
Friday 26 December 2008

Happy Christmas?

I didn't blog on Christmas Day as I was too busy cooking (for one.... sigh), but I have looked at the news this morning, and sadly the world still spins...... 

Guns And Santa Costume
Guns And Santa Costume

and the inhumanity of mankind still shines out .....

Firstly: in the US, Bruce Jeffrey Pardo dressed himself as Santa Claus, and then murdered at least eight people (possibly several more), before killing himself. The US will one day have to bring in some real gun control, if it ever wants to stop these multiple killing sprees.

Secondly: in the Middle East, the Hamas group in Gaza have ended the ceasefire with Israel and immediately launched rocket attacks thus provoking threats of retaliation by Israel .... madness as usual in the name of Allah. How does this help the people of Gaza? ........ It doesn't.

While in Africa, the coup season has got an early start, even for that benighted continent, with the news that there was an army coup, provoking fears of a regional war .... nothing new here then.

Then in Asia, Japan has officially gone into recession, thus sparking fears that it will go into deflation again. It always strikes me that Japans muscle as the second largest economy is wasted on them, they do nothing to drive the world economy, but seem to presage depressions when they stop buying their own goods. They refuse to use domestic consumption to inflate the economy and therefore every sneeze in the US, is the flu for Japan.

Also in Europe, the Catholic Church seems to have succumbed to the Islamification of the continent by including mosques in church nativity scenes (despite the minor fact that Islam only appeared 600 years after the Christ was a born) ..... we await the day when Imams praise Christ as even an equal to their role model.

And finally, Islams love of womankind is well known ..... locked up in their homes, banned from working, banned from voting, child brides, beaten in the streets, criminalised for minor things such as driving a car, killed for being raped, and now, killed for going to schools ...... 

.... Yes our friends, the ever popular Taliban (Afghan version, as opposed to the Pakistani or Saudi versions), have announced that they will kill all girl children sent to schools. Why the West is so sanguine about what Islam truly means is beyond me, the evidence is in front of our faces every single day.

So the world turned for 24 hours, and got just a little darker ...... Merry Christmas dear readers.


  1. A darker world indeed.

    Merry Christmas to you good sir and keep up the fabulous commentary!

  2. Many Thanks BT ..... keep on truckin mate!


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