
Friday 25 September 2020

PETA Wool Worrying

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) the animal rights group, are prone to moments of ridiculousness which harms their cause.

The World Record Wool Weight For Unshorn Sheep - 40kg
The World Record Wool Weight For Unshorn Sheep - 40kg

They seem to think that sheep object to being sworn at, and that shearing sheep is some form of sheep cruelty (have they ever seen a sheep that isn't shorn?).

So this may be the reason why PETA director Elisa Allen decided to open her organisation to ridicule, by asking the local parish council of the Dorset village of Wool to change the villages name to .... wait for it .... Vegan Wool.

Cue, mocking laughter.
  • Firstly, the name Wool comes from the old Saxon word Welle (water spring), and had simply been corrupted. 
  • Secondly, is this an indication that PETA is actually a vegan society?

Needless to say, the request was declined.

Its A Doggone Shame

Derek Beal is both blind and partially deaf, and at age 82 he's not so steady on his legs, but he gets about with the help of his guide dog Paddy ... Mr Beal lives alone since his wife died. Then along comes someone rather officious from the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, who decided that golden retriever Paddy was overweight, and being overfed.

They told Mr Beal that he would have the dog temporarily removed until its weight was corrected. Mr Beal had admitted that the dog was a little overweight, but not greatly so, and is vet checked. He was fearful that he can't get out and about without Paddy, who he has had for six years.

The Guide Dogs Association statement was that while it was a "difficult decision to temporarily remove a guide dog" but that it "Sometimes, for various reasons, Guide Dogs is forced to remove a guide dog from its owner’s care. It is not uncommon for the guide dog owner to approach the media if they feel the decision is unfair. We understand that having a guide dog removed is very difficult for an owner, and we go through a long process before we take this decision, which we only make after exhausting all other options." ..... I'll bet Paddy wouldn't agree.

Where Eagles Dare

A man watched as an eagle swooped down, and carried off his sisters pet seven year old dog called 'Zoey', from her back garden in the town of Bowmanston, Pennsylvania USA. His sister posted her loss on her Facebook page, and was certain that she would never see Zoey again.

Pet Zoey Back Safe And Sound
Zoey Back Safe And Sound ...

However, Zoey's destiny was not to emerge out of the back end of an eagle. Four miles away on a snowy back road, a local woman driving along came across a very battered looking dog, limping, covered in icicles, bruised and with large patches of her fur missing.

Thinking it a poor stray, she stopped and picked it up. By chance when she got home she saw the Facebook page detailing Zoey's extraordinary disappearance .... she joined the dots and Zoey was reunited with her relieved owner.

Paws For Thought

Researchers from the University of Liverpool  say that dogs are more likely to bite anxious or neurotic people as they misread this body into potential aggression from these people ... I sometimes get anxious when my taxpayers money is spent proving the bleeding obvious.

Here's one for free, dogs also often get freaked out when someone has an epileptic fit, especially if they don't know the person taken ill. Similarly if you approach a dog with a friendly and encouraging disposition, they are likely respond in a similar manner ... unless its bath time.

Ruling The Roost

A survey of 2,000 respondents has found that more than half of the UK's pet owners prefer spending time with the pet than their partners. A third said that they actually loved their pet more, with 40 per cent saying they gave the pet more attention on a daily basis .... and we wonder why so many relationships breakdown.

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