
Friday 11 September 2020

Passing The Asylum Buck

In northern France, despite the camps being closed, there are still hundreds and possibly thousands of what the PC driven BBC likes to call 'migrants' ....

Northern France Awash With Illegal Migrants ... UK Bound.

..... but whom most of us would call illegal immigrants, are still gathering to try and enter Britain.

The vast majority are from some of the most Jihadi radicalised areas on earth, or Africans from some of the most poor countries, and each of then if interviewed, would give you some story about why they should be let in to our country. But few if any, would mention an admiration for our history, culture, or liberal values as the reason.

Statistics regularly show that 6 out of 10 of the 'asylum seekers' are simply economic migrants, and are lying when they claim asylum. That figure for false asylum claims may in fact be even higher, as many that we do allow to come in, are later are found to be engaged in criminal behaviour, and to just be continuing their previous criminal behaviours in other lands.

One thing is certain, not many of them ever get decent jobs, because they are simply not equipped to work in a modern society that speaks English. Many of them are ill educated (even by their own countries standards), or even illiterate in their native tongue, and certainly are not able to work in our language. This is in contrast to legal migrants (the BBC have trouble differentiating in news reports between the two groups, but simply its people who apply for visa's before arrival, rather than just washing upon our shores via a shipping container), who typically come here to study or to work, and who are usually relatively highly skilled, or well-educated.

But yet there are people in Britain who would let them all in, or at least the vast majority, despite the dangers these men (and it is mostly men), present to our ever having any social stability in our society. The last estimates of the number of illegal immigrants currently in the UK, gave a rough figure of UK in a range of between 420,000 and 860,000 - although many think its more like a million. Many of these are actually likely to be visa over stayers i.e. they entered legally as legal tourists, or students, but then didn't go home. These groups often find work, whereas those who cross the channel are a different kettle of fish

Recently the French (who for reasons I don't understand, do not have to deal with these people as asylum seekers in France, and can just pass the asylum buck, and let them try and break into Britain - despite the Dublin Regulation), have found that the camps they have set up for these people have been disrupted by extreme acts of violence, as these men try to kill each other in sectarian, ethnic and cultural battles. They closed down some, but they spring up again and again .....

Grande-Synthe - A Burning Advert For The Residents Who Want Entry To UK.

In one these violent camp incidents, the Afghans and Kurds in one camp decided to have a pitched knife battle in the Grande-Synthe camp, near the port of Dunkirk. With 1,500 'migrants' in it, the battle was bloody and left six people with knife wounds  .... Oh, and they burnt down the whole camp. The same camp had already witnessed previous bouts of violence with five men injured in a fight in previous March, and another man was stabbed in November the year before.

These levels of violence have been reflected in other such camps, although not too such dramatic effect. However the fact that they turn to violence so easily, indicates that these are not gentle and desperate political asylum seekers, but violent young men, who will not be any boon to our society, but who will bring the violence of their own cultures to our shores.

I, like many others, are reasonably sanguine about legal migration, which usually attracts economically viable migration into the UK, but think we have to be much harsher in response to violent thuggish men from socially backward cultures, trying to break into our country. The idea that the men who intermittently destroy camps in northern France, could make it to our shores and be allowed to stay, is not one that fills me or many others with much joy. The UN refugee treaties need to revisited as not fit for purposes .... illegal entry into a country should generally be an automatic deportation.

We can't allow the whole system with its good intentions, to be ruined by the new wave of violent men who abuse it.

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