
Friday 11 September 2020

Winter Woes

In December 2018, a judge told Twitter that they had to give up the identity of the people who had set up a false Twitter accounts that purported to be (or parodied depending upon your view point), the official Wetherspoons brewery/pub chain account.

False Twitter Accounts Can Damage A Business  .... This Was One Of The False Twitter Posts.

The impostor account had tens of thousands of followers, but often posts abusive messages to customers, and gives false news updates e.g. stating that staff wouldn't be wearing remembrance poppies because of Multiculturalism.

However in view of the reluctance of these Internet giants to obey Western courts, but willingness to kowtow to Chinese and Saudi complaints, there will be considerable interest in their response which supposedly must be made by mid January 2019 .... as usual, I can find no follow up on whether the accounts creators were identified..

Wasted Money

January is also the month in which the most unwanted kitchen devices are put in a cupboard for good ... most are Christmas presents that were ill thought out at best. E.g. Spiralisers (WTF are they?), Sushi Mats, Bamboo Steamers and other sundry useless exotic gadgets. The total value of these unused devices at any one time is estimated to be around £11billion in the UK alone .

What Homeland Security?

Marylyn Hartmann, a 66 year old homeless woman has been able to board air planes without tickets in the USA eight times. In her latest such trip in January 2018, she managed to get aboard a British Airways flight from O'Hare International airport to Heathrow airport in London, where she was arrested.

Invisible Women On An Air Planes Is Tricky With Face Mask Rules

One woman reporter remarked that it just went to show how 'invisible' women over 50 are.

Russian Popsicle

A frozen body was found hanging from the roof of a building in Southern Russia. He was believed to be a 26 year old abseiler and when found he had long icicles hanging from his feet. Every winter Russian men disappear, only to reappear every spring as these human popsicles as the snow thaws.

Big Bill

Mary Horomanski from Erie, Pennsylvania, got her annual electricity bill from her provider, stating that she had to pay $284,460,000,000 with a first payment of $28,176 due later in December. The electricity provider later said the actual amount was $284.46. "My eyes just about popped out of my head," she told the Erie Times-News. "We had put up Christmas lights and I wondered if we had put them up wrong."

Cheeky Shopper

Costco in the USA has a no questions asked, any-time return policy (apart from electronic goods). I assume that it works for them as a model, but occasionally it gets caught out. The Costco, in Santa Clara California had to give a full refund to a woman who brought her Christmas tree back on the 4th of January 2018. She gave the reason as 'because it was dead.'  .... you cant argue with that!!

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