
Friday 18 September 2020

Multicultural Mistakes

In many Western countries (including the UK), it's hard to argue against the proposition ....

Integrated or Threatening?

.... that we have a major integration issue with some immigrants. Some groups appear to have simply refused to assimilate with Western values in any meaningful way, even when they are second or third generation.

This is especially evident with immigrants from the Indian subcontinent, many of whom continue to hold social and religious views that are commonly accepted on the subcontinent, and indeed elsewhere, but not acceptable over here. I cite as examples, women's positions in society, and LGBT/homosexuality.

Whilst considering this, I was struck by the fact that a Pakistani heritage boy in my old office, who is from at least a second, and possibly a third generation immigrant family, had taken a month off to go to Pakistan to get married to a girl over there, who he has met just once before. No doubt she is also a dangerously close blood relation as well, but that's another story.

She has of course come over here, and possibly her entire family will now qualify to come here as well. So although he is fairly well integrated and speaks fairly good English, she and her family won't be integrated nor language fluent, and they will bring over attitudes that are foreign to European culture, and may even be dangerous to us.

Our laxness in continuing to allow arranged marriages oversea to continue, when there are now millions of eligible young Asians who they could marry over here, has to be a major cause of the failure of so many to integrate into the mainstream of our society. In the past, the lack of easy transportation meant that immigrant groups married internally and soon developed a western version of their society. Waves of Jews emigrated from the pogroms in Russia and Eastern Europe, and now I would defy anyone to say that the majority of the Jewish community in Britain, holds views any different from those in the mainstream of our culture.

In Britain, we seriously need to consider changes to our laws to stop the families of foreign citizens who marry British subjects from also qualifying to come here as 'dependents'. Personally I would also consider a 20 year moratorium on all marriages of UK citizens with people from the Indian subcontinent, simply in order to force those communities to look to local Asians to marry.

Despite its seemingly draconian look, this surely would prove to be a good thing in the long term. It would replicate the social conditions that sped up immigration integration in the past. It would also cut down on unwanted unskilled immigrants to this country, and therefore alleviate poverty levels in the UK, especially within immigrant communities from that area.

Finally, it would also promote women's rights within a very misogynistic group, where girls are often viewed as owned by their male relatives. Who knows, it might even cut down on the religious zealots from that area of the world, who come here and want to kill and maim us.

All I know is that we are in serious danger of our European heritage collapsing, if we carry on allowing unlimited numbers of unskilled and uneducated immigrants, to bypass our immigration rules via arranged marriages.

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