
Saturday 7 July 2012

Chrome's Commissars

I once asked the question  .....

Well today I got the answer, when once again as a blogger, I opened up to edit a post, only to be greeted by the message

Google Message - Isn't this An Evil Thing?
Isn't this An Evil Thing?
So in the last 12 months or so, Google Bloggers have been expelled from 'Internet Explorer', and now pushed off the worlds best browser, 'FireFox'. All in the name of Google trying to force users to take up their rather over hyped 'Chrome' browser.

This is flatly contrary to Googles informal 'Motto' of "Don't be evil" ....

Of course I will have to use Chrome for editing my blog (for the time being), or risk losing my blog after all these years .... but I can tell the commissars down at Google, that as a result of this communist tactic of forcing people to have no choice, I will never ever use Chrome for browsing or any activity other than blog editing.

Chromes Commissars
Chromes Commissars

So in answer to my original question, I am now forced to declare that

Google Is Evil

........... possibly. It could be that I have to just update FireFox.

Update: Normal service resumed when Firefox patched an update a few days later. As to to content scraping issue mentioned in the comments. I have just lived with it ... that particular scraper has gone.
'Sorry, the blog at has been removed.'


  1. Hey there. I discovered today that all the content on my blog (up until May '12) is being mirrored on another blogger account without my permission. The same person is also doing it with yours. Were you aware of this?

    I'm not sure what to do exactly...

    1. Dude content scraping is an issue for all of us, but the complete theft of sites and claiming credit for it as well is a scum trick .......

      Try the tricks from this site

    2. Hey lads, try this link

      But the best way is to insert a a blovck of html at the bottom of each post page stating that this blog is created by "myblogname" etc (make it a link) and that if you are seeing it elsewhere, its stolen content.

    3. There is a way to turn site feeds off

    4. I don't think there is much that can be down - mark each post with a copyright disclaimer. Try putting a link in the RSS feed or just stop the RSS feeds.

      The Google team are not interested, which is bit ironic as this post is about Google's insensitivity

      See this!topic/adsense/i1RgRkPK2d8

      You can't report plagiarism even when they steal your entire output and claim credit for it ..... my blog has seen over 100 visitors a day drop since it was stolen by some Indonesian, who is presumably using it make AdSense money. Its strange that Google don't care, as ultimately original content will simply dry up, and the ad money with it.

      The best answer I have found is to disable the RSS feed

      It does no harm except for aayone who reasds your feeds that way .... but does lose you some traffic (although not as much as the theft can do).

    5. Thanks for the heads up: After some deliberation I have decided to try a fixed image in the header of the post .... this has no http: reference to my site so hopefully will not be stripped, but clearly indicates the post provenance, hand I have turned feeds back on.

      If this doesn't work, then I will revert back to having text links in the body and RSS feeds off again. I will have to review in a few months to see what happens. I would have emailed you with explanation of this fix, but couldn't see any email link on your sites.

  2. Thanks for all the advice chaps and chappettes. After thinking about it this morning, I have simply disabled the RSS feeds to stop further scraping. I don't see that I can do much about the stolen content if Google don't care. Who knows they may drop it once they realize that for them its a dead blog, but as its was several years worth they will gain search hits on that content.

  3. This guy is having the same issues and suggests some things. He has links to all the places of complaint.

    Top Rank Blog

    He lists the links for:

    Google: Digital Millennium Copyright Act Notification

    Yahoo: Copyright and Intellectual Property Policy

    MSN: About the Digital Millennium Copyright Act Copyright Infringement Form (word doc)

    This may help you ...


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