
Friday 5 August 2022

5G Conspiracists

The Internet has been good in many ways ....

The Internet World Is Small
The Internet World Is Small

.... but it allowed the stupid's of the world to congregate in one virtual space, then echo chamber their outlandish or ignorant views and then, self affirmed in their rightness, march forth to spread their madness.

Such is the case with the 5G conspiracists. They are the wack-jobs who believe that the 5G signals are more powerful than those that preceded it (4G and 3G - although there were similar claims made about the 3G rollout), and that therefore (the posters believed) 5G must be dangerous to life, including trees. 

This nonsense was particularly well received by Anti-vaccination communities who were often open to the idea of 5G being harmful and given time, you end up with the Green-party majority council in the town of Glastonbury, England, where they have called for a government enquiry in to the safety of 5G signals. So when these nut jobs start taking violent actions akin to terrorism, it should be no surprise to anyone.

David Patterosn, a 41 year old from Felling, Gateshead, England was a 5G conspiracy believer and decided that his building of a 5G 'bunker' in his families kitchen, using empty food tins, and covering himself in tinfoil, in a bid to make a barrier against harmful 5G 'waves' from the local British Telecom (BT) transmitter, wasn't enough to remove the danger. 

There Goes £150 Grand .....
There Goes £150 Grand .....

So after breaking into the locked BT compound in Wardley Garage, Gateshead, he caused around £150,000 damage when he set the 5G phone mast ablaze in a bid to 'protect' others. He said he was motivated to commit this arson because he believed 5G was 'dangerous' and that he genuinely thought at the time he was 'protecting his family and others from harm'. He had learnt about this danger from information he got off the Internet.

Speaking from the dock in Newcastle Crown Court, Patterson admitted his actions were wrong and said conspiracy theories 'don't apply to me no (sic) more. I am well aware my mind can't take it.' .... the court heard that Mr Patterson has been under the care of mental health services. He was sentenced in October 2021 to 12 months in prison (suspended for two years), and ordered to do 200 hours of unpaid work. He is reported as responding well to treatment for his mental problems by taking his medicine ... Patterson was said to not be in a position to pay compensation to BT who have had to bear the costs.

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