Did You Know ...
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Michael Caine - Not A Lot People Know That |
That women in London have the lowest rates of employment in the country .....and not a lot people know this.
A study by The Institute For Fiscal Studies showed that the capital has gone from the highest female employment rate in the country in 1975, to the joint lowest with Northern Ireland.
The results were attributed to London now having one of the highest rates of ethnic minorities in the UK, and that these women are not likely to work .... our capital is less and less like the rest of the country, and more and more like a bastion of the third world.
It must be a genetic thing - Piers Corbyn (the brother of the former Labour Party leader) ...
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It Takes All Sorts To Make A Family ..... |
..... led an anti-Covid lockdown protest in the town of Glastonbury, where slogans against 5G were also shouted. The town council of Glastonbury in Somerset has also now published a report calling for a government inquiry into the safety of 5G .... it appears that the fruitcakes run the town, or maybe there's something in the air ... wacky baccy?
Talking of Tarts - The delusional desperation of some old western ladies is frankly frightening. Take the case of Iris Jones, aged 80, of Weston-Supermare England, who met a 35 year old Egyptian man on the Internet, and who then struck up a close relationship with him when she flew out to Egypt. They embarked upon a sexual relationship in which the hot sex left Iris "saddlesore" (I don't know if that means it was anal sex, or just an expression).
In the mean time lover Mohammed Ahmed Irbriham said that "the moment I set eyes" on the 80 year old Brit "I knew it was true love". Madly in love Iris was so impressed with her lovers ardour that she went on a national UK TV show (This Morning), to declare it, and said that she planned to return the Egypt to marry him, as he made her "feel like a virgin again" .... more like an idiot again .... another British passport on its way to a third world man with a plan, and apparently a very strong stomach.
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