
Friday 2 October 2020

Animals On Parade

These men were convicted and sentenced in December 2019 ... just before our judicial system ground to a halt ....

Animals On Parade ....Ali Sultan, Shafiq Younas, Amjad Hussain and Mohammad Rizwan
Animals On Parade ....Ali Sultan, Shafiq Younas, Amjad Hussain and Mohammad Rizwan

.... to between four and a half, and eight years in prison, for raping and prostituting young teens in Telford the early 2000's.

Ali Sultan, is already serving a sentence of  six years for previous sexual offences, so frankly this further sentence is hardly going to make a difference ..... it may even be a concurrent sentence, and so not add any real time to his present prison term. With automatic 50 per cent sentence reductions, one of  these animals will be out parading on the streets as early 2021.

We have seem to have completely lost our moral compass.
  • Firstly, the sentences for offences against minors and children should be far far higher.
  • Secondly, there is without doubt a racial element in these child abuse cases. In all these cases around 99.9 percent of the victims are white, and 99.9 per cent of the perpetrators are Asian Pakistani descent men.

But for some reason the sentences being handed down for multiple offences are habitually low, and almost criminally the racial aspects of these crimes are completely ignored.

The good old PC driven BBC, usually can't even bring itself to mention the fact that they Pakistani descent men i.e. Muslim, and only occasionally describes them as 'Asian', thus unfairly tarring all Hindu, Christian and Buddhist Asians as well. The majority of the men convicted have been employed in restaurants as waiters, or as fast food delivery men, or as taxi drivers in town centres.

These offences now even have one of those neat little PC driven acronyms so beloved of the authority mind, CSE (Child Sexual Exploitation), to neatly cover what is actually possibly a number of serious criminal offences:
  • Paedophilia.
  • Rape.
  • Kidnap.
  • Drugging.
  • Torture.
  • Human Trafficking.

The Sunday Mirror newspaper has claimed that up to 1,000 girls have been abused by gangs in the town of Telford alone since the 1980's, and its reported that many locals fear that its still going on in the area, as well as elsewhere nationally. 

Child Abuse Figures - Tip Of The Iceberg
Tip Of The Iceberg

Its a scandal and an eternal shame on the record of some councils (Telford, Rotherham, Rochdale etc), that the rumours of what was, and is possibly still going on, were ignored for so long (almost certainly because it involved Pakistani descent Asian males - its racist to investigate them innit?). Its also a national shame on the UK legal system, that the sentences now being handed out to men who have committed a number of offences, are so low (in the US these men would be facing life sentences, as they would be sentenced for each crime committed) .... its also a fact that many, many more 'Asian' men were involved, as most of the girls reported that they were trafficked almost wholly inside that community, and the girls have usually indicated that they were trafficked to unknown men, who have never been arrested.

We need a national action plan to ensure that every town in the UK is checked to confirm if there is any CSE activity being carried out amongst any community, and for the government to increase the sentences for this sort of crime three fold, making it mandatory.

There is something very rotten inside the system that keeps downplaying the scale of this crime, the damage it does to race relations, and its spread nationally.
Update 2022:  Even now the repercussions on the shame that these event brought to our councils and police rumbles on ..... the BBC reporting on yet another girls gang rapes, by "a gang of men, of Pakistani heritage, subjected her to extreme violence and regularly poured petrol over her, threatening to kill her if she disclosed the abuse". This criminal activity was so widespread amongst the "men, of Pakistani heritage" that even the BBC is forced to acknowledge its reality.

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