
Friday 20 September 2024

In The Sh*t

Peoples attachment to their smart phones is well known .... 

Oh Shit!
Oh Shit!

 .... its a feature of the modern worlds telecommunication revolution, that smart phones have become the gateway to the world, friends, jobs, banking and for many, its the only gateway they own (the third world has largely by-passed home PC's and Laptops which are more expensive or weighty, and uses smart-phones and or tablets).

Higher Or Lower Education?

Dr Anthony Butcher of Portsmouth University was lecturing a third year group of palaeontology students ......

You Can See Why It Was Named 'Scrotum Humanum'
You Can See Why It Was Named 'Scrotum Humanum'

on the importance of the worlds first dinosaur fossil using a drawing of the Megalosaurus femur leg bone, named 'Scrotum Humanum' in 1763, after being discovered in Oxfordshire, England in 1676 ....... because of what it looked like.

Shake That Booty

Its not all pom-poms and razzmatazz, in the world of the US cheerleaders ......

Cheerleaders Dancing
Cheerleaders Dancing

..... life can be hard and unfair for these athletic, and often pneumatic girls.

Friday 13 September 2024

Run Robbie Run!

 I have never tried one of those robot vacuum cleaners ....

Robot Cleaner Ran Away
Robot Cleaner Ran Away

... I can't really see how that would get round my overcrowded living room ... to say nothing about the stairs!!

Desperate Measures Usually Fail

As a man who has been caught speeding once myself (by a mobile speed camera ... curses!!) ......

Joseph Talbot of Wayne County
Not Worth Hiding?

I have some (not much, but some), sympathy with Joseph Talbot of Wayne County New York.

Crimes Against Sanity

Is Canada being infected by the Florida bug?

Self Styled Queen of Canada - What Me, A Cult Leader?
Self Styled "Queen of Canada."

I ask this because a country that I always thought of as being the USA's, calm, and thoughtful northern cousin, has increasingly come to my attention for its wacky nutcases .... 

Friday 6 September 2024

There's A Canuck In My Trunk

 During the history of this blog, we have come across some very odd stories and even odder people ....

Ms Bethany Coker - Mechanic And Good Egg
Ms Bethany Coker - Diesal Mechanic And Good Egg.

.... from naked ramblers and naked wood workers, through crimes involving crocodiles and alligators, and even naked Jehovah's witnesses in Canada.

Staged Death Matches

 When I was a lad and TV always seemed to be in Black and White .....

When Wrestling Was King
When Wrestling Was King

...... in other words pre 1969, which is when regular colour TV programmes started broadcasting in the UK (but only if you had a colour TV .... everyone still rented TV's back then, so colour came as rentals became only colour) .... so many people didn't get colour TV until the early 1970s. 

No Sympathy For The Devils

In the 17 years since the SNP took power in Scotland, it has often been accused of making some poor choices in policies .....

SNP Makes Great (But Expensive) Claims
SNP Makes Great (But Expensive) Claims

... this is particularly so with financial matters, where there have been accusations of profligacy, and poor decisions making e.g. implementing a national council tax freeze, which simply put more pressure on local councils (who then asked for more help from the SNP Government .. DUH) ... all while apparently sitting on a mountain of unspent European structural and investment funding totally £450m, that the Scottish Government is now set to hand back to the EU sometime this year.


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Its a Pucking World

Its a Pucking World
Dreamberry Wine Cover

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A middle aged orange male ... So 'un' PC it's not true....