Friday 24 April 2015

The Story of Oh!

Whoever said that the law was divorced from the rest of us, obviously wasn't aware of the power of the Internet.

For in a modern day parallel to the mythical 'Judgement of Paris' in the UK, three judges have been sacked, and one resigned, for viewing ladies beauty in all its diversity i.e. by viewing pornographic material via their official IT accounts, this according to the Judicial Conduct Investigations Office.

Lady Justice In Gold Bikini Holding Scales Of Justice
Lady Justice Can Be Sexy

Oddly its not any question of morality that was their downfall, just a question of misconduct and the misuse of judicial IT accounts paid for by the taxpayer.

So just a story of "Oh .... what did they do!"

Dreadlock Holiday

It comes to something when a mans crowning glory can be stolen .... but that's the case in South Africa, where men, ahem, have to beware the dreaded 'Dreadlock' thieves.

Yes, apparently many South African men want the dreads look, but don't want to have to grow them, and so thieves are meeting the demand, by stealing them. False hair is common in African communities, but was largely the preserve of the ladies, and that's where the hair piece market was aimed  .... so now to meet the demand, there is a black market for male dreads.

Police Are Looking For A Bald Suspect .....

Post Tesco World

I recall that when Tesco was at its height and in its pomp, new stores whether mini or Super were greeted by howls of protests by 'locals' (usually bused in from the nearest left wing or anarchist anti-capitalist grouping), who apparently wanted to carry on paying premium prices to shop on the high street.

No parking, five or six different stores, less variety (try getting a mango in the local green grocers), and every chance that you won't be able to catch them open until the following weekend if you worked.

But apparently this was what locals 'really wanted' .....

These Are Happy Now?

When Enough Is Enough

I want to know when 'illegal immigrants', trying to enter Europe, by spending thousands of dollars to smugglers (aka 'People Traffickers'), and then crossing over or through many safe countries in the process to specifically seek asylum in the rich western countries, became 'migrants' in BBC newspeak? 

Illegals Or Migrants .... They Are Not Heading To Paradise
Illegals Or Migrants .... They Are Not Heading To Paradise
It makes then sound like degree educated families moving to add value to our cultures and who just forgot their passports .... when in fact that they are overwhelmingly not that at all .... the vast majority are young African and Arab males, poorly educated and with no reasonable prospect of employment.  Any visit to Spain, Italy and Greece will show you how these men end up.

Friday 17 April 2015

Food Of The Gods

With elections in the air, and the UK about to vote for its own Benevolent (Elected) Dictator, the question that popped into my mind was what do dictators like to eat? Well normally who cares, but as we have dealt with their pets it seems a suitable to finish off on their eating habits .... a recent book 'Dictators' Dinners: A Bad Taste Guide to Entertaining Tyrants' has divulged the tyrants choice of meals.

Food Of The Gods - Now That's A Chicken Fit For Any Dictators Table
Now That's A Chicken Fit For Any Dictators Table
Interestingly, as most modern dictators (of the peoples revolutionary kind), were of peasant stock, their food choices often reflected this (a bit like me with my love of Beans on Toast!). 
  • Antonio Salazar of Portugal, loved sardines (that dish reminded him of his impoverished childhood, when he had even had to share one between him and a sibling).

Addicted To Fame

I guess it had to come sooner or later. ... Madonna has officially turned into an old slapper.
Madonna And Britney Give New Meaning to "Deep Throat" Give New Meaning to "Deep Throat"
New Meaning to "Deep Throat"

She's 56 if she's a day, and she still dresses like a teenager .... although the boy George meets Alvin Martin look is so 80's. But nowadays the frills and flounces are more likely an attempt to try and cover her scrawny neck, and veined arms. They always say that plastic fantastic can't undo the ravages of time around the neck (well it can a bit), and knees.

Conquistadors Carbon Conquest

Who would have thought it .....

The Moment When CO2 Levels First Dropped
The Moment When CO2 Levels First Dropped .....
..... but the latest theory on the causes of global warming is that the Conquistadors in South America were the cause.

No Fairy Cake

We discussed before an increase in attacks by minority interest groups on those who don't conform to the new ideology on such matters as 'Gay Rights', 'Race' or 'Gender' issues, and any other such matters that certain groups consider to be 'their rights'.

Gay Cake
They Found Another Cake Maker ...
So we saw both the chairman of Mozilla, and the chairman of the Premier League, hounded by the mob, in what increasingly looks like a deliberate and long campaign of intimidation of anyone brave enough to stick up two fingers to the madness of the forced conformity of views that this fascism will inevitably lead to. Oddly, the group who advocate the killing homosexuals, locking women in the home, or genital mutilation to deny women's sexuality, are not attacked in this manner ... mainly because the protesters are terrified of the reaction of the bearded madmen, who come streaming out of their strongholds at the drop of a hat, threatening immediate violence to any luvvies who stand in their way. 

Friday 10 April 2015

Man Of The People

Ed Miliband is about as working class as Tony Blair was ..... and maybe even less so, which is saying something ..... this is a problem which his minders and PR guru's are forever trying to counter. So for example, on the 25th of May 2014, just prior to the Euro elections, they staged a 'photo op' at Covent Market in London.

The 'visit' was staged to promote Mr Miliband’s then pledge to help small firms by cutting rates and reforming the banks (how wasn't actually specified, as usual ... but hey, why let substance interfere with style). So obviously as well as buying fresh cut 'flowers' at 06:30 am (like we all do), he also wanted to be seen as just an 'ordinary bloke', representing 'Doncaster North', and who just happened to be stopping by for a mug of tea and a breakfast bite, in a local 'greasy spoon' cafe. I know, no don't laugh, this is what happens when you parachute Labour Party apparatchiks in to safe seats in the North, and elbow local men and women aside ... remember Peter 'mandy' Mandelson, being given a seat in Hartlepool (Its called local democracy, Labour style).

