
Sunday 18 May 2008

The Mass Extinction of World Wild Life

The news that between a quarter and a third of the world's wildlife has been lost since 1970, is maybe not a surprise, but it still highlights the fact that the Human Race is responsible for one of the fastest ever, mass extinction of species events in the worlds long history.

Contrary to popular myth, the dinosaurs didn't just disappear in 24 hrs, whatever the cause (changing world conditions, a meteor, or a combination of both these events), Dinosaurs actually took a couple of hundred years to finally become extinct. The decades of cold and damp weather, followed by decades of searing droughts after the meteor strike, are what finished them off. The last were likely the large sea dinosuars, and small scavenger dinosuars but its impossible to prove this.

So the fact that the Human Race has managed in thirty years to wipe out a third of the worlds wild life, is shocking evidence of what our over breeding is doing to our surroundings, and ultimately to our own futures.

1 comment:

  1. Its hard not to think that a massive problemn is not being tackled. That inertia is driven by the fear of saying that the mostly black or brown third world populations are breeding themselves into famines.


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