
Saturday 25 October 2008

Charity Worker killed for being "Christian"

Finally, a short acknowledgement of the murder by Muslims of a 'Christian' (in every sense of the word) woman in Afghanistan. She was an aid worker trying to alleviate poverty for disabled people in a Muslim land (Muslims charities often seem to just build more Saudi sponsored Mosques), and her crime was "being a Christian".

What a sad way to end a largely blameless and selfless life, Gayle Williams, 34, was living in a nasty place, doing work that Muslims often won't do, and yet the Taliban felt was the enemy of Islam, and should die ... She asked to be buried in Kabul even though she is aware that the graves will be despoiled when the UK and US (aka NATO) leaves.

Sooner or later, someone in the Western Governments is going to get it, and realise that we are feeding, clothing and arming the mortal enemies of everything we consider 'civilised' ....

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