With the ever continuing rise in ethnic on ethnic murders (notwithstanding the BLM protests, which are aimed entirely at the wrong issues) ...,
.... especially in London, where it seems to be linked to postcode gangs (just like the USA's gangs in fact) .... there is the ever more prevalent use of knives and bladed weapons in the attacks.
Knife crime has risen annually across the UK since 2014, and in London it has been increasing by nearly double the national rate. Increasingly the victims are young school age teens.
Now you might be inclined to think that the majority of teens caught carrying knives are in gangs .... but according to the police, most of those caught carrying bladed weapons have no links to gangs (at least nationally, and possibly in London as well), with the police estimated figure of 75 per cent having no gang connections.
You also might think that those carrying knifes etc, are doing so to threaten or hurt others, but no, according to research, the main reason why teens carry blades, is fear. They fear being attacked by gangs, or someone wielding a blade, and that they will then be defenceless .... the knifes are actually to waive about and try and deter attacks on the teens.
However, that intention doesn't stop the carnage in which teen deaths are invariably caused by bladed weapons. When I was a teen and indeed a young man, fights between males, were as a rule, one on one with fists and usually over in minutes .... but even then, it was different if it was afro-Caribbean teens involved. In which case it was usually a gang attack on a single victim (that was the reality of life in some areas of South Manchester in the 1970's) ... the situation has only got worse in the following decades, and now, I doubt that there are many mono on mono male fights involving anyone over the age of 13 these days outside of a school yard.
And its this gang/pack mentality that drives the carrying of knives. If you get attacked, its more than likely going to be a gang doing the attack, or at the minimum two to one odds. So its not unnatural that its fear that drives the craze of knife carrying.
How do we tackle this? Well the only way is to stop the teens fearing gang attacks. Reintroduce the legal concept of joint enterprise criminality, whereby they are all responsible for the attacks, injuries and deaths. Then introduce minimum sentences that judges can't deviate from, of at least 8 years for displaying or threatening with a knife. At least 5 years for any gang attack (regardless of weapons), and a minimum 10 years if a knife is used in a criminal attack. Any stabbings resulting in death in gang attacks, should result in a minimum sentence of 20 years, and a strait 30 year sentence for a deliberate murder with a bladed weapon.
We simply have to make it clear to teens and young males, that this is a case where crime really doesn't pay, and that gangs and the culture of gangs are bad news, not some way of getting 'respect'.
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Looks Like My Kitchen Drawers ..... Not Joking! |
.... especially in London, where it seems to be linked to postcode gangs (just like the USA's gangs in fact) .... there is the ever more prevalent use of knives and bladed weapons in the attacks.
Knife crime has risen annually across the UK since 2014, and in London it has been increasing by nearly double the national rate. Increasingly the victims are young school age teens.
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Total Knife Crimes |
Now you might be inclined to think that the majority of teens caught carrying knives are in gangs .... but according to the police, most of those caught carrying bladed weapons have no links to gangs (at least nationally, and possibly in London as well), with the police estimated figure of 75 per cent having no gang connections.
You also might think that those carrying knifes etc, are doing so to threaten or hurt others, but no, according to research, the main reason why teens carry blades, is fear. They fear being attacked by gangs, or someone wielding a blade, and that they will then be defenceless .... the knifes are actually to waive about and try and deter attacks on the teens.
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BBC Chart on Teenage Knife Killings .... |
However, that intention doesn't stop the carnage in which teen deaths are invariably caused by bladed weapons. When I was a teen and indeed a young man, fights between males, were as a rule, one on one with fists and usually over in minutes .... but even then, it was different if it was afro-Caribbean teens involved. In which case it was usually a gang attack on a single victim (that was the reality of life in some areas of South Manchester in the 1970's) ... the situation has only got worse in the following decades, and now, I doubt that there are many mono on mono male fights involving anyone over the age of 13 these days outside of a school yard.
And its this gang/pack mentality that drives the carrying of knives. If you get attacked, its more than likely going to be a gang doing the attack, or at the minimum two to one odds. So its not unnatural that its fear that drives the craze of knife carrying.
How do we tackle this? Well the only way is to stop the teens fearing gang attacks. Reintroduce the legal concept of joint enterprise criminality, whereby they are all responsible for the attacks, injuries and deaths. Then introduce minimum sentences that judges can't deviate from, of at least 8 years for displaying or threatening with a knife. At least 5 years for any gang attack (regardless of weapons), and a minimum 10 years if a knife is used in a criminal attack. Any stabbings resulting in death in gang attacks, should result in a minimum sentence of 20 years, and a strait 30 year sentence for a deliberate murder with a bladed weapon.
We simply have to make it clear to teens and young males, that this is a case where crime really doesn't pay, and that gangs and the culture of gangs are bad news, not some way of getting 'respect'.
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