
Friday 25 September 2020

Drugged Responses

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" .... Albert Einstein

Insanity Doesn't Stop Bad Decisions
Insanity Doesn't Stop Bad Decisions .....

As this blog has posted on a number of occasions, we need to adopt a completely new approach to tackling the drug crisis in the West.

After global warming, overpopulation, and the seemingly unstoppable societal collapse into a hard-line version of their religion, that the Muslim world is teetering on, the drug crisis is the biggest problem facing the current Western world, as well as one of the most destructive in the poorer nations as well

The USA, despite its declared "War on Drugs" is both the driver of the problem (as the most economically powerful and major drug user market), and a victim of the problem. Ever since President Nixon chose to try and arrest away the problem both at home and abroad, the US has been blighted by drug crime and corruption.

If he had chosen to tackle the big suppliers by limited military police actions or buying and destroying the product at source (such as in the Burma triangle at the time), and use social methods to wean Americans away from usage at home, the outcome might have been different. But since he didn't, the US body politic have found no effective way the address the problem, other than to keep arresting people at home and encouraging governments abroad to do the same.

As a consequence of this spiral of failure in policy, the number of lethal heroin overdoses in the US has nearly tripled in three years, with more than 8,250 people dying every year. The number of those who've overdosed on prescription drugs has also doubled from about 12,000 in 2001, to about 23,000 people dying in 2013, and then carried on increasing.

The Drug Message Can Be Mixed
The Drug Message Can Be Mixed .....

The number of cannabis smokers in the US has also doubled in the 12 years up to 2013, from 4.5% of adults to 9.5 %. Oddly the increase has been attributed to the relaxation of marijuana laws to allow 'medical usage' (aka turning a blind eye to small users), in 23+ states, and of course 4 of the states have gone the whole hog and also allow 'recreational usage'.

However, none of these states have legalised the sale and distribution of marijuana, so in order to get these 'recreational' drugs, many still have to break the law, hence the continuing rise in those convicted of drug offences.

We often think of Mexico as the state most hurt by the ever growing use by US citizens of drugs, but in fact the US is hurting itself almost as much. Time therefore for a rethink, before inevitably the problem overwhelms the US as it has Mexico and Columbia.

Way back in 2011, many of the so called drug supplier states acknowledged that the War on Drugs had failed them and also the US, but here we are in 2020 with the same failed polices, and Mexico on the point of no return.

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