
Friday 25 September 2020

Crocodile Mania

A Russian man who took his pet crocodile with him to the Black Sea beach resort of Anapa was arrested .... No surprise there really.

Crocodiles On A Lead Make For Nervous Owners
Crocodiles On A Lead Make For Nervous
Owners .... As Well As Song And Dancers

The surprise was perhaps that he thought he wouldn't be arrested, after he let children on the beach stroke and pet it.

One has to ask where were their parents when all this happened, or perhaps the crocodile was only a few inches in length? Anyway, after the arrest, the crocodile was given to a local Zoo for safekeeping. 

Guard Croc

Perhaps less surprisingly, in 2018 the St Petersburg Police in Russia were searching the house of a suspect who they believed had stashed weapons, when in the basement they discovered a large purpose built muddy pool of water.

Crocodile In Russian Crooks Cellar
Crocodile In Russian Crooks Cellar ....
A Rather Large Beast (Lake Placid In The Making?)

They got the shock of their lives when rearing out of it was a very large Nile Crocodile. Enquiries with the suspect indicated it had been there since 2005, when it had been considerably smaller. The police asked local vets to find it a new home ... shades of Pablo Escobar’s Zoo and the escaped Hippo's.

Hunted Turns Hunter

The remains of a man who was presumed to be poaching in the Kruger National Park in South Africa, when he was apparently attacked and killed by lions, have been found. A loaded hunting rifle and ammunition were found next to the remains of his body. I say remains, actually they ate most of his body, and just left his head and some bone parts. Not surprisingly he remains unidentified.

Lion bones and other body parts are increasingly sought-after in both Africa and South East Asia (China), where they are sometimes used as a substitute for Tiger bones, in what passes as 'traditional medicine' aka 'magic'. This is because wild tigers have been poached to near extinction in South East Asia.

Foxy Thefts

In the autumn of 2018, Shanklin in the Isle of Wight was the scene of a crime spree. Items of lingerie, shoes, clothing, and even children's toys were going missing from back gardens. Police were baffled by the seemingly random thefts .... eventually the thief was spotted making a swift getaway with a bra

Foxy Thieves Are Not Unknown .... But Their Motives Are.
Foxy Thieves Are Not Unknown .... But Their Motives Are.

.... the perpetrator was tracked down to their den. Why the fox was stealing the items will probably never be known.  

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