Saturday, 4 October 2008
OJ gets his just Desserts
I like many others (mostly white) commenter's, considered him to be very guilty of murdering his ex wife Nicole Brown in 1995. Without rehashing it all again, he was eventually freed by a mainly black jury, because his lawyer said that all the evidence against him was planted by white police to 'get' (for unspecified reasons) a black superstar.
It was significant that the family of Nicole Brown won a civil case for damages against Simpson a few years later, when a jury found he was responsible for her death.
Now, on the 13th anniversary (to the day) of his being found not guilty in that first trial, he has been found guilty of the crimes listed above. No doubt his lawyers will appeal and a media circus will ensue, but just for a brief moment he faces the punishment he should have got 13 yrs ago.
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According to Wiki "In 2008, he was found guilty and sentenced to 33 years' imprisonment, with a minimum of nine years without parole. He is serving his sentence at the Lovelock Correctional Center in Lovelock, Nevada." .... justice of a sort for the killing of two people.