
Sunday 22 March 2009

What Defines A Nation?

What Defines A Nation? In the past the answer to this question was easy ..... common ethnicity, language, and shared common values would have been the answer. Germans, English, Zulu or Chinese, the answer would have been the same.

Now however, its 'racist' to mention race, or ethnicity. Multiculturalism, with its notion of 'equal cultural values' has put paid to 'common values', and the last leg, 'language' has taken a hammering with the latest revelation that English is not the first language for one in seven primary pupils in the UK, and in some parts of the UK its as high as 30% of the children.

Oddly a champion of English first was a Nottingham Postmaster, who said he will refuse to serve people in his post office if they cannot speak English, because how could he serve people if he did not understand what they were asking for?

Mr Deva Kumarasiri, who moved to England from Sri Lanka 18 years ago, runs the Sneinton Boulevard Post Office. He said "I was born and raised in a different country, my language was different, my religion was different. But when I came to England I obeyed the British way of life, I got into the British way of life. That is what I ask everyone else to do - respect the country where you are working and living."

In kicked the PC brigade when Post Office Counters Ltd said its "branches were open to all customers" and "steps would be taken" to ensure this at the Sneinton store, and this was followed by Afzal Sadif from the Nottingham Racial Equality Council who said Mr Kumarasiri's stance was "unacceptable. This is a public service, the Post Office is there for everybody and we seriously have to look at the stereotypical view he's coming across with. In the long run, I believe, if we're living in Britain, over the course of the years, you have to speak English to get by but you can't force it upon people."

A couple of days later it was announced that Mr Kumarasirii has left his job after he said that local Muslims (gosh what a surprise), had organised a petition against him. "I was forced out by a small minority of people who don't want to integrate into society" he said

So there we are then, the UK is now just a collection of fragmented and mutually incomprehensible racial groups, who share no common values. Oddly if I went to China or Zululand, there would still be the three pillars defining these nations, only in the PC riven West is it 'illegal' to even define your country by language.

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