
Friday 23 October 2020

A Real Pain

So here we are again ......

Abbey Road Under Covid-19 Lock-down
Abbey Road Under Covid-19 Lock-down ....

Half the country in ĺock-down, aka tier 3, or in the case of Greater Manchester, apparently being allowed to ignore the governments instructions while the Mayor argues about it.

Meanwhile the rest of the country (mostly in the South), watches with nervous anticipation of the same fate befalling them.

Where we are going with this I don't know, because it's increasingly obvious that our political leaders sure don't know either. It all looks increasingly panic stricken, and as Einstein once said, insanity was defined as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" .... so maybe we are officially mad!

Thousands of medical experts and members of the public recently signed the Great Barrington Declaration, calling for a change of government policy worldwide. For civil protection measures to now be focused on the vulnerable, while healthy people get on with their lives and society to reopen.

The proposer of the policy change say that the unseen collateral damage of the current protection policies, is far far greater than any damage the virus could cause. That this policy of lock-downs is having a devastating impact on the physical and mental health of societies, as well as the economic and social impacts. That these impacts cause "irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed".

I have already suggested this type of alternative policy months ago, but it is just not on any western governments agenda ... and indeed there has been a considerable backlash against its proposals by other experts, but one can't help thinking that at some point this may well be adopted as public policy if the virus can't be substantially suppressed by these lock-down approaches.

But whatever, I am confident that we can't carry on as we are, because its simply not sustainable, and either there will be an economic collapse, or outbreaks mass disobedience if we try to keep locking down an increasingly restless society. In the UK we are already seeing local politicians arguing against lock-downs, and this is probably the last time the government will be able to get a free run at implementing lock-downs on a regional basis. Its not helped by the knowledge that the instigators of our woes are profiting mightily, while we struggle.

In the meantime I, with millions of others, find myself once again locked out of real life for an unknown period of time, with no release in sight. We live in very very strange times.

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