
Friday 23 October 2020

The Last Broadcast

The final notes we hear just before Gabriel's trumpet sounds ....

Gabriel's Horn Plays The Last Call For Earth
The Last Broadcast? .....

..... and the dead prepare to rise (regardless of whether its a man made event, or at the last judgement itself), may well be a sign off by our TV presenters and Broadcasters ..... that alone is a rather chilling thought ... and what would they play?.

Well when the end comes, if its a human related event, then knowing what to play on that final broadcast has apparently been a consideration for Ted Turners CNN .... a US Army band playing  'Nearer to God are thee' .. apparently, in case your wondering.  This by the way is the same tune that the orchestra played to the doomed passengers of the sinking Titanic.

Which of course begs the question about what the other broadcasters would have lined up for that final trumpet call ...the BBC would probably be stuck with a terrible PC dilemma (in fact the mind boggles as to what bit of Arabic music they would have played out with, so as not offend a particular minority  ...). Whereas ITV would possibly play the soap TV Coronation Street theme tune, in a final ratings war with the BBC.

Abroad, the French would have to be the La Marseillaise, as a final salute to the values of the République Française. The US TV channels generally would either be Christian religious, or possibly the national anthem.

I can't imagine what the others around the world would play out on ....  before they then fade out the image, presumably, to the start of The Rapture, Apocalypse, Giant Comet impact, Nuclear bombardment, or whatever form of coup de grace, fate has in store for our world.

When asked, many of the great British public favoured 'God Save the Queen', which seemed odd to me ... even with the option of Brian May's electric guitar version, not even the Sex Pistols anarchic version.

Other suggestions include my favourite, REM's It's the End of the World as We Know It (and I Feel Fine). An American suggested Porky Pig's sign-off: 'Th-th-that's All, Folks!'" .... which seemed appropriate.

But the possibilities are endless ..... so answers on a postcard please!


  1. No postcard but made me think.

    How about:

    Doomsday Clock - Smashing Pumpkins.

    Waiting for the End of the World - Elvis Costello.

    Armagideon Time - The Clash.

    Earth Died Screaming - Tom Watts.

    The End of the World - The Cure.

    1. All good choices, if only from the titles. I'm sure there are many more. Thanks for the comment, always appreciated.


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