
Friday 5 November 2021

Coming Back .... Honest Guv

Now the thing about criminals in prison is that they are dishonest ...

Davad Zukanovic, and Lil Ahmetovic - Honest Crooks?
Davad Zukanovic, and Lil Ahmetovic - Honest Crooks?

..... I mean that's generally why they are is prison, isn't it?

So when two cousins, Davad Zukanovic, and Lil Ahmetovic, broke out of Rome's Rebibbia prison (by scaling a wall using a water hose carelessly left in a courtyard), on the 2nd of June 2020, the prison guards and governor were surprised to find a note in their cell, explaining they had personal reasons for needing to get out .... but promising that they would be right back as soon as they were dealt with, in about 15 days.

The note went on to explain that they felt “the need to protect their children from a nasty business they had got themselves into,” and that only they could make things right as their wives were also both in jail (what a family group they are!!).

Now as the two men were serving sentences for non-violent crimes, including fraud and receiving stolen goods, they were not considered a direct threat to the public, but their crimes should have kept them incarcerated up to 2029. Not unsurprisingly, the Italian police and authorities were somewhat sceptical about the prisoners promise to return, and a manhunt was launched. The two men were finally rearrested in Tuscany on the 17th or 18th of June, the Italian justice ministry reported. 

Now a quick count on my fingers, indicated that the 15 days in the note promise would have been the 17th/18th June, so oddly they had their 15 days to make things right, but whether that is coincidental or not to their recapture I can't say for sure, but it does look suspiciously like that rearrest being 'arranged'. 

Sadly no word on whether they sorted out the 'nasty business' that their kids had got themselves in to.

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