
Monday 19 May 2008

The Life and Death of the Working Class

Politicians often say things like "Things can only get better". Usually they are referring to society or the economy when this nonsense is being spouted, but after forty years of Neo-Marxist social policies, they usually keep their mouths shut about the relentless rise of the underclass.

The welfare state was intended to help people get back to work, attain universal education and promote 'equality' of opportunity for the citizens of this "New Jerusalem" after the war. Well maybe for a brief period in the 1950's and early 1960's this looked attainable but by the end of the 1960's this dream had turned sour. Mass non European immigration was on the start of its relentless rise, promoted by the left, against the interests of the white working class whom the left secretly despised for their conservatism and innate lack of internationalism.

The first of the welfare families were developing, for whom not working and living off the back of others was a lifestyle choice and hardcore unemployment was developing for the first time in the UK. By the 1980's any hope of the 'New Jerusalem' in a socialist paradise were all but dead. However all the socialist theorists that further education produced in the 1970's were now driving social policies in the UK so the experiment carried on.

Immigration couldn't be tackled because these failed socialists became the instigators of political correctness and cried "Racist" at anyone objecting to two million Pakistanis arriving on these shores, demanding houses and welfare benefits.

The single parent explosion in the UK was so great, that we now have more bastards (Children born out of wedlock) than at any other time in our history, and the rise is similar in other European countries. In Europe, figures range from 3% in Cyprus to 55% in Estonia. In Britain the rate is 42% (2004). The European average of 31.6% but historically in the 20th century the UK illegitimacy rate has risen from 4.0% (one in every 20 births) to over 40% (one in every 2.5 births) today

This fulfilled the anti marriage agenda of some on the left, who had been much influenced by the 'free love' movement, which saw marriage as bondage for women (men usually say that when trying for free sex).

And linked to all of this is the rise of the "underclass". A feckless, uneducated, anti immigrant, anti culture, criminally inclined, mass of white lumpen proletariat, who represent what's left of the traditional 'working class' that socialists thought could be led into a socialist paradise (with suitable leaders of course!).

We now live with the consequences of this social experiment .... drunken city centres and streets, gangs of feral boys who hunt in packs, TV shows obsessed with the lowest common denominator and instant talentless 'celebrity', whole council estates where no one works, fourth generation single parents with great grandmothers aged little more than fifty (no grand fathers of course as this is a matriarchal society).

Wherever we are heading, it looks as though the Marxists managed to bring down our society in the end by promoting social policies that destroyed the social cohesion of the UK, and left the very idea of a working class as laughable, being maintained only by rich socialists such as Billy Bragg .... who usually live as far away from the "working class" as they can manage (e.g a village in Dorset), whilst singing anthems to working class solidarity.

1 comment:

  1. Best Not Leave A Name12 June 2013 at 13:19

    Have to agree with everyword. Saturday night in any city centre in England displays the full range of the "feckless, uneducated, anti immigrant, anti culture, criminally inclined, mass of white lumpen proletariat" to their best.


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