
Friday 16 October 2020

Car Capers And Dumb Asses

Norfolk constabulary stopped a Peugeot 206 in King's Lynn, Norfolk because it was missing a front bumper and a side section, and its tyres were flat.

Car Driven With No Steering Wheel Or Seat
Rust Bucket
But they were stunned when they found it had no steering wheel, with a set of mole grips being used for steering, and the driver using an upturned bucket for a seat.

Checks revealed that the car had not had an MoT (road worthiness licence) test since 2015  ... the police stated that the “Driver will be reported for too many offences to mention.”.... mind you, I recall reading a story about a car driver in Ireland who only drove his car for years in its one working gear, reverse, until he was finally arrested (I thought I had blogged it, but sadly I can't find it now, if I ever did read it) .... 
The Long Reverse Drive Through North America
The Long Reverse ....

But others have tried the trick, and for much the same reasons ....  

Proud Loud And In Indian 'Ingleesh' "Champian!"
Proud Loud And In Indian Ingleesh "Champian!"

.... However there was an Indian driver who regularly drove in reverse.

Harpreet Devi, in India, who was reversing along India's roads since in 2003 when his car got stuck in reverse gear He insisted he feels safer driving backwards than forwards .... He eventually fixed his car, but he was so used to driving it backwards that he had three more reverse gears fitted and regularly drove this specially modified Fiat at speeds of up to 50mph.

Dumber than Dumb

Once again the minor criminal classes demonstrated how thick most of them are .... a 26 year old American woman who was on trial for drug charges, turned up to court in Long Island, New York, parked her car is an spot reserved for the local police chief and proceeded to light up a marijuana joint, while she waited for her trial to commence.  She was arrested and given her second drugs possession summons.

She has a kindred spirit in the form of an Australian 23 year old male, who turned up for a bail hearing at Rockhampton police station in Queensland, with his car loaded with drugs and weapons.

Jake Kevin Watts - Another Dumbo
Another Dumbo

Jake Kevin Watts was caught with methamphetamines, seven knuckle dusters (really?), two guns with loaded magazines .... to top it all he was disqualified from driving at the time (which is what brought him the initial police attention) ... he got a two year prison term. He was also disqualified from driving for another two years, and was disqualified from holding a firearms licence on application from the prosecution.

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