not a open public forum. You don't have an automatic right to comment and many blogs allow no comment or have restricted access ... So your rights here are limited by my patience. Comments are solely moderated by me, and I won't tolerate aggresive attitudes and tones. There are many other blogs/forums on the application of capital punishment (Google 'blogs on capital punishment') or other subjects ... no doubt they will be happy to accommodate different types of comments. Of course anyone can start their own blog or forum, and post their views there ... no doubt they'll get lots of response if there is truly an audience for them.
California Senate bill 94 (SB 94 2023) would some of these killers to petition for resentencing or possibly have their sentences vacated.
ReplyDeleteThis is a quote from the California Senate Committee On Public Safety, March 23, 2023 with a hearing date of April 11, 2023:
“The purpose of this bill is to set up a process for a person who has been sentenced to death or life imprisonment before June 5, 1990 can seek a recall of their sentence and be resentenced to a lesser sentence”.
California has quite a history of passing laws that seem to contradict most sensible peoples wishes. Had it simply removed the death penalty and commuted that to life without parole I could perhaps understand it, after all anyone who has been on death row since pre-1990 has likely served 25 - 30 years there, so its hardly 'death row', except by old age. In my view life in prison should be a minimum of 30 years, and release only possible if not a danger to anyone. So for example a serial rapist or murderer jailed aged 22 should not come out ever (certainly not ever while a risk to women or children etc).
DeleteWe shall have to see if this bill passes in to law.
Under SB 94 2023, cleophus prince jr would possibly be eligible to benefit, Charles ng would be eligible to benefit, william (bill) proctor would be eligible to benefit, david alan raley would be eligible to benefit, robert rhoades not eligible, william clark not eligible but may qualify for benefits from California SCR 48 from 2018 or California SB 1437 from 2018, California SB 300 2021-2022 was defeated in the California legislature but the sponsors of that bill have not given up on trying again. billy ray riggs I can’t find using the internet or the California prison inmate look up website. His last know location was Cocoran state prison which means he is currently not on death row.
ReplyDeleteObviously being eligible, doesn't mean certain qualification, but no doubt they will try to do so. California risks adding a lot of lawyers fees to the state bills.
DeleteAccording to the SB 94 California Senate Commitee on Appropriations, statement version dated March 23 2023 set for hearing April 24, 2023 available at
ReplyDeleteleginfo.legislature.ca.gov the SB 94 bill
could affect “approximately 191 prisoners who have been sentenced to death for more than 230 offenses that were committed prior to June 5 1990”.
“According to CDCR there are currently 817 prisoners serving life without parole sentences prior to June 5, 1990. Provided each of these persons has spent at least 20 years in prison, SB 94 would likely authorize each of them the opportunity to immediately file one or more petitions for their sentence to be recalled and to be resentenced. Petitions that are denied could be refiled after two years”.
Re-sentencing some may not result in lesser time periods. Charles ng for example tortured, raped and murdered many victims and was sentenced post 1990, so surely is not eligible?
DeleteCalifornia governor gavin newsome has closed the death chamber per executive order N-09-19 and is currently dismantling San Quentin’s death row.
ReplyDeleteNo death penalty and no life without parole for some of the killers if SB 94 passes and is enacted in favor of the killers. It is not a get out of jail free card but it will be possible for these killers to be released.
As you say 'not a get out of jail card,' and in point of fact, for the worst of these men, not very likely but sadly it does mean more hearings for the remaining family survivors.
DeleteI urge you to do the research on this for yourself. If you have the stomach for it, or perhaps any shred of empathy for the surviving victims of these crimes. SB 94 2023 has passed two California legislative committee’s and is most likely on its way to the California senate then assembly. From there it will go the the governor’s desk.
ReplyDeleteThe pain of this is unrelenting and immeasurable. Only those who have been through it will know. The scab has been ripped off and I am now bleeding again. When I got the news of SB 94 it was like my loved one was murdered again. I’ve spent decades trying to deal with it and I was making progress too.
I’m now back to day one…
Firstly, can I say that I'm sorry at the distress that this proposed California bill has caused you. Obviously its revived fears that you thought were gone. You haven't used a name, so I can't comment further on your personal loss, other than generally to say that I am truly sorry.
DeleteAs you will have seen from the post itself, I am not in favour of these men ever being freed as they are hardly worthy of being treated with compassion. The post was originally to show how blind some groups such as the CCADP were, to the reality of the damage these men have caused and continue to cause to so many lives like yours and many others. Obviously the post has given voice to quite few opinions over the years, and where reasonable in tone and content I've let them stand as this is a subject that creates strong opinions.
Lets hope that this bill fails, and Governor Newsome losses his next election attempt, but if not, then that very strong safeguards are put in the bill to make the bar very high for any of these men to ever be released.
Thanks for the comments and information and I hope that you are able to move on again.
It's now 2025, and surely many of these evil and wicked men are dead now?
ReplyDeleteErr, surprisingly they seem to live forever on death row ..... I'll maybe do another update later in the year but I can't spare the time at the moment. Thanks for the interest though.