
Sunday 12 October 2008

The house that the lawyers built

There's a sort of theme to the next three blogs ...... relationships.

They have been on my mind a lot recently, after a scare about the current state of two friends marriage emerged last weekend.

This first comment is about how acrimonious a relationship can become when it goes bad. A couple in Cambodia, Moeun Rim and his wife, Nhanh, have been married for over 40 yrs, but after what can only imagine was the mother of all rows they split up.

Despite attempts to make them see sense by the local villagers they were adamant that was it was over and they split everything ........ including the house itself.

And the reason for this apparently mad approach to splitting the property? Lawyers and inept courts have made the actual costs, and length of time to settle Divorce cases in Cambodia, too much for normal people, so increasingly they just 'informally' divorce.

However there is a further 'health warning' to this kind of thing ... A local lawyer told said that dividing a property was legal if both parties had agreed to it - but that it did not mean the pair were legally divorced. "If in the future they have any disagreements, the provincial chief will not be responsible, as there had not been a judgment from the court."

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