
Friday 4 October 2024

Lizard Lickers

The Indian subcontinent has developed an unenviable reputation for the rape of women and girls .....

Indian Rape - Dalit Women Often The Victims
Indian Rape - Dalit Women Often The Victims

... a reputation that has to also inevitably tarnish the image of the men in that region with respect to controlling their baser urges.

This reputation won't have been helped when four men were arrested in April 2022 for illegally entering the Sahyadri Tiger Reserve in Maharastra, India, with a rifle. The arrests were because they were suspected to be poachers.

However when forest official examined the mens mobile phones for evidence of poaching activities they were disturbed to find evidence of other criminal activities ..... one of the men had filmed all of them taking it in turns to rape a monitor lizard ... yep, a lizard. One commentator asked ironically if it was not the lizards fault for 'not being accompanied by its husband' ... while another asked 'where are the people saying she was wearing revealing clothes and walking alone at night?'

The incident appeared to have occurred at Gothane village in Ratnagiri district and only came to light days after the four accused (who were unnamed), were booked for illegally entering Chandoli National Park, which is part of the animal reserve.

A forest official said that “We have recovered all the related evidence from the accused, and they were granted forest department custody initially but are out on bail now. The four accused have been booked under various sections of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.”

The story was reported on the indiatimes website, and the story also had a link to a story about Ram Naresh, a Mumbai man who had been arrested for sodomising a dog.

What these stories say about the men of that region, and the safety of the women and girls (let alone the wildlife and pets), I'll leave to you to decide.

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