Pretty soon we will get a last chance to decide whether to break away from the bear like hug of the European Union or finally fully accept the ever closer union. I say last, because the Tories will never offer another referendum, and the Labour Party would never even have even offered this referendum.
EU Brexit Referendum .... Last Chance To Leave? |
The Labour Party used to be very
'Euro sceptics' in the 1970's, but have since realised what a generally
'Socialist' organisation the EU really is, what with all those federalists, spouting on about
ever closer
The EU, with its unelected Euro-leadership, unbalanced budgets,
corruption, graft and anti-democratic power structure, has made the
Labour Party a real convert, and now it campaigns for the EU, with all
the zeal that only a true believer and convert can muster .... well
apart from its current leader,
Jeremy Corbyn who is still lukewarm about it, having been forced by his new role to publicly adopt a more pro-EU stance.