Obviously, as child from Primrose Hill, north London, and educated in Corpus Christi College, Oxford, he has nothing whatsoever in common with the general residents of Doncaster North, including it seems his eating habits. Still someone in his entourage decided that a 'bacon butty' was the perfect image to give to the press .... working class fodder vote winner if ever there was one (well ignoring those who shun pork).

Why Do All Labour Leaders Now Look Like Frankie Howard?

Tarred By The Same Brush

The issue of whether the Liberal Democrats really are the 'decent people' as they recently claimed while they attacked the "bitter tribalism" of British politics, has always struck me as a strange claim, just as they say that they stand for "a different kind of politics".

And while we are on the subject of "bitter tribalism" ... the Liberal Democrats at their recent conference apparently said that they would borrow less than Labour, and cut less than the Tories, which is a tribal sort of claim. Mr Clegg also said that they will not set out "red lines" in the event of a hung Parliament, but said "people do have a right to know what our priorities are" .... meaning that he is going to play tribal politics, to try and get another five years of shared power for his party.

The party leader, also said that only he of the three main parties leaders, had taken on Nigel Farage the UKIP leader in a debate, because "someone has to stand up for the liberal Britain in which we and millions of decent, reasonable people believe". There we go again, that claim to represent the 'millions of decent, reasonable people' ... as though voters for the Tories, Labour, Green or UKIP parties, are somehow not quite the 'decent, reasonable people', that the Liberal voters are.

Just Saying It, Don't Make It True

School Kid Voters

Ed Milliband wants 16-year old's to be able to vote in elections by 2016 ..... this cunning ploy, which was also adopted by the Scottish National Party as part of the Independence referendum, is the sort of sleazy politics which we have become all to accustomed to in the current atmosphere.

The Labour Party face a very tough time in Scotland, from a powerful, nay triumphalist SNP, and may well lose most of its chances of Westminster power there, without entering into a Westminster 'arrangement' with them (or the offer of another referendum). So this little electoral stunt is designed to ensure that in any future election after 2016 (and there is a good chance that a hung Westminster Parliament could result in some sort of weak Liberal / Labour coalition, and therefore another election within 18 months), the Labour Party can harvest the semi-politically literate teen voters in urban areas.

Of course the Liberal party have also often debated this kind of idea themselves, and for much the same reasons, so they would probably favour it ..... but its the Labour Party who could actually deliver it. To be fair, Milliband has also launched a campaign to get students to register for votes, but possibly for the wrong reasons, as he is desperate to try and garner the 'youth' vote ... probably as he feels only they are daft enough to cast a vote for him ...

Ed Milliband Wooing Teen Voters .... Not

Electionitis Vaccination

How many Angels can dance on the head of a pin?

Angels Dance On The Head Of A Pin
"We Don't Dance On The Head Of A Pin Unless We Are Really Drunk!"

That was the the sort of unanswerable question that medieval theologians used to ask students, although in point of fact there is actually no surviving example of the question ever being written in that form.

Friday 3 April 2015

You Can't Cure Stupid

There is a woman in the USA who is slowly bankrupting herself in order to send money to her Italian 'lover', whom she met on the Internet 18 months ago, when as she describes it 'An attractive person came on there and said "wow you look like you wouldn't hurt a fly". I said "wow this guy's really handsome, I can't believe he's talking to me!", and the pair have spoken for hours over the phone every day ever since.

Scam Victim - 'Sarah' On Dr Phil's TV Show
'Sarah' on Dr Phil's TV Show

.... well we (and possibly millions looking at you), can't believe it either Sarah.

Ten More Years

There is an election campaign going on in the UK (Duh). 

Tony Blair Terminated His Rule - 10 More Years Was Not The Cry
10 More Years Was Not The Cry
In many respects its the most important election since ... well, since the last one. And that's the trouble, because of the inherent short-termism of UK politics (indeed of all democratic politics), no national consensus decisions can be made for the long term good of the UK.

Saudi Dilemma

When the Yemeni capital Sanaa fell under the control of a militant movement called the Houthis .... 
The World According To Riyadh
The World According To Riyadh ....
..... who are followers of the Zaydi branch of Shia Islam, a hardline Iranian MP was widely quoted in the  Sunni Arabic media as having boasted that Iran now 'controlled four Arab capitals' - 'Beirut' (Lebanon), 'Damascus' (Syria), 'Baghdad' (Iraq) and 'Sanaa' (Yemen) ... plus of course their own Shia Persian capital 'Tehran'.

Twits At War

Simon Danczuk became the Labour MP for the town of Rochdale after he unseated the Liberals in 2010, and in his posed portraits, he often seems to jutting his chin out in a Churchillian manner, possibly more in hope than expectation of matching that man's career. Rochdale has recently been in the news for being one of those towns, where large numbers of Muslim males (of Pakistani heritage, as the media like to describe it), groomed, drugged and raped dozens (and possibly hundreds, evidence is still coming to light), of non Muslim, mainly white girls, many of whom were in council care or supervision.

To his credit Mr Danczuk exposed what a scum-bag the late Liberal MP for Rochdale, Cyril Smith was, who also coincidentally groomed and raped youngster, this time boys ... but he has maybe been far less vocal on the subject of Pakistani men grooming and raping white girls in his town, although he might disagree with that idea. The constituency is 19% Muslim, and the seat is marginal ..... Mr Danczuk has been photographed at various events in the run up to the forthcoming election .... many have been with Pakistani heritage community leaders, and one of these photo ops was at the raising of the Pakistani flag over the Town hall in Rochdale, which he Twittered to the world.

The Tweet That Started The Tiff