
Friday 13 July 2007

Wiping England from History

There was news recently that Roman coins had turned up on a beach in Uist in the Western Isles of Scotland (which was outside the Roman Empire), and the excitement this had caused amongst local Historians and Archaeologists.
Roman Empire Extent
Roman Empire
Personally I don't find the idea so exciting or strange as Roman trade was well beyond the boundaries of the Empire, and coins have been found as far afield as East Africa (Imperial coin found Nairobi), India, Ceylon (The Roman coins are certainly known to have been found in Ceylon, beginning with Emperors Nero and Vespasian), Vietnam and China, so 30 miles away from mainland Britain seems nothing odd.

But then I went to school at a time when British History was taught chronologically from the Stone Age, through Bronze Age, Iron Age, Romans, Dark Ages, 1066 & Normans, 100 yrs war, War of the Roses, Henry the Eighth, Elizabeth 1st, Cromwell, The Restoration, Glorious Revolution , George the third and the Americas, William Pitt & Napoleon, Victoria and the Empire, First World War and finally the Churchill and the Second World War.

Why we can't still teach kids from Primary (Cavemen and Stone Age) through Junior (Bronze Age, Iron Age, Romans, Dark Ages) and into Secondary (1066 onwards), is beyond me. It worked well, it allows for deviations for Scotland and Wales and Northern Ireland at certain points e.g. William Wallace and Robert the Bruce instead of Henry the Eighth and Elizabeth 1st.

Teaching the history of ethnic minorities is a waste of time, is non-cohesive and divisive, and should be a private matter for those kids. The US or France or Germany don't teach the history of Mexico or Turkey for example. Only in the UK has the PC brigade got enough power to force this nonsense. But nowadays most English kids are apparently taught about foreign countries (Pakistan), the history of the EU, and UK history is tacked on, out of context so that they have no idea who or what comes when and where.
How The Left Want The World To Look
How The Left Want The World To Look

And now the ideologues of the PC wing of the Labour Party, have decided that British history teaching should be just abandoned. Now even Churchill is to be dropped from history lessons but (oddly) Pakistani history is being left on the curriculum along with Arabic ..... ah well, which way is Mecca?

To wipe a nation from the map, first you remove its history .... and it appears England is to be definitely to be removed from history. We in England already produce children, who don't know who the Kings and Queens were, can't tell you about the War of the Roses, have no idea about Cromwell & the Commonwealth, or the Glorious Revolution, and in fact know nothing about nothing. Strangely, in Scotland there is no such issue because Scottish history is taught in a traditional manner.... but then English Labour MP's have no say over the Scottish curriculum

Odd that, or maybe not when a (1) Labour Minister once apparently said "that there was no such thing as England" and (2) Liberal leaders apparently agree. Well after another decade of teaching non English history, they may well be proved to be right.

To think that foreign nations may well be teaching about "England", long after it has been wiped from the Map of the British Isles.

(1). Hansard 11/05/1999 pt 27: "I was disappointed to hear the Minister of State and the right hon. Member for Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross (Mr. Maclennan lab) appeared to say that there was no such thing as England, whereas Scotland and Wales were real countries."

(2). Liberal Democrat Leader of Newcastle City Council, Peter Arnold who insisted extraordinarily that there is no such thing as England.

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