
Friday, 24 January 2025

Beyond Meat Loving Vegan

Beyond Meat is a US vegan food producing company ...

Mr Ramsey Will Attend Anger Management Assessment
Mr Douglas Ramsey Assuming The Position

In December 2022 they appointed Douglas Ramsey as its Chief Operating Officer (COO) ... he had previously spent three decades at Tyson Foods, where he oversaw its poultry and McDonald’s businesses ... so probably not a committed vegan then.

However the companies sales and share price was struggling and so Mr Ramsey may have been under some pressure .... but that's not an excuse for his behaviour. In September 2022 Mr Ramsey had attended a University of Arkansas gridiron fixture in Fayetteville, Arkansas. After the game his car and a Suburu had a slight bump, in a parking garage near Razorback Stadium, where the Suburus's tyre hit Ramsey's cars front tyre .... but Mr Ramsey wasn't satisfied with any explanation given for this accident, and according to the police, Mr Ramsey in a rage, punched through the back wind-shield of the Subaru.

He then allegedly punched the Subaru driver and bit his nose, “ripping the flesh on the tip of the nose,” and the victim and a witness also claimed Ramsey told the Subaru driver he would kill him. Mr Ramsey was charged with making 'terroristic' threats and third-degree battery. He was immediately suspended after the arrest became public last month. 

In October 2022 Mr Ramsey left the company amongst a slew of management lay-offs when the company unveiled broad lay-offs and the departures of other top executives. The next court date was November the 14th and in February 2023 reportedly pleaded guilty to to ‘felony criminal mischief and a misdemeanour charge of disorderly conduct’ committed at the grid-iron game in the previous September.

Ramsey was placed on probation for three years, and fined US$1,000. He also was ordered to pay $73 in restitution, and instructed to be screened for anger management and comply with any recommendations for treatment.

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