
Friday 18 September 2020

Home Is The Best

According to Drayton, a heating firm that commissioned a poll, the 'perks' of working from home during the Coronavirus pandemic includes amongst other things ....

Pyjamas At Work - A Dream For Many - A Reality Now!
Pyjamas At Work - A Dream For Many - A Reality Now!

 .... being able to wear pyjamas all day if you want to.

Others include not having to make tea for others, and keeping out of office politics.

However those polled admit that there are major distractions such as TV/Radio, Social Media and the Internet, oh, and household chores. Of those questioned, a third have been working in the lounge, a quarter in a home office (the real pro's) ...

Working From Bedroom

.... and just 10 per cent admitted to working in bed (probably the people who don't work hard in the office either).

A few did own up and said they worked in the bathroom (just sack em, its cheaper in the long run!!) .... they all thought that they were as effective as those who went in to work. Hmm .... UK productivity is really going to take a hit if this carries on much longer. 

Bugger The Burglars ....

MHS Homes, a property management company in Kent, have ruled that a communal paddling pool that the residents of a block of flats put up for the children in the shared gardens during the heatwave, must empty it of the 5,000 litres (15,000 gallons of water), of water every night because of Health and Safety concerns.

Small Burglars Beware!!
Small Burglars Beware!!

They told residents that if someone broke in and then somehow clambered in, and drowned they would be responsible. 'We're responsible for everyone' was the statement. The locals views were best summed by the idea that 'if  a burglar can't swim in a three foot paddling pool, then that's their lookout ... maybe they shouldn't be stealing from people'.

Dozy Walkers

A boy of four in Pennsylvania sleepwalked four miles to school in the middle of the night. He then woke up. panicked and called the police for help on the cell phone that he had handily picked up in his somnambulistic state.

My brother once had a similar non waking episode as this, aged about nine, and went and stood outside the newsagents to do his paper round. He didn't have a cell phone in those days, and had to walk back home again after he fully woke up and realised it was only about 4am, only to have to get up two hours later to do his real paper round ..... I laughed, as brothers are wont to do. 😉

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