
Friday 5 August 2022

Woke Entitlement

Harmonie Mulumba from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, was fired from her job with Partners Group (an Investment Company with offices in London and Switzerland) in 2018. 

Anything Can Be Deemed A Micro-Aggression
Anything Can Be Deemed A Micro-Aggression

But as is the way of the world nowadays, she immediately raised a string of complaints about 'wrongful dismissal and racist discrimination,' which eventually would find their way to an employment tribunal in London.

The tribunal heard that while she had been on secondment in Zug Switzerland she has seen a photo of two white male colleagues dressed as Whoopi Goldberg from the film 'Sister Act' on their filing cabinet. This event, and in the multiple other complaints that she lodged with the tribunal, she claimed discriminated against her. But the tribunal decided that in point of fact she had deliberately sought to find 'proof,' in order to back up her discrimination claim and dismissed all her claims.

In a similar vein, Fitzroy Gaynes, a 64 year old personal trainer at Third Space a trendy gym, in Soho London claimed that he was being discriminated against because the music being played at the gym was 'too modern'. He claimed that because he didn't listen to Radio One (The BBC's pop channel) or go clubbing he couldn't follow current music tastes. 

Of course that wasn't his only complaint, he also alleged that he was being bullied, and faced harassment, as well as age, race and sex discrimination - in fact he must have ticked every box on the list, and just hoped that one of them would stick. This after an investigation into his attitude to work resulted in him leaving the gym. The gym had dismissed his claims last year, and a similar claim the year before. The employment tribunal also dismissed the music claim in 2022 ...... how much these false claims cost us tax payers each year must be staggering. Claimants should have to pay all costs if they lose their claims.

Talking of woke, as was to be expected Microsoft have now been infected, and decided that the English language simply isn't good enough anymore. It has added a new inclusiveness checker to its word program (which is part of the Office 365 suite). This can be turned on to check your document for any non inclusive terms based on gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or even 'socio-economic' status. So for example, Mrs Thatcher is suggested as Ms Thatcher, while the famous phrase 'One small step for mankind' is altered to 'one small step for humanity' .... history being rewritten in front of our very eyes!

While some have hailed this addition as a great add-on that helps users overcome their subconscious biases, others might suggest that its simply more insidious PC Newspeak that is rendering the most flexible language in the world incomprehensible. Of course Bill Gates has some previous on this front .... he has funded Equitable Math, an organisation that aims to 'dismantle racism in maths' by emphasising that "White culture shows up in math classrooms when the focus is on getting the 'right' answer" .... Yep, you read that right, you haven't gone mad. So One + One  doesn't have to equal Two (or perhaps Eleven if you chose to read it oddly), but could be thirty three, or thirteen etc in Gates Maths?

They added that "Upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers perpetuates objectivity as well as fear of open conflict" .... gobbledygook PC Newspeak of the highest order, that means precisely nothing. Getting the answer wrong in maths can perpetuate planes crashing out the skies, or nuclear reactors blowing up.

It no wonder that the West is in decline .... we reap what we sow.

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