
Sunday 12 October 2008

Opposites Attract Then Repel?

This second blog on the same loose relationship theme, is "Opposites attracting" ....

Opposites Attract Then They Attack
Opposites Attract Then They Attack

..... As I said in the earlier blog, I was thinking about the whole subject of relationships, when my eye was caught by the news that "Opposites may attract, but research suggests that initial spark of attraction soon fades, and does not make for a long and happy married life".

The story, that worldwide research has shown that, couples who are too opposite in nature and interests, may have a relationship that is driven along on the sexual attraction of one or both of them, but that ultimately its not the basis upon which long-term stable relationships are created.

Oddly, the couple I was thinking of had no 'money issues', but in the bedroom, ahh, that was a different matter, and in this they, were going against the 'national type' uncovered by this international survey, which showed that sexual dysfunction in a partner or the relationship (either physical or mental), is tolerated more in Britain's couples than in most other countries. Compared to the US and Australia for example, UK couples are the least likely to be worried if their partner is regularly too tired for sex.

UK couples, also the data shows, consistently report greater satisfaction with the amount of consensus they experience in their relationship. Relative to the US, for example, happily married people in the UK tend to agree more on how to make major decisions, how family finances are handled, the division of household tasks, and how to deal with parents and in-laws.

However it should also be noted that in the UK, research also suggests that around 45% of married women, and 60% of married men, are unfaithful at some time or another during their relationship.

However that fact remains that in relationships based on 'opposites', the sex side is the driver, and if that ends, the rest of the relationship collapses unless there is something equally strong to underpin it.

1 comment:

  1. Well Collier - I guess that no one can deny that "Brewers droop" as it was known has affected sexual functions ever since the first yeast and hops hit a pan.

    I suspect that strong relationships survive when sexual attraction or functions fail, whereas those relationships built only upon sexual attraction will fail when it fails.


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