
Friday 11 October 2024

Mad Monks

The 5G is evil conspiracy madness is far more easily spread than the toll out of 5G itself ......

Two Capuchin Monks Burning 5G Mobile Masts
Two Capuchin Monks Burning 5G Mobile Masts

..... I mean have you got a regular 5G service? I certainly haven't.

But that doesn't excuse the tinfoil helmet brigades illogical and technically illiterate nonsense from spreading amongst the gullible and plain thick in the general population. As we have discussed before many of these people are in fact suffering from mental health issues, but can cause great damage. 

Personally I believe that many of our societies ills are increasingly the result of unregulated social media allowing idiots a platform in which to become a sounding board for others of a similar ilk.

However, that doesn't explain the two Catholic monks who were arrested in the Rhone region of Southern France in September 2021, for trying to burn down a 5G mobile phone mast. These two men were both monks from a Capuchin monastery nearby and had participated in an earlier but unsuccessful attack on the same mast the previous night.

The two were charged with damage and attempted damage with an incendiary device. When asked to explain their actions they said that they wanted to "warn the population against the harmful effects of 5G, and to act for the well-being of humanity" ..... in other words the same stupid crap as the other nut cases. But somehow I expected more from the Catholic clergy .... what is the world coming to?

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