UK Premier Gordon Brown, spent over a decade 'waiting' for his destiny, he didn't have the courage to 'seize' it, he just waited to be handed it, pretty much as he done since his school days, when he he was made a 'Prefect' or something by the Headmaster.
He has held this overwhelming belief that he was 'destined' for greatness, but this belief is based upon little practical evidence that he has any ability above average. He didn't make millions like Michael Heseltine (his nearest modern Tory political equivalent), and he has never held any position of power in industry, in fact he has done nothing to show he has the spark of greatness, he was even handed the premiership unopposed by Tony Blair.
So it is with some pleasure that we can watch the modern usage of the term 'Hubris' (described as one who demonstrates exaggerated 'self pride, arrogance, or self-confidence' (overbearing pride), often resulting in a fatal retribution) in action on Mr Brown.
- Firstly, he has visibly aged about a decade in the last few months, and
- Secondly the British public soundly dislike him, and are taking great pleasure in kicking his premiership and government of pygmies to death, at every opportunity.
Firstly, "Boris Johnson" won the London mayoral elections quite easily ....
Secondly, despite a low starting base (since their last drubbing under Brown), they managed to contrive the worst local election results for over forty years. Brown is now trying his fourth "relaunch or re-brand" of the year.
Once again he is in "listening mode", of course he does this every time, and then ignores what he hears. He really thinks we are all idiots when he says this ...
He has listened then ignored the UK on
- The EU treaty, where over 80% wanted a referendum - Gordon said no we couldn't.
- Immigration, where most non ethnics want Non EU immigration halted completely - Gordon says 'It's great to have millions of illiterates from the third world to do our office cleaning'
- Taxes - after a decade of stealth taxes, the UK has reached an end of its willingness to fund Gordon's pet projects (The NHS and Tax Credits) both of which have bled billions of pounds for little gain - Gordon says lets pump in another few billion by cancelling tax breaks for the poor! (They can claim welfare benefits instead - New Labour apparently prefers welfare clients to the working poor as they are more malleable).
- The economy, where Gordon claimed to be a financially prudent Chancellor, but under whom Pension funds collapsed, Taxes have reached a record high (since the last Labour government), Public debt is monumental (and still largely hidden under PFI arrangements), and where we are now in a slow down with no reserves (compared with Europe where they saved, not spent, money during the decade of good times)
- Finally Gordon blames the 'bad world conditions' for our current economic woes, but claimed credit for the economy he inherited and the decade of "benign world economic conditions".
This is also a good prediction ... whats funny is that the post is year ago but could have been written yesterday.