
Friday 26 November 2021

Corbyn Cockup

When ex-Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn resigned after his election defeat, and his subsequent expulsion from the party over anti-Semitism rows .....

Some Families Are Drawn To Megaphones
Some Families Are Drawn To Megaphones ...

 .... you might have been forgiven for thinking that he would gradually disappear from view, and we would be spared his name for a while.

But then you forget that he has a brother, Piers Corbyn, who to say the least is as firm in his views as Jeremy is. Piers Corbyn is a very active campaigner for various causes: such as not vaccinating against Covid-19, in which he has promoted an odd conspiracy theory, which is that Bill Gates the Microsoft founder, has somehow manufactured the coronavirus pandemic, in order to depopulate the world with a vaccine that causes infertility. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2019, he has attended various public protests, and campaigned against lockdowns, and against the government vaccination campaigns, describing the vaccines as dangerous. 

He has also rejected the notion of human created climate change, and on the 25th of September 2021 he even heckled a climate change event being spoken to by his brother Jeremy. He interrupted the hard left climate justice event, after the event’s chair asked for questions from 'women and people of colour,' this was apparently too much for Piers, who believes it is the sun that largely drives changes to the climate. He then intervened by shouting out a question, but the chair of the meeting was heard to say ‘You need to ask yourself what level of entitlement you think you have over this space. You need to sit down and show some goddamn respect.’ .... another man who then started shouting out, was then apparently ejected by stewards .... Piers then accused the event organisers of assault. When asked if he thought he was upsetting his brother Jeremy, he replied: 'I don’t care'. He has also been reported as claiming that the 5G roll-out and coronavirus are linked in some manner at an anti-lock down protest in London's Hyde park. 
Piers Corbyn Has Several Peeves
Piers Corbyn Has Several Peeves
He was also involved in a strange event on the 9th of August 2021, when he was part of an anti-vaxxers protest outside Television Centre in west London, where they apparently thought that the BBC still broadcast their news from .... they tried unsuccessfully to storm it. Piers Corbyn was recorded on one live stream as saying “we’ve got to take over these bastards,” while other individuals on the protest described the media as “the virus,” and criticised the BBC’s coverage of the coronavirus pandemic. While the rest of the crowd chanted “shame on you”. They apparently believe that the BBC's  coverage of the coronavirus pandemic is biased, and promotes vaccination.

Sadly, these idiots showed exactly how lacking in intelligence they really are (and how little facts interfere with their thought processes), because the building was actually vacated by the BBC in 2013, and has since been converted into flats and a private members club. The only broadcast areas still operating there are the three studios on the site, which are rented out for profit (and not used by the BBC). They are currently used by ITV to record programmes such as, Good Morning Britain and This Morning, and at the time of the protest Loose Women ... where the topic being discussed for the show during the protest, was women and the menopause.

Eventually some of the protesters finally understood their mistake, and marched off to picket the  Broadcasting House in central London, where the BBC do actually broadcast programmes. No arrests were made by the police. Piers is one of the candidates running to be the next Mayor of London ... so he may be around for a while yet.

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